After listening to fujihara's translation, SATA and Bazhi shook their heads at the same time, shaking like a rattle, jokingly. The effective range of attack is 15 meters. In other words, everything within 15 meters in diameter is within the scope of the explosion. This villa is their money spinner. If you have a shot, you must not destroy it!

It's just that the power of the sniper gun is terrible, isn't it? Generally, the effective range of sniper gun is only five or six meters at most. It is quite terrible to be able to reach ten meters!

Russia's armaments were indeed ahead of the world level. At the thought that Fujiwara could bring back such an important person this time, their hearts were full of energy!

This is really God help me, too!

Next, ye yubai introduced some heavy weapons one by one. In addition to those made in tsarist Russia, there were also some guns from m country. As for all kinds of bullets and shells, there were several boxes. Such a batch of ammunition is enough to arm a team!

When they saw such a powerful and large number of weapons, SATDA and Bazhi were not excited. It was really a great achievement. Originally, they did not have any hope about how much power fujihara could bring back. What they needed was an identity, the identity of the daughter of a leader of Yamaguchi group, but what they didn't think of was Fujiwara JIKO It's really brought them such huge profits!

Lin Changbai didn't look very good. He thought he was just a small role. Even if he could get arms, he was just some obsolete goods. How could he expect to get so many advanced goods!

After the arms market in the North was occupied by Xiao Feng of tianyaomen, the munitions from the north were extremely rare. However, with the support of such a large number of arms, they are more likely to defeat the Fujiwara family!

The Japanese Yamaguchi group has no direct influence on the Japanese government!

There are seven families in the Yamaguchi group, of course, the largest one is the Fujiwara family. At that time, the old ancestor of the Fujiwara family, ergoro fujihara, led his six good brothers to create the Yamaguchi group. These six good brothers are nobuji Noda, Abe beno, Shibata, bazhiyuaner, Qingchuan Muji, Yamamoto, and six very two brothers!

The Yamaguchi group was set up like this with the second elder brother of Fujiwara. Maybe it was luck. Maybe the strength of these two boys at that time was really good. They just made their way in Japan and set up the Yamaguchi group!

Later, the Yamaguchi group grew stronger and stronger. As the youngest brother, the sixth brother and the seventh brother shared the least interests in the group. However, they were not willing to have a conflict with their elder brother, erro Fujiwara, and gradually shifted their focus to business. With the help of the Mafia like Yamaguchi group, their family quickly established their foothold in the Japanese market, and in the later stage of the war, their family also quickly established their foothold in the Japanese market When their three generations of disciples took charge of the family power, the Qingchuan family and the Yamamoto family had become two big families that shocked Japan!

They are attached to the Shankou group, and they are completely independent. They occupy 90% of the shares in the business of Shankou group. They are also the biggest source of income for Shankou group. The status of the two families in Shankou group is more and more important. No matter which leader of Shankou group, they have a good relationship with them!

As for the Noda family, they have opened a new trail. They have directly focused on the government. After years of hard work, the Noda family has finally got a place in the Japanese government. Through the Noda family, Yamaguchi group has been able to influence the Japanese government to a certain extent!

However, it is almost impossible to sell some Japanese official arms to Yamaguchi group through Noda family!

After all, many of the official Japanese military weapons were purchased from m, and few of them were produced in their own country. However, the Noda family was very strong in the Japanese government, but it did not mean that he could do whatever he wanted. On the contrary, in order to make further progress, the Noda family has gradually begun to keep a distance from the major families of Yamaguchi group in recent years. They would not make a general fire Sell it to Shankou group. It's up to you! In this way, if Yamaguchi group wants to develop or obtain more powerful benefits, it can only rely on selling arms from other places!

At that time, the seven families evolved from the seven brothers. Now, the only really astringent and black ones are Fujiwara, sasoda and Bazhi. With Abe Benfu's death, Abe's family has gradually been replaced by fujihara's family!

With the expansion of the strength of the Fujiwara family, taro fujihara's ambition is also growing. He has already made the idea of the SATA family and the Bazhi family, and wants to merge the two families together. By that time, the Fujiwara family has really become the largest family in Japan and has completely controlled the Yamaguchi group!

However, with such a batch of arms, and Lin Changbai, an arms dealer who can continuously deliver arms to them, satada and Bazhi don't have to worry about taro Fujiwara at all!

Now, the biggest reason why Fujiwara dares to attack them is that they can get arms and drugs from South America, especially arms. This is the key to whether they can gain a firm foothold in Yamaguchi group!

Now sasoda and Bazhi family have the source of arms, where are they afraid of Fujiwara?At the thought of this, the smile on two faces could not be covered!

Seeing the smiling faces of the two people, ye Xiao and others also looked at each other with a smile in their eyes. No matter what the purpose of Sakoda and Bazhi called fujihara JIKO back, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that they have successfully gained their trust. As long as they can gain their trust and enter the Yamaguchi group through their channels, they can't operate in the future Here we are!

Because of this large number of weapons, SATA and Bazhi became more intimate with ye yubai. That night, they arranged for ye yubai to go to the four most famous dancers of this hot spring villa. Ye yubai was very happy. However, SATA and Bazhi said on the spot that they would immediately issue a Jiangshan order to the old group leader of Yamaguchi, demanding that fujihara be recognized again The identity of!

First, Fujiwara JIKO will be welcomed back to the Yamaguchi group, and then gradually to challenge taro Fujiwara!

With the two people's commitment, ye Xiao and others naturally put their hearts down. They believe that SATA and Bazhi will not let them down!

When ye Xiao and others moved into the hotspring villa of Sakata, a man in his fifties was quietly lying in the hot spring pool in a villa that was also dissatisfied with hot springs in the middle of Honshu Island in Japan, which was bigger than the hot spring that satada took in in the afternoon.

At this time, the hot spring pool suddenly sounded the sound of rapid footsteps, and then saw a rather handsome young man quickly walked in, came to the old man's side, very respectfully said: "father, I'm back!"

"How's it going?" The old man did not open his eyes, but said faintly.

"Sasoda and Bazhi, the two old men, really welcomed the cheap woman back. They also planned to launch a mountain and river order to the Presbyterian group. It seems that they are determined to fight against their father." The man is very some indignant ground to say, seem to be very dissatisfied with the action of saga and Bazhi.

"Hehe, jiangshanling? Do you really think that relying on the elders who only know how to eat, drink and play can determine the future of Yamaguchi group? Let them make trouble slowly An ironic smile appeared on the corner of the old man's mouth.

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