"Yes, but what are the conditions?" Shangguan Wudao deliberately divulges such information, that is to tell taro Fujiwara that in Japan and Yamaguchi group, there are many people he can cooperate with. He can help you deal with other people, and he can also cooperate with other people to deal with you, so you'd better be more sensible.

"I don't know what I need to do Taro Fujiwara looks the same, he naturally understand that there is no free lunch in the world, the other party to help him kill those people, how can there be no reward at all.

"It's very simple. I need the Japanese government to come forward at the right time and publicly admit its mistakes, and return the fishing island to China!" Shangguan has no way, light said.

"Big little, this..." Taro Fujiwara was in a dilemma. Yamaguchi group could only influence the Japanese government, but it was absolutely impossible to control the Japanese government. Although this incident was brought up by the Noda family, how could it be possible for the Japanese government to publicly admit its mistakes?

"Mr. Fujiwara, I have only one condition. If you can't do it, then I'm sorry, our cooperation may come to an end here!" Waiting for Fujiwara taro to finish, Shangguan Wudao has directly interrupted the way.

And after saying that, the body has already got up, is about to leave!

"Big little, you wait a moment. I promise. Can't I promise?" Seeing that Shangguan Wudao really wants to leave, taro Fujiwara is in a hurry. Now he has been driven to a dead end by SATA and others. Even his favorite son has died. The situation can be said to be changing rapidly. If he loses the help of the other party, he may really be forced to step down by SATA and others.

So I have been working hard for so many years, is it not in vain?

Of course, the conditions put forward by the other party are indeed harsh, but as long as you can completely control the Yamaguchi group after the event, it is not impossible to do so with the influence of Yamaguchi group in Japan.

The big deal is to launch a coup.

Of course, even if there is no way to do it, then everything will be as it should be. Can he still do something about himself?

"Mr. Fujiwara, I know the influence of Yamaguchi group in Japan, so after the success, I don't want any unpleasant things between us. I hope you can understand!" See Fujiwara taro that look, Shangguan Wudao, where do not know what he is thinking, cold at the moment said.

"I understand, I understand!" Taro Fujiwara nodded repeatedly.

"Well, tomorrow, when the sun rises, you will receive the good news you want!" Shangguan has no way to smile. He doesn't mean to sit down. He just turns around and walks outside. Lin Sichao, Chen Tianyu and Zhang Tianbao follow closely.

Seeing that Shangguan Wudao is so confident, taro Fujiwara's heart is trembling. How strong is the strength of the dark moon alliance? Sasoda and Bazhi, the two old foxes, couldn't have been unprepared. Since they were prepared, why did he have such confidence?

At the same time in his heart, taro Fujiwara stood up from the sofa, and with a smile on his face, he sent Shangguan Wudao and others out of his old house.

Taro Fujiwara did not return to his old house until he saw the long black Lincoln which they were riding away. Now there are more than ten hours before the sun rises tomorrow. Can they really kill the four people in such a short time?

Other people will be ignored, but the guy named Aoki Okada is the descendant of master Guangyuan. This is not the existence that can be killed by ordinary assassination. Since he knows what happened today, he must also know that the boy is not easy to deal with. Under such circumstances, he still dares to promise himself that what kind of combat power he has around him?

At this moment, taro Fujiwara was in awe of Shangguan's incorruptibility.

On the lengthened Lincoln where Shangguan Wudao is, Shangguan Wudao is sitting comfortably on the sofa in the back seat. Lin Sichao, Zhang Tianbao and Chen Tianyu are sitting on the edge, each with a cigar in his mouth and smoking dozens of them.

"Tianbao, Tianyu, are you really confident that you can deal with Aoki Okada? I heard that he was the genius son who killed taro Fujiwara with two moves? " He took a mouthful of his cigar, and he spit out several cigarette rings in succession. Then he said.

"Don't worry, big or little, we don't have to live with the master these days. We've read all the materials about taryu Fujiwara. We can be regarded as a good hand, but it's only a good one. Even though Tianbao and I have a big gap between our strength and our master, we only need one move to kill such waste materials A green wood Okada needs two moves. From this we can see that his strength is not very good. At most, he is similar to us. Tianbao and I can definitely kill him if we join hands Chen Tianyu nodded confidently. These days, they have been growing up under the discipline of the fighting God. In fact, they have become the head sandbags of the fighting God. They have been beaten almost all the time.

Before that, they had been complaining that they had not learned anything. They were afraid of the terror of the God of war and did not dare to say anything more. But later, the God of fight asked them to go to a special forces base of the M army to get back something. After they successfully returned, their confidence reached a peak.In that war, they went with the intention of dying. But when they sneaked into the base and got the thing according to the instructions of the God of war, they were found out. At last, they killed more than ten special combat members easily!

The individual combat ability of the members of the M army is one of the top soldiers in the world. Such a master can easily be killed in their hands. Both of them have the capital to be proud of themselves. Only then did they know what their strength had reached, which they had never imagined before.

"Well, Master Wu is in Japan anyway. If something really happens, don't try to be brave. Come back first and ask Master Wu to do it again." See two people so confident, Shangguan Wudao gently nodded.

"Don't worry, young master. This time, master is here to play with us. Unless we find out the whereabouts of Ye Xiao, we don't need him to do it at all." Zhang Tianbao also said carelessly.

"Well!" Shangguan Wudao nodded and didn't say anything more. The whole carriage was full of smoke. However, Lin Sichao had already started to make phone calls and began to arrange personnel. If he wanted to kill several people under the siege of Zuo Tian and others, it was impossible for them to rely on Chen Tianyu and Zhang Tianbao. They had to mobilize other forces. Their main goal was not the one who claimed to be the source of light Aooka in the field?

A day passed quickly. At least 50 black Toyota cars were parked together at the gate of Kobe's Liujia hotel. Several men in black stood quietly on both sides of the gate. At this time, a large group of men in black appeared in the hotel. These men looked solemnly inside and outside the hotel They're surrounded.

Until it was confirmed that there was nothing unusual, one of the leading men picked up the walkie talkie and said a word here. Then he saw satyamu accompanied fujihara JIKO, Bazhi Luoyuan accompanied ye yubai dressed as Lin Changbai, and ye Xiao, incarnated as aomu Okada, walked quietly beside Fujiwara Jizi.

Except ye Xiao, the faces of the others were ruddy. Obviously, they had drunk a lot of wine. Just as they walked down the stone ladder of the gate, the sound of motors suddenly sounded in the street in the distance, and all the pupils contracted at the same time

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