Feeling the chill from behind, ye Xiao's heart moved, and he was about to teach the robbers a lesson. However, Tan Xiaoxiao suddenly moved and saw her smashing the big Raccoon in her hand towards the direction of the robber. The huge raccoon directly blocked Kai's sight. The dagger in his hand stabbed the Raccoon's body accurately, but he still did Before she could pull out the dagger, Tan Xiaoxiao, who was wearing high-heeled shoes, suddenly raised her right leg, and the water blue skirt corner danced with her. Then ye Xiao and kommert saw the white leg flash out, and then saw kaitu's body fly back directly.

Tan Xiaoxiao has already kicked on his chin, vaguely, he also heard the sound of bone fracture coming from his chin

"Putong..." With a sound, kaitu's body fell heavily on the ground and made a huge noise, while the huge raccoon was still on his body, but his mouth was filled with painful groans. Seeing such a scene, not to mention kommert, even ye Xiao was stunned. When was Tan Xiaoxiao's skill so good, wearing high-heeled shoes and still wearing skirts But to be able to kick out such a difficult action of leg lifting.

What's more, the strength of this foot is even to catch up with the ordinary master of tianbang. Is this the girl you know who looks gentle like water?

In just a few years, her progress is too fast, right?

As for Burke, another robber, he was stunned. The master's order was to deal with the man, but he had not yet met the man's body. His partner had been abandoned by the woman. What should he do?

Keep going forward? I can't see her kick. Can I deal with her? Besides, even if you can deal with her, what if you hurt her? If you really hurt him accidentally, the young master will tear his own.

"I don't care who you sent me. Go back and tell your master not to disturb us again, or the consequence will not be to break your jaw!" Coldly dropped such a sentence, Tan Xiaoxiao took Ye Xiao's arm and left so straight, leaving a surprised Booker.

She said English? She knows English? So, isn't it just that she was playing with herself?

It's not just Booker, who heard this sentence not far away, but also a burst of anger. He knew that he had been played by someone. He was playing at the door of Dinis paradise. She knew English at all, but pretended not to know it. Didn't he want to take care of himself?

"Kajif, I want this woman, I must get this woman, I want her to beg for mercy in my crotch!" The angry kommert roared angrily. From childhood to adulthood, no one had ever given him face.

As he roared, kommert was about to rush out, but was held by kajiv.

"Young master, don't be impulsive. This woman's identity is not simple, not simple! There are not many people on our side... " As a bodyguard of kommert, kajiff is not a decoration, and his skill is definitely the existence of stepping into the sky list. Others have not seen clearly, but he can clearly see that there is a pistol tied under Tan Xiaoxiao's skirt.

How can ordinary girls tie a pistol on the street?

Most importantly, is this woman so tough? What about the man next to her? Is it really just an ordinary person?

"I don't care. Tell Jamie they'll stop what they're doing and get this woman back for me. I'll get her!" The young master's temper was completely broken out. He did not care where he was here or the identity of the other party. With his father's status in the country of M, even if he was the daughter of the president, he would dare to talk about it first.

The Mafia of M country is as famous as the three big families. Maybe it is not as good as the three big families in economy, but the hidden dark forces are absolutely not comparable to the three families. At least the three families can not be as crazy as the Mafia, and they have a lot of scruples.

"Don't worry, young master. I will bring that woman to your side. I will..." When he saw kommert, who was completely in a violent state, although he knew that things were not as simple as he thought, he could not care about it at this time.

He was deeply aware of comett's temperament. Once he wanted something, he would never give up until he reached the goal. If he did not send this woman to him, they would never have achieved anything in this trip to San Francisco.

"If you don't want that woman, I want that man. Isn't this woman very powerful? I want to see what it would be like to cut off her man's head in public!" Comett said grimly. From the beginning to the end, he didn't put Ye Xiao in his heart.

"I understand, young master!" Although kajiv felt that the matter was not so simple, he had to agree at this time.

If kommert is allowed to go crazy, no one knows how much trouble it will cause. It's a big deal. This time, with more people, we should be able to capture the two lives, kajiff thought.

"It's really a disappointment. It's rare to come out and play once. It's also a case of this kind!" On the other side, Tan Xiaoxiao walked, while mumbling a small mouth, very unhappy said.She didn't spend much time with Ye Xiao. She wanted to have a wonderful world of two people, but there were always some cats and dogs running to spoil the fun. No wonder Miss Tan got angry.

"Hehe, doesn't that just show you're charming?" Ye Xiao smile, has gradually from the tan smile back to God.

"No, they robbed..." Being praised by Ye Xiao, a blush appeared on Tan Xiao's smiling face. I'm sorry.

"Robbery? Ha ha, have you ever seen a robber with a dagger in M country? I think they should be the men of the handsome man at the door today. Look at the posture, it should be to scare you first, and then the handsome man will shine on the stage to save the beauty with a hero... " Ye Xiao laughs.

"Cut, who still plays with this kind of bloody dog story these days?" Tan Xiaoxiao disdained to hold his mouth.

"Ha ha, it's really bloody in China, but it may be very novel in foreign countries. By the way, I forgot to tell you that the handsome guy just now is thinking about how to get you!" Ye Xiao smiles faintly, and her voice is very casual.

"Son of the Mafia godfather? You already know that? " As soon as ye Xiao mentioned these words, Tan Xiaoxiao was surprised.

"Ha ha, the Mafia Godfather mosance has a handsome son, which is not a secret in M country!" Ye Xiao shrugged.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I thought that as the prince of the Mafia, he should be a little bit self-conscious. If you refuse, he should retreat. How could I think that he should be so stubborn and hard to beat, and he has come up with such a bloody bridge. I really don't know how the great hero of mosanth generation raised such a waste son." The corner of Ye Xiao's mouth also showed a sarcastic smile.

"What shall we do now?" Hearing Ye Xiao's words, Tan Xiaoxiao gently nods, which is to agree with his words.

"I didn't want to attack the Mafia so early. Since he had to run into it, he should have his son cut first." Ye Xiao thought about it for a moment and said slowly

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