"No way, don't say anything more. I understand that this time you come back, you have something to do." See Shangguan Wudao want to say something, Shangguan fell into the water and directly opened his mouth to interrupt the way.

"What's the matter?" Shangguan's unruly spirit was shocked. He thought that he would be left out by the Shangguan because of the last killing of the God of war Wu Xun. However, he thought that he had arranged himself to go to Europe to see the forces in Europe. At that time, he knew that Shangguan had never given up himself. This time, he secretly recalled himself to arrange things for himself, which proves this Everything?

"This is my token. If there is any accident when I go to m this time, I will take this token, find the man on the envelope and take over all my belongings." Shangguan fell into the water without saying much. Instead, he took out a black token and a sealed envelope from his arms and handed it to Shangguan Wudao.

Shangguan Wudao took the token and the letter with trembling hands. Although he didn't know who the person in the envelope was, he knew by intuition that the person he was looking for was definitely a big man. As for everything he took over, what kind of huge power did he have?

At the thought of the tip of the iceberg he had seen, his body began to tremble.

"Father..." Shangguan has no way, some don't know what to say.

He was more numb to Shangguan's falling into the water. After all, he was in his twenties. He was his father when he suddenly came to the highway, which made him emotionally hard to accept. If it wasn't for the fact that Shangguan's identity was too high, he would not admit such a father. However, he has given himself countless opportunities and even more difficult to himself With imaginative care, it is absolutely impossible to say that his heart is not touched at all. Especially this time, he wants to let himself take over all his affairs, which makes Shangguan feel helpless.

Shangguan fell into the water, but he was not only his own son. On the surface, every one of his children was in a high position. What about himself? He is just an illegitimate son, or a very dandy bastard, but he should give all this to himself?

"Wu Dao, you don't have to say anything more. Among my children, you are the most intelligent. Originally, you wanted to help you cultivate some effective experts. However, it was not surprising that a trip to Japan would damage both of them. Lin Sichao was also your best think tank. Unfortunately, he disappeared. I guess he was secretly detained by the dragon clan and became the No. 1 chief official in my life Before, I didn't have the power to order that woman to do things. Now you are the only one left. However, with your mind, it is no problem to deal with the future. But in this world, wisdom alone can not be achieved. Although wisdom can determine the success or failure of many things, it is not the foundation of standing. Ye Xiao's wisdom is very high, but if he has only a little wisdom, you think Can he live to this day? " Shangguan fell into the water and said earnestly.

"No!" Shangguan Wudao firmly shook his head. If ye Xiao had only extraordinary wisdom, he would have died seven or eight times. The reason why he was so terrible was that he could be called abnormal personal strength.

Also because his strength is too strong, often many people have ignored his wisdom, so he calculated again and again, even the God of war, such as the characters were killed by him.

"Yes, no matter how smart a person is, only one assassination is enough to kill him if he does not have strong strength as a guarantee. Therefore, anyone who wants to mingle in the underground world must have enough personal strength, at least the ability to protect himself. But it is too late for you to practice again from a small rich life. I can only arrange Wu Bo in the underground world Your side, close to protect you, with him in, if I really have something, with your mind, can completely re grasp a piece of heaven and earth! Wu Bo, from today on, you are the young master's bodyguard. Do you understand? "Shangguan fell into the water and nodded gently, which was to agree with Shangguan's words.

Ye Xiao is not only brilliant in wisdom, but also extremely powerful in strength. The emperor of the dragon, who can live in the underground world all the time, and whose status is getting higher and higher, does not rely solely on wisdom.

"Understand!" The old man who has been standing in the water behind Shangguan nodded gently and said hoarsely.

"But father..." Shangguan looked up in surprise. He didn't think that the old man would be the bodyguard arranged by Shangguan when he fell into the water. Listening to the tone of Shangguan's falling into the water, his strength was obviously still above the God of war. What kind of state was that?

But even if such a character really exists, it will never be too much. Shangguan fell into the water and gave it to himself. What about him?

"You don't have to worry about my comfort. This time I go to m, I'm free to plan." It seems to see that Shangguan has no way to worry, Shangguan fell into the water and directly opened his mouth to interrupt, and his eyes are also full of a ray of comfort, the child, finally began to worry about his own comfort.

"I see, father!" Shangguan fell into the water and nodded gently. Since Shangguan had already arranged to fall into the water, he said it was useless.

"Well, take a good night off in Kyoto. Tomorrow morning, I'll arrange someone to take you to Europe. Don't come back until the matter is settled." Shangguan fell into the water and gently waved his hand. Although there were thousands of doubts in his heart, Shangguan Wudao still pressed in his heart and nodded forcefully. He took the rickety Wu Bo out of the villa.Night, deeper and deeper, when Shangguan's figure left the villa, Shangguan fell into the water, and then he murmured and sighed: "Ye Xiao, you haven't died several times in a row. Are you really the doomsday of my hit? It's just how I can be so easily appointed! "

When the voice dropped, Shangguan fell into the water, put on his coat, and quietly walked out of the door of the villa. There was already a black Mercedes Benz parked there, carrying him to Zhongnanhai. Three days later, he will visit m country and stay in M country for a few days. He always has to prepare for it.

Once he successfully visited country m, he got some promises from m country, and then he conquered Yufu Island smoothly. As an old man of dark moon League, he would become the first person in China. As an old man of dark moon League, this visit is almost natural. The only variable is Ye Xiao, who is not dead, but does not know where he is.

Country m, the far north, near a secret base of the M army in Canada, is a completely frozen blockhouse. In a secret room in the center of the blockhouse, there are 11 huge sofas. On one of the largest sofas, there is a man with blond hair and blue eyes. He is wearing a golden mask and can't see his face clearly. Behind him, there are also three There are two sofas with two old people sitting on them. In front of them, there are three women and four men.

Here is a secret base of the dark moon alliance, and also the place where the high-level of the dark moon League discusses secret matters.

Everyone is wearing a mask. Even as a senior member of the dark moon alliance, although they can guess each other's identity, it is still not disclosed. This is the most mysterious place of the dark moon League all the time. However, everyone who arrives here needs the identification of fingerprint and cornea, and their fingerprints and cornea have been input into this base Only with the approval of the base, can you enter here

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