After all the people were seated, the golden haired man sitting on the biggest sofa in the center gradually glanced over the elders present, and finally fell on the woman with long black hair at the back. Although the woman wore a mask on her face and wore a black robe to cover her, it was still difficult to cover up her incomparable temperament.

"Elder seven, how are things going with you?" Seeing the woman covered in the black robe, the new leader of the dark moon Alliance said with a smile.

Seven elders, the former head of the thirty-six Hall of the dark moon League, is enchanting. Because of the relationship between Shangguan falling into the water and the support of several Dharma protectors of the dark moon League, she successfully entered the high-level of the dark moon League and became one of the seven elders of the dark moon League. She was also the only one without great influence. However, no one in the room dared to underestimate this woman.

Over the years, she has made too many contributions to the dark moon alliance. In addition, she has recruited some experts around her. Now that the strength of the dark moon League has been damaged, she almost represents the high-end combat power of the dark moon League. There is such a person as an elder, and no one objects to it.

"The alliance leader may rest assured that within three months, the Mafia will be completely annexed!" Facing the leader's question, enchanting lightly said.

"Well, I believe in the skills of the seven elders, and the Mafia is responsible for the seven elders!" The leader nodded and said politely.

"It's my pleasure!" Enchanting stood up, bowed slightly to the leader, and then sat on her seat again.

"This time we have gathered you here is an important matter that needs your approval. We should all know that in three days' time, Mr. Shangguan Luoshui, vice chairman of the state of Huaxia, will take up the post of state M. the success or failure of this visit will determine whether Shangguan Luoshui can go further. His future is also related to the interests of our entire alliance, three elders, hope This time, you can give more support to the visit of Shangguan Luoshui! " The leader said to the man sitting in the third position.

"It's my pleasure, Mr. ally!" The man, known as the three elders, stood up with a smile and half bowed to the leader. As soon as he heard his voice, it turned out to be the voice of vice president kobia of M country.

"Well, in addition, there is absolutely no mistake this time. We have lost a Mr. Yue Buxiu. Shangguan Luoshui is our most important force in China. We will never allow him to make any mistakes in his life safety. Therefore, I propose to move the" God of war "and" the God of death "to protect Mr. Shangguan's life in state M All He nodded to the three elders, and then said again. As soon as this word came out, he immediately started the huge waves.

"Mr. leader, the last time we lost the elder" doushen "because of the decision of Shangguan Luoshui. Although the elder" doushen "was invited by him, he is, after all, one of the most powerful supporters of our alliance. This time, for his safety, will the remaining two predecessors be sent out with too much publicity An old man behind the leader took the lead.

"Yes, Mr. leader, although the experts in the alliance have lost a lot, after the new arrangement, there are still 12 Dharma protectors. As long as four Dharma protectors are deployed, it is enough to ensure the safety of Shangguan falling into the water." The elder, who was sitting at the front of the Presbyterian table, also opened his mouth.

"Four? Hehe, do you forget how the last leader died? " As soon as the elder said that only four people were needed to ensure the safety of Shangguan, a sneer came from the golden mask of the leader.

As soon as this was said, the scene fell into a short silence. At the beginning, in order to kill the Dragon Emperor and ye Xiao, the dark moon alliance almost poured out, and several big Dharma protectors and dark Dharma protectors launched in an all-round way. However, the final result was that the leader of the dark moon alliance was killed. As a result, kenaton, a big yuan old man, left the dark moon alliance. What was most despairing was that neither the long emperor nor ye Xiao was killed on the spot Death, although the Dragon Emperor has disappeared since then, but who can guarantee that he is really dead?

If he is not dead and appears again, how can the four Dharma protectors resist with his amazing fighting power?

"But Lord, this is m country. It's not dark or Japanese. The four Dharma protectors are just in case. As long as we don't know our hands on important occasions, even if the Dragon Emperor is not dead, even if ye Xiao has three heads and six arms, we don't want to come in!" At this time, the elder sitting in the fifth position also spoke slightly.

"Yes, my Lord, this is state M. the two predecessors, the God of war and the God of killing, have been the last backers of our high-end combat power. If there is any accident in them, how can we deter other major organizations?" Another elder said.

"Accident? Ha ha, the six elders are right. If there are accidents even for two elders, then only four Dharma protectors will not happen? Ladies and gentlemen, I think you have missed a very important question. Now, our alliance has reached the critical point of life and death. We used to have 12 great Dharma protectors and 12 hidden Dharma protectors. However, in recent years, due to the heavy loss of one ye Xiao, there are only 12 Dharma protectors left after the reorganization, and the experts who have directly lost half of them are from other parties Because of the last dark congregation, the forces in the front also suffered heavy losses. Now, even in the country of M, the three big families have realized our existence and started to attack us. Otherwise, Mr. kobia's talent has already become the president of state M. how could he have been suppressed by the dirty old man all the time? Now, whether the Shangguan falls into the water smoothly and becomes the first person in China is directly related to it In the future of our dark moon alliance, as long as he becomes the first person in China and has his public support in the international arena, it is not natural for Mr. kobia to become the president of M. at that time, together with Mr. shawski, we will control the three most powerful countries in the world at the same time, and major events can be achieved. How can we make a difference at this critical juncture Wrong? " Seeing that all the people were against it, the subject of the dark moon alliance gradually cooled down, but he still patiently explained."But..."

"Nothing, but if any of you can guarantee the safety of Shangguan, you can do it according to your requirements. If no one can guarantee it, please ask the two to come out of the mountain directly!" There is also an elder who wants to open his mouth. The alliance leader has directly interrupted.

Once this was said, the scene completely fell into silence. No one dared to guarantee the safety of Shangguan's falling into the water. Even if twelve Dharma protectors were deployed, no one could guarantee that. If there was nothing wrong with Shangguan's falling into the water, no one could bear such heavy responsibility.

"No one is against it, right? Let's invite you to come out of the mountain. In addition, seven elders, please ask two Dharma protectors to accompany you. We must do our best to protect the life safety of Shangguan Luoshui!" Seeing the silent crowd, the leader snorted coldly, and then said to the enchanting one sitting at the back.

"Yes, Lord!" Enchanting heart set off a huge wave, even to send out two and "fighting God" of the same level of existence, then ye Xiao will not be in a desperate situation?

After all, the last time ye Xiao killed "Dou Shen" with the help of his companions, but this time he was in the state of M. under the heavy encirclement and protection, there were two extremely strong men accompanying him. Even if the Dragon Emperor came in person, he would surely die

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