Today, in the main hall of Liujiashan, because Aoki Okada's performance has severely cut the face of Fujiwara, Sakata and others naturally want to have a celebration party. They originally planned to invite other elders. But perhaps it is because of taro Fujiwara's murderous eyes before he left. All the people who don't want to get involved in the struggle are looking for excuses to leave. Sasoda and Bazhi don't care He knows that it's only himself who can tear his face with taro Fujiwara!

Before winning or losing, it's OK for you to ask those people to wave the flag and shout for you. It's absolutely impossible for them to fight directly with you. They don't dare to be careless. After they come out of the hall, the guard forces around them are constantly strengthened. Now, satada and Bazhi have mobilized the elite of the two families in Kobe Over the past, they have sent people to pay close attention to those masters of the Fujiwara and Abe families. Until now, they have not heard of their deployment, but now there is such an unusual sound of motors? What's going on? Did taro Fujiwara arrange other people?

In the tense eyes of all, a huge black Humvee appeared at the end of the street, and without any hesitation, it rushed towards this side at full speed.

"Come on, stop him!" Here almost gathered the best elite of SATA family and Bazhi family in Kobe. Seeing such a sudden situation, some people quickly took out guns and shot at Humvees. Some people closely guarded satada and others, surrounded them tightly.

Since the other side has so blatantly attacked, no one can guarantee whether the sniper is hidden. They can let the two people, including Fujiwara Keiko, suffer any damage.

There were bullets shooting on the Hummer, but there was a jingling sound. It turned out to be a bulletproof Humvee. Not only was the glass bulletproof glass, but also the tires were bullet proof tires. When people were shocked, the Hummer had come to a distance of less than 500 meters from the door, and then a car cover on the top of the Hummer was seen Son slowly rose, but no one paid attention to the raised lid, all of them were scattered by the Hummer's momentum, and satada and others quickly went to hide in the hotel under the cover of bodyguards.

The Humvee also quickly rushed to the door of the hotel, a huge heavy machine gun rose from the roof, and then a giant man grinned and got out of it and pulled the trigger directly.

"Dada dada..." The machine gun spewed out a huge tongue of fire, countless bullets flew, and several people were shot immediately. Blood gushed from their bodies. The crowd that was originally surrounded was torn open. Then the Humvee rushed directly to the front door of the wine shop with stone steps. This posture has the meaning of directly rushing into the hotel.

The scene was full of birds and dogs. Satada's bodyguards could not resist such a huge steel beast. They could only shoot at the mechanism shooter in the car. However, the man was wearing a helmet on his head and was obviously wearing a bullet proof suit. Only his neck would be exposed. The speed of this Humvee was extremely fast. How could they aim at it for a moment 。

And SATA and others retreat faster than the Hummer.

"Boom..." The powerful motor makes the Hummer look like a flat land even when climbing the stone steps. When the Humvee rushes up the stone steps, satada and others have just retreated to the hall, and then they hear "clang! "With a crackle, the Hummer smashed through the toughened glass door and rushed into the hall. Then the machine gunner swept the people in the hall directly.

"Dada dada..." At this time, the quality of these Shankou group members is perfectly reflected. Even in the face of the powerful firepower of the other side, these elite people do not have the slightest intention of dodging. They rush towards the Humvee with their own flesh and blood. They form a human wall in front of them to resist the attack of bullets.

"HISHI, HISHI..." There was blood coming from their bodies, and people were falling down. However, under the protection of their bravery, SATA and others finally entered the corridor of the hotel. However, the Humvee collided in this direction, which made satada and others have to retreat.

The mechanism shooter on the Humvee pulled the trigger unscrupulously. In the face of the terrible firepower, the people of sasoda and Bazhi had no resistance. When they saw their bodyguards falling on the ground one by one, SATA and Bazhi were almost angry. These are the elite of the family. If we don't come to a car today, we will bring such a huge amount to ourselves and others Casualties?

Who on earth is the other party, even with such equipment and courage? A car dares to rush into the encirclement circle of his own and others. He would never dare to do it without great courage.

See that laser shooter wantonly scan into the crowd into the hall, but on this side is difficult to be hit, has been following behind the crowd ye yubai can not help.

"Give me a gun!" With a roar, ye yubai tore off his clothes and gave a full play to a rude northern Han. Then he directly caught the desert eagle, a member of the Shankou group, and pulled the trigger at the man holding a machine gun."Bang!" At this time, the members of the Yamaguchi group quickly rushed up to climb the Hummer and attack the driver driving from the skylight.

Seeing that his companion was killed by a single shot, the driver's face showed a look of surprise. Obviously, he didn't expect that there was such a sharpshooter on this side. At the moment, he was about to leave. However, a member of the Yamaguchi group had already jumped into the SUV, holding the car body in one hand and a pistol in the other hand. He reached in from the position of the skylight and buckled at the driver The trigger.

"Bang!" The driver had no way to escape. His head was suddenly broken into a big hole, and the Humvee lost control for a moment, so it went backward and directly hit a pillar. The member of the Yamaguchi group had no time to jump off, and his body was smashed into mud and blood was sprayed all over the ground.

Seeing such a scene, SATA and Bazhi look gloomy and terrible. However, their eyes on Lin Changbai have changed. This guy is sure to have two talents. Such shooting techniques are really not simple.

Just as they were ready to clean up the battlefield, there was a roaring sound of motors outside, and then they saw the lights of Humvees at the end of the street. I'm afraid it's no less than dozens of them?

A Humvee brought them such huge casualties, not to mention so many?

"Father, let's get out of the back door." Seeing those dazzling lights, a young man with a seven point resemblance to satada said.

"Good! Protect miss, let's go Sasoda did not have any hesitation, directly issued the decision.

Immediately, some people ran to the back door of the hotel, while more people quickly got on their cars and tried to stop the Hummers coming. Even if they were dead, they could not let these cars threaten the safety of their owners again.

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