Ye Xiao is really flustered. Although Charles greets Alice for other reasons, anyway, Alice is the first wife of Baron Charles. She has just reached some agreements with Charles. If there is any spark in friction with his little wife, it would be too sorry for Charles, right?

Besides, it's still in Elena's bedroom, where Elena is taking a bath. What would happen if she came out to see such a passionate scene?

"Little mom, this is not very good..." Ye Xiao said shyly. I don't know why. I've always been calm like him. Every time I face Alice, I feel nervous, because this woman is so crazy.

"Not so good? What's not so good?... " Alice looked like she didn't know why, and then

"Click..." At this time, the bathroom came to the sound of opening the door, just to do all this, only wrapped in a towel Elena came out of the bathroom.

'Alice, what are you doing here Seeing Alice standing by the bed, Elena is very dissatisfied with mumbling, this crazy woman, can't be what she did with her back and ye Xiao?

"What, Alice, you have to call me little mom. I didn't see you working hard these days and gave you two bowls of chicken soup?" Alice turned her eyes straight up and said, very dissatisfied.

"Chicken soup, would you be so kind?" Elena also rolled her eyes, the sun did not come out from the west, Alice will give her chicken soup for no reason, kill her, she will not believe.

"Elena, my mother really brought two bowls of chicken soup..." Seeing the impulse of two people having a big fight, ye Xiao made a voice to stop the way.

Elena looked at the bedside table. Sure enough, she saw two bowls of chicken soup. Then she went to the bedside step by step. Looking at the discontented smile on Alice's face, she didn't mean to apologize at all. Instead, she said, "you didn't put anything in the chicken soup, did you?" Her eyes were fixed on Alice's, full of doubt.

"Elena, what do you mean, you just don't trust me? I'm your little mom, too... " Alice was completely angry. She sent her two bowls of chicken soup with good intentions. Even if she didn't thank her, she doubted herself again and again, which hurt my self-esteem. Although she did not have any good intentions, she was kind after all.

"I don't trust you because you are my little mother..." Elena said without mercy, is still a look of disbelief.

"You..." Alice is angry!

"If you don't add anything else to the chicken soup, you can have a drink and let me have a look..." When she saw Alice who was about to run away, Elena still didn't mean to compromise. As Alice's best friend, she didn't know her stepmother.

"Elena, you really make me sad. I have a lot of heart, and I was said to be like this by you. If you don't drink it, it's ok..." 'Alice growled angrily, and then she was about to get up to the front of the tray and walk out.

"Look, you're guilty. I just know you're not kind..." Seeing Alice take soft, Elena is more sure that there must be something else in the chicken soup. Although it can't be poison, it's OK to find something hard for her.

"You Look, I'm drinking... " Alice was so distrusted by Elena that she was completely angry. She completely lost her mind. She grabbed a bowl of chicken soup and poured it into her mouth. Then she put the bowl on the tray and smashed it to pieces.

"Look, I've already had a drink. What's wrong? It's nothing at all. Elena, you're so..."

"Putong..." A, Alice's words have not finished, directly fell on the ground, and then came the sound of even breathing, such a wonderful scene, see ye Xiao and Elena dumbfounded, especially Ye Xiao, he really did not think that Alice actually put these ingredients in chicken soup.

"Hum, I knew I didn't have a good intention..." Elena snorted coldly. She didn't mean to help her best friend. She went to the head of the bed, picked up the phone, and said to the head of the phone, "Wei'er, you come to my room and help your wife back..." After that, hang up the phone.

Then she went straight to bed without helping Alice, who had fainted on the carpet.

Ye Xiao can only wipe the cold sweat on her forehead. The mother and daughter are really the best

When ye Xiao lived in Charles castle, Phoenix, the capital of Arizona in M, was a city built on the ruins of an ancient Indian town. It was a prehistoric cultural site and had a beautiful name, Phoenix.

The mayor of Phoenix, named Molina Charles, is one of the most powerful female mayors in all the big cities of M. besides being the mayor of Phoenix, she is also the most powerful candidate for the next governor of the whole state of Arizona. With her prestige in Phoenix and even the whole state of Arizona, it is almost impossible to be elected governor.

She once said in a public occasion that the governor was not the end of her political career, but that her goal was to become the first female president in the history of M, which showed that she was an extremely strong political official.Now, in an extremely luxurious villa in Phoenix, such a powerful mollina Charles actually wears a set of maid's clothes, just like a clever little dog, lying in front of a man with a clever manner. She is doing some special service for him. If the paparazzi take such a scene, I don't know what kind of disturbance will be aroused in the political circles of M country.

All of a sudden, the man grabbed the head of Molina Charles, and his body twitched violently. Finally, the whole person was relaxed, as if all his strength had been evacuated, and he collapsed on the sofa

"Dear aunt, you are really getting better and better..." Looking at the beautiful and charming creature in front of him, the corner of the man's mouth, appeared a smile of evil

"Cluck, young master, isn't it all your credit? I can only train on you? " Mollina slowly stood up and said.

"Ha ha, is it true that you are the only one who knows this clearly? By the way, I heard that my sister brought a man back to the castle. Do you know?" The man smiles and doesn't take jasmine's words to heart

Even though she is still single, she can only know how much face she has

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