Step forward step out, ye Xiao's body has come to the people's body, see those big men who rush directly to this side, the body directly meets up.

"Shua!" At the same time, a knife light flashed, and a bloodstain appeared on the neck of the two leading men, and the blood was sprayed out. Ye Xiao's body had passed through the middle of the two men, and their eyes were still wide open. It seemed that they could not believe that the speed of their opponents would be so fast, and their bodies were still running forward due to their inertia

Xiaomang's body suddenly stopped before Xiaomang's body was twisted, and the blade's speed stopped in his eyes After smooth across the neck of three people.

It was three times of blood running, and then ye Xiao squeezed out from among the three. Knowing that at this time, the two most in front fell to the ground, motionless.

In the blink of an eye, five people were killed in a row, and the rest of the big men were even more frightened. Even Zhang Tianbao and Chen Tianyu, who were wearing masks, narrowed their eyes. The boy's speed was fast enough.

Even with their eyesight, it is difficult to see the path of his knife.

However, they did not have the slightest fear. On the contrary, their eyes showed the excitement of stupidity. They followed the fighting God for several months, and their bodies were also transformed by some successful genetic agents. However, apart from fighting with some special soldiers, they did not compete with real experts. The man named aomu Okada was obviously a test prepared by God for them Jinshi.

It will be known whether they are really top-notch or not.

Because ye Xiao's speed is extremely fast, Zhang Tianbao, who is tall and tall, does not move. Instead, morning Tianyu, who is agile, takes a step forward. A three pointed fork appears in his hand and raises his hand to stab Ye Xiao!

As for Zhang Tianbao, however, he took out a big knife from behind. His tall body wanted to go around Ye Xiao. Their goal this time was to catch zota and others. First, let Chen Tianyu drag this guy named aomu Okada and kill others to help him.

Ye Xiao naturally saw through the intention of the two men at a glance. However, he suddenly stopped his body and avoided the steel fork stabbed by Chen Tianyu. However, a spatula in his hand flashed and directly hit Chen Tianyu's heart. Chen Tianyu had expected this move. His body also retreated slightly and completely avoided the knife. He was more prepared Let's welcome the next attack!

However, ye Xiao didn't pay any more attention to him. Instead, he swayed away at the remaining big men and Zhang Tianbao. Before the man arrived, the knife awn in his hand had already been scratched, and the throat of the two men had been cut, almost all of them were fatal.

At this time, ye Xiao has already intercepted Zhang Tianbao's body. Facing Qingmu Okada, who wants to stop him, Zhang Tianbao snorts coldly, shakes the big knife in his hand, and cuts at Ye Xiao in the air.

Ye Xiao had a knife in his sleeve and a machete in his hand. Naturally, it was impossible for ye Xiao to collide with Zhang Tianbao's broadsword. His body shook and he had already avoided the knife. However, Zhang Tianbao seemed to have expected that he would avoid it. The big knife that had been chopped in the air was one of the diarrhea, and then he cut it horizontally towards Ye Xiao.

A look of surprise flashed in Ye Xiao's eyes. It seemed that he didn't expect that this guy's method of controlling the broadsword was so good. At this time, there was no way to go back. With his right hand turning, the machete hidden between his sleeves appeared in his hand and directly protected him in front of himself.

"Clang..." With a sound, the sword directly hit the machete, and there was a crisp sound. Then a huge force came, which made Ye Xiao's body retreat to the other side. Seeing that they could take advantage of the opportunity, two other big men rushed up with their swords in their hands. However, before they could stab the sword into Ye Xiao's body, ye Xiao's body had already rotated in the way of retrogression With a stroke of the machete, the awn of the knife flashed in their necks, and their bodies fell down at the same time!

Zhang Tianbao and Chen Tianyu are both angry at Ye Xiao's ability to kill his subordinates at this time. This guy, who claims to be a secret disciple of master Guangyuan, doesn't pay much attention to them.

Chen Tianyu's body quickly swept over, but Zhang Tianbao snorted coldly and continued to rush toward Fujiwara Jizi and others.

Seeing that the giant man who can drive back aomu Okada, the first-class expert, pounced on himself and others. Luo Yuan was so scared that he didn't feel that he could stop his terrible knife.

"Green wood boy, your uncle Lin Changbai comes to wish you a hand!" Seeing that ye Xiao was about to break out of his real strength, ye yubai roared, picked up a samurai sword and went to meet Zhang Tianbao.

Now ye Xiao's identity is Aoki Okada, a secret disciple of master Guangyuan. All the moves he uses are unique skills of master Guangyuan. If you have no choice, you'd better not expose your identity.

With a loud cry in his mouth, ye yubai has stopped in front of everyone. Zhang Tianbao is also holding a big knife. He cuts at ye yubai with all his strength. He has the momentum to kill ye yubai with a knife.Facing this terrible knife, ye yubai grasped the handle of the knife with one hand, covered the blade with the other hand, and went straight up the knife.

"Clang..." With a sound, Zhang Tianbao's broadsword directly chopped on the samurai's sword, making a crisp sound. Then he saw that the samurai's sword was directly broken into two pieces, and the sharp blade fell straight down, which scared ye yubai to retreat at full speed!

"My grass, what a piece of crap? So useless? Qingmu Jun, it's not that I don't help you, but they don't give me a superb weapon! " Ye Yu scolds in the white mouth, completely deduces a rude northern man incisively and vividly.

However, at this time, ye Xiao's body has come to Zhang Tianbao's back. As soon as the machete in his hand is turned, he will cut towards Zhang Tianbao's back. At this time, Zhang Tianbao's knife is still in front of him, and it's too late to turn around!

However, at this time, Zhang Tianbao's tall body sprang up in the air. Then he saw that the long knife that fell straight down didn't mean to stop. It was like a circle to cut out from his crotch. Such a sharp knife, such a sharp knife, Rao Shi Ye Xiao had a bright feeling in front of him after a long time in the sand field.

But that's all. The body shook and once again avoided the tricky knife, and then he had to use the machete in his hand to stroke Zhang Tianbao, who was still in the air. However, Chen Tianyu's body had come in time.

The sharp three pointed fork is directly inserted into Ye Xiao's back heart, forcing Ye Xiao to continue to flash aside. At this time, Zhang Tianbao has completely landed on the ground.

Two people look at each other, unexpectedly at the same time toward Fujiwara JIKO and others, you do not want to protect Fujiwara, you do not want to stop us? Well, then we will all plunder towards them, see you can stop a few!

"Your grandfather's, you Changbai all said not to play with you, you still come to do?" Ye yubai couldn't help swearing. He took out the desert eagle that had just been taken from the Shankou group members, and pulled the trigger to the tall Zhang Tianbao!

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