On the east side of Charles castle, ye Xiao is in the room where ye Xiao is. After a detoxification convalescence, ye Xiao lies quietly on the bed, falling into a lethargic state, and has changed into a set of casual clothes. Elena just sits beside the bed quietly and looks at Ye Xiao's knife like face. Her mind is still recalling what her father said just now.

His father brought Ye Xiao to the castle to fulfill his own two people. Although his purpose was to reproduce and expand the Charles family, such a condition was absolutely irresistible to Elena.

At the beginning, she had a chance encounter with Ye Xiao, and she had always left the figure of this Oriental man in her heart. Especially in recent years, she knew about ye Xiao's deeds through the news channels of Charles family. She was full of admiration for him. In her heart, ye Xiao was a hero who stood up to heaven and earth. Unconsciously, she had been unable to extricate herself That's why other men are completely ignored.

Now, her father, the head of the Charles family, has made it clear that she wants to help both of them. How can she refuse?

But when ye Xiaoruo wakes up, will he agree?

Unconsciously, Elena thought about the first meeting with Ye Xiao. At that time, she and Mr. Chen Sheng, a business partner of the Charles family, went to China and met Ye Xiao at a party. At that time, he was with his friends, and then when a second generation ancestor just took advantage of his girlfriend verbally, he completely ignored it Everything will be a bottle on the head of the second ancestor.

Thinking of Ye Xiao's crazy posture at that time, and thinking of that kind of arrogant and uninhibited character, Elena is still in endless aftertaste until now. Such a arrogant man, is he really willing to be bound by his father?

She shook her head with a bitter smile. Elena knew that if ye Xiao was really like this, he would not be called Ye Xiao.

She gently leaned down, put a little bit on Ye Xiao's lips, and then got up and walked outside. Medusa said that it would take at least ten or twenty days for ye Xiao to fully recover her consciousness.

Everything will have to wait until he wakes up.

In the blink of an eye, another half month passed. In this half month, except for spending the night in the castle when he sent Ye Xiao and others to the castle, he returned to Washington at other times, while several ladies stayed at the castle to look after ye Xiao.

In the past half a month, the attack on the White House gradually subsided. The government of M went out in an all-round way, which cost a lot of money to capture the Mafia Godfather mosance and hand it over to the Chinese government. In addition, he apologized to all the Chinese people in person. The name of the Mafia is still alive and dead. The underground forces of M country once again entered the situation of competing for hegemony, and countless Mafia leaders Eyes began to move, a new round of hegemony will begin.

In particular, almost all of the dark forces controlled by the three clans have appeared. They don't want a Mafia like organization beyond their control in state M.

However, the political situation of Huaxia gradually stabilized. Because the No.1 chief was seriously ill, Tian Zhengqi became the acting chairman, which was also the first acting chairman since the founding of the people's Republic of China. Under his administration, he first held a grand funeral for Shangguan, while his son Shangguan Zhengxiong was transferred from the third garrison of Kyoto to the Southwest Military Region as a deputy chief of staff and general, It is a compensation for the Shangguan family, but anyone can see that the Shangguan family is over.

Shangguan Zhengxiong seems to have been promoted, but anyone knows that the Southwest Military Region has long been an iron bucket. What else can you do when you, a deputy chief of staff, go there and play soy sauce?

From a real commander to an idle deputy chief of staff, this is not a clear rise but a real decline?

Not only did Shangguan fall into the water, but those who were involved in Shangguan's family were treated like this. However, the first flight in Kyoto was few, and shangguanfei had to accompany his father to the southwest. He directly changed from a high-ranking dandy to a tragic childe. In the southwest, who knows what is waiting for him and loses the biggest support The whole Shangguan family is over.

After Tian Zhengqi took office, he began to respond to the Yufu Island incident after dealing with the problems left by Shangguan's falling into the water. He made it clear that Yufu island is the territory of China since ancient times. If the Japanese government continues to be so stubborn, don't blame the Chinese government for taking some strong measures.

At this time, state m, which has always supported the Japanese government, also publicly stated that there was a territorial dispute over the fishing island, which was not within the scope of the alliance between M and Japan.

Without the biggest supporter of country m, the Japanese government immediately became weak, and its tone was no longer so tough. Instead, they adopted the tactics of procrastination. However, where would Tian Zhengqi give them such a chance, the central government has always made a decision to let Luo Xiaojun, the general secretary of the Northeast military region, order Luo Xiaojun to form the East China Sea fleet, and all the only three aircraft carriers of China kingdom were under his command Now, not only the Northeast military region, the Jinling military region, the Jinghai military region, the southeast military region and the four major military regions are all mobilized by him. Although he still holds the rank of general, Luo Xiaojun is already exercising the power of a general or even a marshal.In a short period of time, the largest naval fleet since the founding of China has been assembled. There are three aircraft carriers, 108 giant warships, cruisers, frigates and supply ships. The huge East Sea is all the fleet of China. In order to build such a super luxurious fleet in the East China Sea, some warships from the South China Sea have been mobilized.

With the completion of the combination of the East China Sea fleet, with the three aircraft carriers sailing at the same time, the whole country of China is boiling. In this matter, the M country is surprisingly silent, and their response measures are surprisingly slow. When the East China Sea fleet is completely assembled, they just seem to have received the news, and when the East China Sea fleet goes out for battle, they just start to do it Countermeasures should be taken.

The so-called response measures are not to block the East China Sea fleet, but to mobilize the aircraft carrier battle group staying on the Pacific Ocean to the Japanese Kyushu Island near Hokkaido. However, the three Chinese aircraft carriers did not enter the fish floating island at this time, but directly crossed the Strait and directly threatened the Japanese Kyushu Island.

When this happened, the Japanese government was flustered. They were saddened to find that the aircraft carrier groups of M and Huaxia had formed a encirclement on Japan. The aircraft carrier fleet of M, which should have blocked the Chinese warships in front, ran to the rear of Japan.

Not only that, the Chinese army entered Baodao on a large scale, and its relationship with the mainland has always been good and bad. At this time, it was extremely generous. It directly let out several military bases close to Yufu Island, and a large number of aircraft and army stationed in Baodao.

At this time, there was an unprecedented crisis in Japan. Countless Japanese people marched on the streets and demanded that the Japanese government should be dismissed. Some people directly rushed into the city hall of some cities to beat the officials in power. Even some policemen joined the ranks of resisting the government.

These, of course, is Fujiwara JIKO's behavior, for ye Xiao, she still maintains absolute loyalty.

Form, a great change.

That is, at a time when the international situation has changed dramatically, ye Xiao, the Oriental dragon, the fuse of all these events, slowly wakes up

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