In San Francisco's Dinis Park, ye Xiao led Tan Xiaoxiao's little hand and first came to the ancient Chinese paradise. Every plant, tree, brick and tile here was built by imitating the ancient Chinese country, just as some domestic parks like to imitate western buildings. As like as two peas in the

Park, the pavilion, the pavilions, the corridors, including the artificial lakes on both sides of the corridor, the rockery built in the artificial lake is exactly the same as that of the Chinese nation. It is even more vivid than the Chinese nation. Even the flowers and plants are transported from the distant Chinese nation, and specially invite the masters to cultivate themselves and walk in such a paradise of antique and antique. Speaking of the general Westerners, even ye Xiao and Tan Xiaoxiao have a feeling of crossing back to ancient times.

Through the Chinese paradise, it is the water world. At this time, it is early summer, but there are many young men and women in swimsuits and swimming trunks immersed in the water, playing various water shows. Ye Xiao has sharp eyes, and sees a fair blonde woman in a bikini falling from the high sky skateboard. As a result, because of too much fright, she directly gives her swimsuit When it was torn off, two pairs of huge white tender jumped out, and the men and women around him cheered.

Looked at the side of the face of the red Tan Xiaoxiao, ye Xiao decisively took her small hand to go forward, he did not want to tan Xiaoxiao's body to be seen by other men.

It seems to be aware of Ye Xiao's intention, and Tan Xiaoxiao's radian of the corner of her mouth rises even more, and the little hand pinched by Ye Xiao also shows drops of sweat.

"Ye Xiao, let's go and play the roller coaster together?" Finally passing the water park, the two people are presented in front of a variety of entertainment measures, looking at the high air constantly rolling adventure games, Tan smile and smile.

"Good!" As a member of the dragon clan, ye Xiao has never experienced any adventure. This kind of thing is just a pediatrics to him. Since Tan Xiaoxiao likes it, he should accompany him to the end.

They lined up like ordinary tourists and got on the roller coaster. However, with the start of the roller coaster, ye Xiao and Tan Xiaoxiao did not respond at all. It was like walking on the ground. Even when flying to the highest place, Tan Xiaoxiao calmly covered her skirt and did not let herself go. As for ye Xiao, her face was always on Not changed, but curiously looking back at those frightened young men and women.

They are calm, but their indifference has made other tourists and staff not calm down, especially those staff members. They have never seen a couple as calm as ye Xiao and Tan Xiaoxiao.

When they got down, a blonde woman with a huge Raccoon in her hand went up to them and said with a smile, "Dear two guests, you are the bravest guests we have ever seen. This is the best bravery award our staff gave them. I hope you can like it!"

"Thank you..." Tan Xiaoxiao took over the huge raccoon with a smile on her face. It seemed that she didn't expect to get such a reward in this paradise. As for ye Xiao, she nodded to the beauty with a smile, which was regarded as a thank-you.the staff member threw a wink at Ye Xiao when the raccoon blocked Tan Xiaoxiao's eyes, and released his love without any cover up, which was even more obscure On his own business card.

Ye Xiao smiles, takes the business card, and then leaves the scene with Tan Xiaoxiao in her arms. When the beauty doesn't pay attention, he throws the business card into the garbage can. For this kind of open and hot woman, he has no great interest.

After playing in Disneyland for a circle, Tan Xiaoxiao's body has already appeared tiny beads of sweat. Seeing the sweat on her forehead, ye Xiao pointed to a small pavilion not far away and said, "smile, let's go there and have a rest."

"Well..." Can and ye Xiao together, where, what, Tan Xiaoxiao did not care, just gently nodded, so with Ye Xiao to the pavilion.

"Robbery..." But when they were about to walk to the pavilion, a big man with a big beard sprang out of the woods next to him. He was wearing an eye mask on his head and holding a Black Dagger in his hand. He said with a fierce smile to Ye Xiao and tan.

Along with the big man's jumping out, another big man also jumped out of the forest, one after the other will two people in the middle.

Seeing such a posture, ye Xiao and Tan Xiaoxiao also showed a surprised appearance. In Dinis paradise, there were robberies. Most importantly, they used daggers. In M country, all robbers, guns are legal. Which one is not a pistol?

"Excuse me, what do you say?" Seeing two robbers holding daggers, ye Xiao said curiously in Chinese.

The two robbers looked at each other and found that they had made a fatal mistake. It seems that these two people can't speak English at all, and they can't speak Chinese either. This makes it impossible to communicate. What should they do?

Not far away, comett, dressed in black, was standing with a smile on his face, followed by his bodyguard kajiv.

"Haha, as long as the boy shows his timidity, and when the beauty screams out, I rush out immediately, and then clean up the two idiots. Won't she adore me?" At the thought of his thought of the heroic "clever" means to save the United States, he was elated."Well, it's strange. Why hasn't she called yet?" But after a good while, but did not see Tan smile and scream, but seems to be saying something there.

"Boss, Kay and Booker don't seem to understand Chinese!" At this time, kajif, who had been standing behind him, said in a voice!


Comerton had an impulse to pull out a knife to commit suicide. How could he forget such an important thing?

"Sorry, if it's OK, we'll go first!" Seeing the stunned two robbers, ye Xiao gave a sneer in his heart, tightly grasped Tan Xiaoxiao's small hand and walked forward.

“STOP!” Seeing the two men leave like this, Kaidi and Booker are worried. According to the young master's command, they want to frighten the two men and even give the Oriental boy some color to see. Then they wait until the young master comes out to clean up the mess. But they are leaving now. How can they explain to the young master.

However, ye Xiao or tan Xiaoxiao, as if they had not heard his words, walked straight past him. Kaifu was completely angry. This beautiful woman was admired by the young master and could not move, but this man

At the thought of this, a fierce light flashed in kaitu's eyes. Holding the Black Dagger, he stabbed Ye Xiao's back heart like this. However, the young master told him to kill this guy when necessary.

Not far away, seeing his men directly attacking Ye Xiao, comett's eyes twinkled with approval. At last, he was not a real idiot. He knew that when he changed his plan, as long as he killed the boy, his deterrent power to the beauty should be greater. In the case of extreme fear, he should be able to revive her heart The smile on the face has not fully bloomed, it is completely frozen there

Just because he saw a scene he couldn't forget in his life

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