The fast starting motors of Toyota cars are so intrepid that they rush to the hummers, while satada and others are retreating towards the back door of the hotel under the protection of a small number of people.

At this time, the hotel has already been in a mess. From time to time, there are panic staff escaping. When they are about to arrive at the back door of the hotel, a man in the clothes of a waiter runs towards this side. When he sees a group of people, he immediately stands on the edge of the corridor, and his body is tightly against the wall to make way for satada and others Road.

In the face of those dark muzzles, he did not dare to block the way of people.

Sasoda and his party are not killers. Naturally, they can't kill people when they see people. They have met several staff members who are in such a panic all the way just now, and no one pays attention to him now. They are running towards the outside at full speed. However, when several bodyguards in front of him pass by the attendant, the waiter suddenly kicks back, and his body seems to be off the string Sharp arrow, full speed to his nearest SATA.

At this time, satada is no more than three meters away from him.

"Be careful!" Ye yubai, who dressed up as Lin Changbai, roared and stepped forward step by step. It was not that he had a good opinion of satyamu. The key is that both of them are the best help of Fujiwara's Yamaguchi group. Under such circumstances, can they easily die.

Under Xiao Nan's stimulation, ye yubai's strength has improved greatly in the past year. Almost at the moment when his voice dropped, his body had come to satyamu's body. Then he suddenly stretched out his right hand, clasped the dagger stabbed by someone, and twisted it with one hand. The man's mouth heard a cry of pain, and the dagger in his hand also dropped. He was seized by Ye yubai and inserted in accordance with the situation Into that man's heart!

One hit must kill, strength display!

SATA and others were overjoyed, especially satta. This time, it was not Mr. Bailin, the elder of Lin, who helped him. Maybe he had already been killed.

But before he had time to appreciate the so-called Mr. Lin Changbai, he had already felt his heartache. Then he heard his son SATA Junlang's cry of surprise: "father, akamu Gang, you bastard!"

Akamu Gang? Isn't this your own bodyguard captain? Satyamu thought in his heart, and then his consciousness gradually blurred. When his body slowly fell on the ground, when he looked back at the last time, he saw that akamu gang was holding a dark dagger in his hand.

And the dagger seems to be stained with blood, it seems to be their own blood!

This is satada's last consciousness!

Seeing that akamu, the most trusted member of satyamu, suddenly started to attack satada behind his back, eight grilled Luo Yuan was also shocked. There was an internal thief in the saga family. What about himself? Looking back, several of his bodyguards are looking at akamu gang in horror, but their eyes are also sweeping over his companion's body. It seems that they are also doubting whether there are thieves on his side.

However, for a while, no one has rushed to the rescue.

However, the bodyguards of SATA were not so polite. As Chi Mu Gang suddenly started to SATA, at least several bodyguards pulled out their weapons at the same time and cut down at their companions. When they came back to their senses, these bodyguards brought by SATDA had already been killed and wounded by more than half, and only four bodyguards were left to protect the body of sasoda Junlang, but these four bodyguards were able to protect his body People are also monitoring each other and keeping a conscious distance. However, Junlang SATA, surrounded by them, has no sense of security. No one can guarantee that some of them have been bribed.

Akaki just grinned grimly and didn't say much nonsense. He stepped on the body of satyamu, and then took the lead and rushed towards Bazhi. Looking at his posture, he seems to realize that aomu Okada, who is beside Fujiwara, is not easy to deal with.

Seeing this group of people rushing towards him, Bazhi Luoyuan directly ordered his bodyguard: "go on, kill them, kill them with all your strength!" But he himself is toward Fujiwara JIKO, do not know why, at this time, he felt that stay in aomu Okada, a man who exudes cold and murderous air, is the most reliable. Not only does he have this idea, but even sasoda Junlang also has this idea.

Both of them unconsciously approach Ye Xiao, and Lin Changbai frowns and quickly approaches Ye Xiao. There are so many bodyguards in sasoda who are bribed. Who can guarantee that there is no Bazhi Luoyuan?

He didn't want to take risks when he couldn't tell the enemy from the enemy.

"Miss Jizi, we'd better leave first." Ye yubai said.

"Well!" Fujihara nods, his face is also a burst of ugly, obviously did not expect things to develop to such a point, SATA Junlang and Bazhi Luoyuan naturally nodded, especially SATA Junlang, is still in fear, his father even so died, but at this time he can not revenge for his father.

Several people were about to continue to run towards the back door, but heavy footfalls sounded in the wide corridor. Then two masked men and more than ten tall men appeared in front of the crowd, blocking their way.

"Kill!" No unnecessary nonsense, one of them is not tall, wearing a mask of the man's mouth has already passed the order to kill.Hearing such a sound, ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, the other side actually used Chinese language, and the voice was a little familiar?

But without thinking about it, those tall men have already swept over from both sides. They don't use guns. If they shoot in such a narrow space, they can easily hurt their companions.

At this time, because he didn't believe his bodyguards, Bazhi Luoyuan had sent all his bodyguards to the past. On this side, there were Fujiwara JIKO, SATA Junlang, Bazhi Luoyuan, ye Xiao and ye yubai.

Seeing several people rushing towards him, ye Xiao's eyebrows pick. These people should not be members of the Fujiwara family, but who are they?

However, no matter who they are, ye Xiao does not allow them to hurt Bazhi Luoyuan and others. If the sons of Bazhi and SATA are killed at this time, all they have done will be in vain. Under such circumstances, without the support of the two families or the protection of the two families, it is very difficult for them to help fujihara JIKO control the mountain pass Group!

"Mr. Green wood, please help uncle Bazhi!" At this time, Fujiwara Jizi was very cooperative and asked, how to say that ye Xiao is now playing a loyal flower protector. In his eyes, Fujiwara Jizi is the only one. Other people's life and death have nothing to do with him. However, now Fujiwara Jizi has opened his mouth, which naturally is another matter.

The body ran out quickly. Before ye yubai was about to move, he had already run out. Seeing ye Xiao's figure, ye yubai's right foot, which had been stepping forward, was taken back.

"Miss Jizi, you should have let this pervert do it earlier!" Ye yubai is very ridicule of the way, and heard this sentence Fujiwara Jizi is showing a puzzled look.

What if the situation just happened? Do you want Ye Xiao to kill all their bodyguards?

Bazhi Luo Yuan and SATA Junlang also looked at each other, and they all saw a sigh of relief. In particular, Bazhi Luoyuan, who had seen Ye Xiao's hand, even a master like Fujiwara Taiyu, was only killed by seconds in his hands. What's more, such a group of people, but only Fujiwara JIKO could ask him to do it!

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