"For me?" Elena looked at her father with surprise on her face. Why did she do it for herself? What does this have to do with yourself?

"You are the only child to be a father, for you, of course?" Seeing the startled look on Elena's face, Charles continued to speak. His attitude was sincere. It didn't look like a joke at all. And Elena also noticed the meaning of his words. Only you are a child, not a daughter. Do you mean

At the thought of that possibility, Elena's eyes earned more. How could that be possible?

"You guess it's true that your eldest brother and second brother are not my own sons. Your eldest brother olan David Charles is my adopted son, which is known to all. But your second brother, Leo David Charles, was pregnant with him when his mother married me. Only you are my own flesh and blood!" Veron, with a sigh on her face, was obviously sighing for her frivolity when she was young, and then slowly told Elena about the past.

At that time, Veron Charles was also a romantic young man in the upper class of M country. He was extremely affectionate and had countless confidants. He also took great care of his beloved women. However, his mind was much more open than that of China, and many underage mothers were everywhere. When he first met Leo David Charles's mother at the beginning of his life, he took a look at it In her, she conquered her mother with her own personal charm. However, at that time, his mother had already conceived Leo David Charles with other men. In order to show his magnanimity, Veron always said that he would not care, and directly married that woman. Finally, she gave birth to Elena's second brother, who was taken as his own child.

Later, Veron wanted to have another child with the woman, but she couldn't get pregnant. Later, in an attack, the woman blocked a gun for him, which saved his life. Before dying, she hoped that Veron would take good care of her son.

Naturally, Veron accepted it. Leo, who was not his own son, was always very good, just like a child.

However, he is not an ordinary person. After all, he is the lineage of the Charles family. He must reproduce for his family, so that the family can continue, and the two sons are not born, which is naturally impossible.

Finally, Veron married Elena's mother, but after a few years of marriage, she gave birth to a daughter, and she was told that she had lost her reproductive function because she was too romantic when she was young.

In other words, he will never be able to make a woman pregnant. Veron, who just received the news, was very depressed for a while. At that time, old Charles died and he took over the power of the Charles family.

As the head of the Charles family, Veron, who knows that he has no reproductive function, can only place all his hopes on Elena. He has made a plan. Only when Elena grows up, he will give up the position of the head of the Charles family to Elena, the female owner. This is not unprecedented in the history of the Charles family. Three hundred years ago, there were people in the family In that generation, only a 10-year-old daughter died.

Later, the daughter gradually grew up, relying on her wisdom to defeat her side uncles, inherited the position of head of the Charles family, and carried forward the Charles family.

So it's not uncommon for a woman to be the next head of the family, no matter which man Elena has a son with. In this way, the blood of the Charles family will continue.

However, some of Charlotte's foster sons had been under the control of Charlene's family for decades, but some of the followers of Charlene's family were beyond the control of Charlene's family.

But his goal has always been Leo, the apparent son of peron.

In such a situation, where would Veron dare to directly announce that Elena would succeed to the throne?

At first, Veron intended to let the two adopted sons fight with each other, and then subdue them when they were both defeated. However, it did not last for long. After less than three years, Leo didn't know where he was from to know that he was not born son of peron. Thus, the internal conflict of the Charles family has extended from the fight between the two adopted sons to the right one Elena, the only direct fight.

The assassination of Elena went from once every three years to seven or eight times a year, which were all committed by her two brothers.

In order to transfer the target of Elena's two brothers, Veron took a fancy to Alice, a close friend of Elena, at a party.

Alice's family is ordinary. Now there is only an old father. She is straightforward and has no heart. She is also a good friend of Elena. She will become her own wife and will not compete with Elena for family property in the future.

However, it can attract the attention of the two adopted children. Whether they really believe that Veron really likes Alice or not, when Veron hinted on many occasions that as long as Alice can have a son for him, she and his child will inherit the position of head of the Charles family. The two adopted sons panicked, and the assassination of Alice was reduced by half Half of them went to Alice's.In particular, the more he loves Alice on the surface, the more murders he has on Alice.

After listening to her father's explanation, Elena's wide open eyes were hard to close. She never thought that there were so many amazing secrets behind this simple thing.

His two elder brothers, the elder brother who has loved him since he was a child is not his own, and he still wants to get rid of himself.

"But father, that's not fair to Alice!" It took a long time for Elena to come back from her shock, and the first sentence she said was to hold her grievances for Alice.

"Yes, it's too unfair to her, so I try my best to satisfy what she wants, and I never care what she wants to do. However, although she acts absurdly and unscrupulously, she has always maintained her loyalty to my husband who is only in name. Although I don't know whether she is afraid of me or for other reasons, she can keep this kind Loyal for so many years, really embarrassed her Said Baron Charles with a deep sigh.

Elena opened her eyes again, and her father knew all this?

"But now, you and Alice, you don't have to live this life of being assassinated once in two months on average!" Seeing his daughter's manner, a faint smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Ah..." Rao has already known so much, but Veron Charles's thinking jumps too much. As his daughter, Elena can't react for a moment.

"Ye Xiao, the Lord of tianyaomen, the Oriental man who has repeatedly created miracles, Elena, your vision is really good. You even like this guy. The children born by you and him will surely inherit the Charles family and his excellent genes. Your children will certainly be able to carry forward and expand our Charles family, and with him, I can rest assured that you will be able to And Alice Seeing that her daughter still didn't understand, Charles began to smile

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