In the face of the whistling gangsters, ye Xiao can't resist them at all. He just dodges the choppers with his own speed. Even if some of them can't hide, he doesn't return to the sword to resist it, but allows those choppers to chop on himself!

But the machete in his hand is like the sickle of death, which cuts one neck after another and takes away one life after another!

When ye Xiao walked out of the group, there were less than three gangsters alive, and they only survived because they were far away!

As for ye Xiao, he was also scarred. Although these gangsters did not have much strength because of fear, and the scars were not deep enough, they couldn't stand much. At least eight people hit Ye Xiao, and their clothes were soaked with blood. Some of them had their own and some of their enemies!

The machete in his hand has already rolled up. This is the fourth machete that ye Xiao has seized. After throwing away the machete in his hand, ye Xiao, who is already exhausted, walks forward step by step!

Although he had been injured when he came, although fighting Leng Shaoshang had consumed a lot of physical strength, although he had added a few heartaches just now, and tried his best to tell him that he should stop and bandage first, but he was completely controlled by his emotions and still rushed forward at the fastest speed!

Just because he knew that there was his best brother in front of him and the brother he needed to rescue most. He couldn't let him die. He couldn't, absolutely not!

Crazy Ye Xiao starts to run quickly. With his full speed running, the wound on his body can't be healed, and even the speed of bleeding is faster and faster

But he didn't pay attention to it. There was only one thought in his mind. He rushed to ye yubai's side and rescued ye yubai

At this time, ye yubai is also scarred. When he continuously wields the 18th fist, he falls to the ground powerlessly. He lies on the ground quietly with a black dagger on his back. In front of him, there is a wolf who has been beaten to be a pig's head, the iron claw on his arm, and ye yubai's flesh and blood

Wu Shuang was too tired. Just now ye yubai punched the wolf, she cut him. At last, there was no place to scratch on ye yubai's back. Only then did she stab ye yubai into the back of Ye yubai's heart and end the savage battle!

Until this moment, she really realized the madness of Ye yubai, the madman known as the God of iron and blood!

Even if he was seriously injured for more than 20 months, he had to pay the price of being seriously injured for five months!

Terror, it's so terrible

The God of iron and blood deserves its reputation!

As for the wolf, he was beaten to death at this time. He didn't expect ye yubai to be so crazy. He even dared to touch his iron claw with his palm, and he still punched himself so hard when his palm was pierced. If he hadn't been seriously injured before and consumed most of his physical strength, he would have been beaten to death by him. This is also strange for Wu Shuang Why don't you just stab him to death? Why don't you stab him earlier?

But fortunately, this guy is dead at last

Wolf some proud with his feet kick ye yubai's head, found that ye yubai did not have any reaction, that pig's face just showed a look of relaxation!

Ye yubai is not dead, but he is not far away from death. Because of the excessive bleeding, his brain has begun to appear dizzy, and his breathing has begun to appear shortness of breath, just like being locked in a room without air. He constantly wants to breathe fresh air, but the gas he breathes in is far less than what he wants, so he can only continue to breathe desperately Inhale, but in the eyes of outsiders, his breath is so weak!

Are you going to die? Are you really going to die? I didn't expect to die when I was so young!

It's not worth it. I'm only 19 years old. I've only had more than 30 women. I haven't been in love yet. I haven't driven a sports car. I haven't gambled in Las Vegas. I haven't gone to the island to find those women who play!

Why did you die like this?

But it doesn't matter. The most important thing is that he can't accompany Ye Xiao any more. I can't witness him sitting on the throne of king. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!

Brother Xiao, do you blame me?

Xiaoge, don't forget, I have a gold necklace when you have it!

And Anan, you won't despise me? Don't worry. Even if I go to the hell, I will make some famous people. When you come, I will find you a lot of pretty girls

And wolf, I called you so early. You bastard hasn't come. What the hell are you doing? Well, I hope you will cry when I die, or I will not let you go as a ghost

Anan, wolf, and brother Xiao, goodbye

Ye Canglang's heart rate is getting slower and slower, and his consciousness is also beginning to blur gradually, more and more fuzzy, more and more fuzzy

"Ye yubai..." At this time, a loud voice came from the distanceBrother Xiao, are you here? But I really can't?

Brother Xiao, I'm sorry

Ye Xiao's voice wakes Wu Shuang and wolf at the same time. They jump up from the ground almost at the same time. They see ye Xiao, who is covered with blood, rushes towards this side crazily

How could he be here? Didn't young master Han say that he would stop him? Wolf and Wu Shuang almost had the same idea in their minds!

however, the idea just appeared, and they had already made a response. Anyway, it seems that he is seriously injured, so take this opportunity to kill him!

Especially Wu Shuang, when he saw Ye Xiao, his eyes were red with blood. If it wasn't for this guy, the leader of the gang would not have died, and he would not have fallen into the situation of such a host!

But their reaction is very fast, and ye Xiao's speed is extremely fast. When they are ready to fight, ye Xiao's body has already rushed to the two people's bodies, then jumped up high and kicked them at the same time

Ye Xiao's terrifying foot is blocked by the fierce wolf with his iron claws. Wu Shuang's dagger is still inserted in the back of Ye Cang wolf's heart. There is no other weapon on her body. She just instinctively raises her arms and protects her heart

"Bang..." The iron claw in the wolf's hand broke in response to the sound. His body was also shaken and flew backward. Wu Shuang's arm made a click. It was the sound of bone fracture. Her body also flew backward

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