"Medusa, didn't you say he would wake up in a month at most? It's been more than 40 days now. Why haven't you woken up yet? " Charles castle, ye Xiao's room, Elena is very indignant toward Medusa said.

At the beginning, Medusa said it would take a month to wake up from ye Xiao. However, more than 40 days have passed and ye Xiao still has no sign of waking up.

Facing Elena's question, Medusa is very innocent, but she doesn't know how to answer it.

The venom in Ye Xiao's body has already been removed, and his body has recovered very well, even the scar on his back has disappeared. In addition to his strong physical fitness, his secret medicine has also played a great role. Even when they stand there, they can hear ye Xiao's powerful heartbeat.

It's not like the heartbeat of ordinary people, but like the heartbeat of a beast. Every time I hear such a heartbeat, Medusa or Alice can't help but speed up her heartbeat.

However, since these days, Elena has been watching her closely. She even has to spend the night with Ye Xiao in this room, so that she has no chance at all. As for Alice, she has no courage to do something to Ye Xiao at Charles castle.

"Elena, it can't blame Medusa. Didn't you find that ye Xiao's physical condition is surprisingly good? The amount of glucose and various nutrient solutions delivered to him these days are several times higher than before. Does that not mean that he is gradually recovering? Maybe I don't know when he will wake up... " Seeing that Medusa was asked to be speechless, Alice, as her best friend in the house, could only persuade her.

"You've said that seven or eight times, but you haven't seen him wake up?" Elena rolled her eyes directly. This hateful Alice didn't react fast enough last time. Ye Xiao was bullied by your partner.

"Well, I won't tell you. I'll help you wake up this smelly man today..." Since that time when she wanted to have something to do with Ye Xiao, she was caught by Elena. After that, Alice has been tough in front of Elena. Now she is dumb again. All her anger breaks out completely. She calls out loud. Then she jumps onto Ye Xiao's bed and roars angrily: "ye Xiao, are you a man People, just wake up for my mother. Are there three beautiful women here, don't you want to wake up? But I told you, as long as you wake up immediately, we three beauties are at your mercy... "

And then

Then she saw that ye Xiao's eyelids moved, and suddenly her heart leaped wildly. No, it's OK.

Ye Xiao's eyes have opened slowly when he is still stunned

Then Alice opened her mouth completely and said to Elena, "he's really awake..."

Ye Xiao woke up. After sleeping for more than 40 days, he finally woke up and opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was a blonde woman standing in front of him.

Where is NIMA's own? Is it heaven? Otherwise, how could he open his eyes and be such a beautiful woman, but before he knew where he was, he heard a rush of footsteps, and then two figures, one left and one right, rushed to his own.

One is wearing a V-neck T-shirt and the other is wearing a white shirt, but the collar button of the shirt is not buttoned. When two people directly press one hand on the bedside

Nima, he really came to heaven, otherwise, how could there be such a beautiful thing.

"Ye Xiao Ye Xiao, you finally wake up. Great, you finally wake up... " At this time, a soft voice came into Ye Xiao's ears. Ye Xiao looked along the direction of the voice. Where did you see this face in memory?

Ye Xiao looked at this seemingly familiar face, and after a long time, he came back to his mind.

"Elena?" Ye Xiao exclaimed, "isn't this heaven?"? How did Elena show up here?

Is she

But it's impossible. Even if something happened to her, it would be too small to meet her again in heaven? Don't you say that you are not dead, but if you are not dead, it is even more impossible to be with Elena?

"Well It's me, ye Xiao. You finally wake up. Great, you finally wake up. You've been sleeping for more than 40 days... " Seeing ye Xiao wake up, she immediately called out her name. Elena's heart even flowed a warm current. A kind of happiness flowed through her heart. He had not forgotten himself, and he had not forgotten himself.

"Ah, more than forty days? What's going on? " Ye Xiao was scared. He was so good that he didn't die. How did he sleep for more than 40 days?

"You are poisoned by the black and white twin's sword. Once these two kinds of poisons are mixed, people can fall into a permanent deep sleep. But it took me a lot of effort to help you lead out the poison, otherwise you will not sleep for more than 40 days!" At this time, standing on the other side of Ye Xiao, Medusa said.

The tone is very dissatisfied, this son of a bitch, is also too unconscionable. My aunt spent so many days to take care of him. After waking up, the first one to greet Elena, who did nothing, is that a thief has no conscience?"Are you?" Ye Xiao then moved her eyes to this side. Of course, she still looked along the collar of the shirt. Then she saw a face that was more beautiful than Elena. It was a beautiful woman with golden hair and blue eyes, but her face shape was similar to that of Oriental women.

"I am your Savior..." Medusa didn't like to say a word. She had such a relationship with other people. She even asked who they were. But in the twinkling of an eye, she thought that he had been in a coma since he was sent to her. She had no consciousness at all. How could she know that she added: "Medusa Hualian!"

"I'm Elena's mother, Alice, Alice Berlin!" At this time, Alice, who has been standing in front of Ye Xiao, also opened her mouth to introduce herself. Such a handsome man finally wakes up. Can we let Elena and medusa row down! At least let him know himself, right?

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