"Bang..." There was another loud noise. Their bodies collided with the back wall at the same time, and a mouthful of blood gushed out on the spot. Even that wall was hit with cracks. From this, we can see how great the power of this foot is!

They almost supported the wall, and then they struggled to stand up. They looked at Ye Xiao with blood all over their faces. They never thought that a person's strength would be so great?

It seems that what just kicked is not a kick, but a racing truck, or a furious Tyrannosaurus Rex

At this time, their first thought is to escape, escape as fast as possible, away from this guy

Although the future is good, you should have a life to enjoy, isn't it? If you have no life, what else?

Even Wu Shuang, who wants revenge wholeheartedly, also wants to escape. Revenge also needs life. If there is no life, what kind of revenge is there?

Even at this moment, she even the thought of revenge is completely defeated by Ye Xiao's terror. There is only one thought left in the whole person's mind, escape!

But ye Xiao didn't chase after them. Instead, he squatted down and squatted beside ye yubai!

"Xiaobai, I'm Ye Xiao. Wake up the hell..." Ye Xiao holds Xiaobai and shakes his body. He doesn't dare to be too hard or too light!

But at this time ye yubai bled too much, even when he heard Ye Xiao's voice, he couldn't answer at all. He just lay there quietly!

"Xiaobai, you can't die. You're alive for me!" Seeing that Xiaobai doesn't respond, ye Xiao's tears fall from the corner of his eyes

But no matter how he shakes, ye yubai lies there quietly

Ye Xiao is grieved in her heart, and probes ye yubai's breath with her hand. Fortunately, there is still breathing. Although it is very weak, there is still one breath in the end, and his heart beat slowly!

"Xiaobai, I know you can hear me. Listen to me. I want you to live. I want you to conquer Jinghai and govern the world with me. So you can't die for me. Do you hear me? I'll send you to the hospital right away. I'll be there soon, soon, really soon..." Ye Xiao hugs ye yubai and rushes to the outside of the lane at full speed. He doesn't take care of the seriously injured wolf and Wu Shuang!

Even if ye yubai's appearance is caused by them, ye Xiao has no intention of revenge!

Because ye yubai is not dead, there is nothing more important than ye yubai's life. He will have a chance to ask for it slowly after his huge debt. But if ye yubai dies like this, there will be nothing left!

Crazy general Ye Xiao crazy rushed out of the alley, did not see two people at all!

Until ye Xiao's figure disappeared in front of their eyes, two people at the same time a sigh of relief, feel a mountain on the shoulder disappeared the same!

Two people looked at each other at the same time, are to see the panic in each other's eyes!

At this moment, the wolf even regretted that he had done these things with Zhang Haozhe. If he cooperated with the flying car party as Jiang Chaoqi said, how could he provoke this terrible devil?

But is regret useful? Things have developed like this, he can only go down one road!

Ye Xiao did not know how much pressure he brought to the two people. He rushed out of the alley with ye yubai in his arms and came to the side of the road!

Those passers-by suddenly saw a bloody man with blood all over him and rushed out, one by one scared. Many young girls even screamed out of their voices. But ye Xiao seemed not to hear it. He just rushed to the middle of the road with ye yubai in his arms, and came to the front of the intersection waiting for the red light In front of the Mercedes!

"Bang..." Ye Xiao didn't say anything. He kicked directly on the front passenger's door. The terrible force shook the whole body and nearly turned over. That door was kicked out of a huge hole, and the window glass was shattered!

The fat man, who was listening to the music in the car, was startled. He suddenly turned around and saw a bloody man standing in front of his car with another blood man in his arms. The window glass had been completely smashed

"Get out of the car..." Ye Xiao's cold voice came, and the fat man was shaking. He had no time to think. Instinctively, he jumped down from the other side of the door

He doesn't want to die. Even in the afternoon, the sun hasn't set yet, and there are many vehicles around him. He doesn't feel any sense of security. The instinct from the depths of his soul tells him that if he slows down, his life will end here today!

He opened the door of the co driver's seat, put ye yubai's body in it, then quickly turned over to the other side and got into the driver's seat. In the eyes of all the people in awe, he started the Mercedes Benz and rushed forward

Even the traffic police who are directing the traffic in the middle of the intersection were shocked by this scene. Until the figure of the Mercedes Benz disappeared in the traffic flow, the traffic policeman regained his mind and immediately took out his walkie talkie and began to call for help to his companion!Ye Xiao doesn't care what kind of chaos he will cause after leaving. He has only one idea now. He must save ye yubai's life by sending him to the hospital!

Ye yubai still has a dagger in his back heart. Ye Xiao doesn't dare to move around. He also has to prevent the bumpy speed from increasing his injury. Now his heartbeat has not stopped, which can only explain one problem. This knife has not been inserted into ye yubai's heart!

Otherwise, no matter how tenacious his vitality is, he will die

Hold Xiaobai's shoulder with one hand and control the Mercedes Benz to run rapidly with one hand. But where should we go now?

At this time, ye Xiaocai thought that he did not know the doctors in the big hospitals in Jinghai city. Now time is life, and even if he threatens with violence, he will also delay a lot of time. What should we do?

At this time, ye Xiao suddenly thought of yiguyun, with her family background, should be able to contact those hospitals as soon as possible?

Throw away the steering wheel directly, take out the mobile phone, get through Peng Yingshi's phone!

"Hello, give the phone to Yi Guyun!" As soon as the phone was connected, ye Xiao roared at the exit

Peng Xiaoying has never heard of the phone call, but it is urgent for Peng Xiaoying to answer the phone!

"Hello? Ye Xiao, I am an ancient rhyme... " According to the ancient rhyme soft voice said!

"Gu Yun, please do something. One of my brothers is injured. I need first aid. Please help me find the nearest hospital. Please..." Ye Xiao almost said with a cry!

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