"Well, I heard it was an oriental boy..." Molina nodded, indicating that she knew something. Then she sat straight on the man's thigh, her chest dripping, and whispered in the man's ear, "are you interested in your sister, too?"

The voice was full of fragrance, which made the man who had just been satisfied begin to have a reaction immediately. This woman is really a unique creature. No wonder that old fellow Baron Charles would spare no effort to promote her to become the mayor of Phoenix City at a young age.

The man is no one else. It is olan David Charles, the chief of Bellon Charles, and this woman is also a member of the Charles family. She was a distant cousin of Bellon in terms of seniority. When she was young, she was once an artist. Later, she was favored by Veron, and she has been supported by Veron to be the mayor of Phoenix City. It is said that she is also one of the lovers of Bellon Charles.

"If I was really interested in that little girl film, I would have taken her down long ago. Why wait until now? I just heard that even the old fellow Veron is very interested in that boy..." Olan snorted coldly

"Oh? What's that kid about? " Mollina put away the charm on her face and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know. It's just that I've known Elena for a long time..." Olan shook his head.

"What does Veron mean

"The old man seems to have approved of it. I'm afraid he will teach Elena the inheritance of the family..." Said olan in a deep voice.

"Why?" Molina showed a puzzled look.

"It's been reported that Leo's idiot is not the real son of that old Baron..." An ironic smile appeared on olan's face, which seemed to satirize Veron's tragedy. When such a romantic character got old, there was no real son to inherit his mantle.

"Really?" There was a look of horror on her face.

"I'm not sure, but it's very possible. Otherwise, the old fox couldn't have tolerated what I've done for so many years. The reason why he tolerated me might be to let me fight with Leo's garbage, and when we were both defeated, he would clean up the situation, and then let Elena nanny take the position of householder." Said olan with a gloomy face.

"What are you going to do?" Mollina asked in a low voice, too.

"First confirm whether the second is really the son of the old man. If not, then I don't mind working with him against the old man." Olan said coldly.

"Well, I'll do this, but what about the Oriental boy? Just leave him alone? " Mollina nodded and said again.

"No, I'll take care of it myself!" Olan shook his head.

Molly nodded no more.

"Well, I've asked the third of the Orlando family to play in Las Vegas. Let's go first. If you have any questions, please contact me at any time." Seeing his distant aunt nodding her head cleverly, olan Charles's face showed a satisfied smile. It seems that he has completely conquered this woman, with her help, and with some forces in the Charles family, even if Veron wants to make Elena the successor of the family, it is not an easy thing.

"Well..." Molina nodded and pulled up the pants of Oran David Charles and sent him away.

When she saw Orlan Charles's car far away, Melina went to the balcony and let the golden sun shine down on her car. Then she took out her phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, dear aunt, but miss me?" As soon as the phone was connected, there was a burst of hip-hop laughter.

"Leo, in the daytime, are you playing with women again?"

"Ha ha, auntie, you can play with my big brother at this time. Why can't I play with women?"

"Olan probably knows your life experience!"

"Ha ha, I let him know, he should let you confirm my life experience, and then ready to join hands with me?" On the other end of the phone came a cool smile.

"Did you mean it?" At the sound of Leo David Charles's indifference, Molina's eyebrows were raised again.

"Of course, now the old man wants us to fight to the death, so that my sister can take over the position of the head of the house. How can I let his wishful thinking come true? You tell me that big brother rubbish, I'm willing to cooperate with him. After that, we'll be half the property of the Charles family!" Leo Charles gave a sneer.

"I know." Suppressing her shock, Molina said.

"Well, if there's nothing else, I'll hang up first..." After that, Leo hung up the phone directly. When she heard the beep coming from the phone, Molina's eyebrows were tightly knit together. Originally, she had always thought that Leo was the best person to control, and this secretly kept a closer relationship with Leo than Oran. But now it seems that she has obviously underestimated this person, a member of the Charles family, even if it is not that one The real sons of the old fox are not simple characters.Put up the phone, Molina turned into the room and sat down on the sofa. It was just at this moment that the door opened.

Molina didn't get up. She already knew who was coming.

The door opened and a blonde man in his thirties came in. The man was not handsome. He was the type who would be drowned by the crowd when he walked on the street. However, his eyes were bright, as if nothing could escape his eyes.

Seeing mollina sitting on the sofa, a charming smile appeared on the man's face. He went straight to Molina's back, put his hands on Molina's shoulder and kneaded it for her gently.

"Claude, do you think I underestimate olan and Leo?" Feeling the strength from her shoulders, Molina relaxed, then closed her eyes slightly and said faintly.

"Don't worry, beautiful miss Molina, there is a limit to the two guys who have been obsessed with women. As long as you grasp their weakness, they will surely lose. Now, if you want to control the whole Charles family, the biggest resistance is not their two wastes..." Claude, the CIA agent who had been taken over by the violence of white choufei, said with a smile.

"Oh? Do you think it's Elena's little girl, too? " Molina disdained to hold back her mouth, obviously looked down on Elena.

"No, Miss Elena has little contact with the Charles family since she was a child. She will not be your resistance. The real resistance will come from Mr. Bellon Charles. With his resourcefulness, before he dies, she will certainly sweep away all those who hinder his daughter's succession to the throne of the house. You have to guard against..."

"Claude, if you want to help me, you must help me. As long as I can be the mistress of the Charles family, I will not treat you badly..." As soon as she heard Claude's words, Molina was very nervous. She grabbed Claude's shoulder and said nervously.

"Oh, don't worry. Who else can I help you if I don't help you? Dear Molina... " There was a strange light in Claude's eyes

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