"Boss, let me go with you, will you?" At this time, Sarna suddenly said, and she has been afraid to look at Ye Xiao's gray eyes are also closely staring at Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao didn't answer immediately. She also stared at sharna's gray eyes, just staring at her all the time.

"Boss, you promised me that no matter what happens, I will not leave you even if I die..." Seeing ye Xiao's twinkling eyes, sharna once again plucked up the courage to say.

She knew that she was sorry for ye Xiao. She knew that she had betrayed Ye Xiao. She knew that she might have lost the trust of Ye Xiao. However, she still wanted to say that and planned to do so. As long as ye Xiao agreed, she would let her die immediately.

Seductive did not speak, ye Xiao did not lie, their eyes fell on the body of sharna, ye Xiao's eyes were cold and sharp, like a knife, constantly scraping every piece of Sarna's skin, the eyes were full of ambiguity, even the corners of the mouth also showed a faint smile, another poor girl was completely conquered by this boy.

"Good..." After a long time, ye Xiao's mouth just spit out these two words, the voice is still cold and abnormal, but for sharna, it is like the most beautiful voice in the world, and it is the best news she has ever heard in her life.

"Thank you, boss..." Sharna knows that ye Xiao still trusts her. Even if she has done something wrong to him, he still has enough trust in her. Otherwise, she can't let herself know so many things, and she can't promise to go with him.

At the thought of this, sharna has secretly made up her mind to help Ye Xiao kill Shangguan in any case, even if she pays her own life.

There's an old saying in China, it's called death for a confidant. If you can accompany such a man, what's the harm?

The speedboat did not join the warships that had come before, but sailed into the high seas. A cruise ship was drifting there. This was the cruise ship that enchanting had prepared for ye Xiao. After sending the two people on the cruise ship, sharna continued to take the boat back to the direction of the warship. She would return to China, preside over the overall situation, and protect Ye Xiao with her own strength These have formed a tacit understanding between the two people.

The huge cruise ship slowly started and headed for San Francisco

At Kyoto International Airport, an ordinary business flight from England landed on the runway of the airport smoothly. Then I saw Shangguan's no road hatch in a suit of ordinary suit coming out. Compared with the man a few months ago, Shangguan Wudao was obviously haggard and had a lot of vicissitudes. Especially the bearded mustache on his face would have been sunny and handsome He covered up a lot.

But Rao is so, also attracted the attention of many beautiful stewardesses, and even a lady from London asked for his phone number, but he politely refused.

Like ordinary pedestrians, he walked out of the airport hall alone and took a taxi. Instead of driving into the city, he drove into the suburbs. He stopped at an ordinary three-star hotel and paid the fare. The Shangguan had no way. He walked into the hotel with his luggage box, and opened a room where he put the salute in the room, After changing into another suit, Shangguan Wudao walked out of the hotel. There was a black Audi parked there. Shangguan Wudao didn't say hello to the driver, so he opened the door and went in. The black Audi drove out of the hotel, and several cars of various styles fell behind. After confirming that no one was following, the black Audi drove into a villa area Later came to a seemingly ordinary villa door.

Shangguan had no way to open the door, jumped down and walked into the villa.

The curtains of the villa hall are all closed, and there is a dim light in the hall. It is impossible to see clearly the situation of the hall outside. At this time, an old man in Zhongshan suit is sitting on the sofa in the hall. The old man is no one else. It is the Shangguan who is now in the fashion of Chinese state politics. Behind him, there is an old man with a bent figure, who is a senior official It seems that the old man who falls into the water may step into the coffin at any time.

Shangguan Wudao has never met this old man. However, thinking about what he has done in the past few days and his various experiences in Europe these days, Shangguan Wudao is not surprised at all about the people around him. He is a terrible man, a man who will never be able to see clearly His blood flowed in his body, but he just didn't know what kind of power was hidden behind him.

"No way, sit down!" Seeing Shangguan Wudao coming in, a loving smile appeared on his face when he fell into the water. He stood up in person and poured a cup of tea for Shangguan Wudao. At this moment, he was the most kind old father. No one would have thought that he would probably become the No.1 person in the next term of China.

"Thank you, Dad!" Shangguan's falling into the water surprised Shangguan Wudao, but he was still sitting on the opposite side of Shangguan's falling into the water and whispered.

"This time you have done very well in Europe, very, very well. Originally, I did not intend to call you back immediately, but there are some things I have to tell you, otherwise, I am afraid I will have no time again!" Shangguan fell into the water and said with a smile.On hearing the Shangguan falling into the water, Shangguan Wudao opens his eyes in surprise and stares at it tightly. What is no time left? Did he predict anything?

"Thirty years ago, a master once calculated my life for me, saying that my life would be prosperous. But when I was 55 years old, there would be a catastrophe. Once it was over, I would turn carp into a dragon and further become the king of human beings. Once I could not cross it, ha ha..." Shangguan fell into the water and chuckled. He seemed to think that what he said was very funny. One of the nine giants of China, the top figure of the dark moon alliance, would believe a fortune teller.

"Dad, those are nonsense, you don't have to worry about it!" No matter whether Shangguan does not believe in fate or not, he has to show an attitude of disbelief at the moment.

"Ha ha, I don't want to, but what happened in the past few years coincides with what the master said. One thing, two things, can be said to be coincidence. If there are more coincidences, it is not a coincidence. I am already in the top position. I will soon be able to further sit on the supreme position. I should have nothing to ask for in my life, but I am However, I am still unwilling to give up. When I was young, I fell into the water and became a genius. When I was young, I had many adventures. How could I be willing to be the head of state? If I want to do it, I must be the world's supreme. Now, I am very close to my dream. Naturally, I refuse to give up. But sometimes the fate is really wonderful. You can't help but you don't believe that this time I go to m country is the most important thing in my life After a big disaster, we will be famous all over the world, but we can't survive it. In the future, the rise of Shangguan family depends on you... " Shangguan fell into the water and shook his head gently. He seemed to feel deeply about his life.

"Father..." Shangguan had no idea and his heart was shaking. He knew that Shangguan was ambitious, but he always thought he was wishful thinking. However, after so many experiences, especially this trip to Europe, he really realized the horror of Shangguan falling into the water. He could hardly believe that there were people in the world who could hurt Shangguan falling into the water

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