As people's eyes fell on their bodies, rainy days continued to say, "why not let the Vatican deal with tianyaomen?"

Let the Vatican deal with tianyaomen? As soon as this is said, everyone's eyes are bright. This is definitely a good idea. The Holy See has huge power. Even if the dark Council has accumulated wealth for thousands of years, once the "holy war" is launched, it may not be able to withdraw completely. Tianyaomen is a new nobleman. Although the power is not strong, it has great potential. Staying here is definitely a great harm, no matter which one the dark Council wants to deal with It's a lot of trouble, but what if the Vatican is allowed to attack tianyaomen?

The power of the Vatican is enough to destroy tianyaomen. In that way, it will not only eliminate a great potential harm, but also weaken the power of the Holy See. This is killing two birds with one stone.

"It's a good idea, but the question is, how can the Vatican and tianyaomen attack tianyaomen without resentment and hatred?" At this time, Brett, the leader of the Italian mafia party, who was not far away from the rainy day, said with disdain. He was a senior deacon in the dark Council. Originally, his younger brother Bryan should be the chief judge, but he was finally taken away by rainy days. Since then, he has never had a good feeling for rainy days. Now he hears it say This seems like a good idea, but in fact, it is not feasible at all.

"But what if the holy woman of the holy see is defiled by Ye Xiao?" In the face of bright's sarcasm, the rainy day didn't care at all, just whispered.


"How could that be possible?"

When this was said, the whole audience was shocked. Even Waltz Louis and Shangguan Wudao looked at the rainy day in surprise. It was obviously difficult to accept such a news.

You know, the holy daughter of the holy see is a symbol of holiness. If hundreds of millions of believers know that someone slanders their saint, even with the power of the dark Council, it is difficult to stop those crazy believers from attacking the rainy day. This will push the whole dark Council to death.

Of course, if the news is true, then it will be great news for the dark Council, but no one, except waltz, believes that what is said on rainy days is true.

"The Pope is not a fool. How can you believe that, chief judge, it's OK for you to talk here, but if you talk like that outside, it will bring us great trouble!" Brett was born again, sarcastically.

On a rainy day, he did not speak immediately. Instead, he took out a picture from his arms and put it directly on the table. Tianna, the nearest to him, took a look, and her face suddenly changed.

Then the photos were passed on one after another, and finally fell into the hands of Shangguan. No matter who saw such a picture, his face became as wonderful as Tianna, just because there was a woman, a woman holding a child, and that woman was the holy daughter of the Holy See.

"I think you should all know that the Holy Virgin of the holy see once appeared in the northern ice field and was also said to have been caught by a big beard. That time, the beard was killed by Ye Xiao, and ye Xiao's name was heard throughout the underground world at that time. Later, the holy daughter returned to the Holy See, but disappeared for a period of time. It was said that the holy woman of the Holy See had not been found in the penitentiary. Even the Pope did not question her, No one knows where she went or what she did during that time, except for her closest people.

She disappeared for a full year. In that year, my people happened to see her in Africa and took this picture. At that time, no one would think that she was a saint. Later, I have been investigating this matter. Until recently, it was confirmed that the saint had been to Africa for a period of time. You can see, this child and ye Xiao are somewhat similar in this world There can't be so many coincidences, so... " The rain did not go on, but everyone understood, so what is the meaning of the back.

Therefore, this child is likely to be the flesh and blood of Saint and ye Xiao. If it is true, then the saint is not only no longer holy, but also a mother. This is definitely a crucifixion in the Vatican. As a person who defiles the sanctity of the virgin, his fate can be imagined.

"How many times are you sure this woman is a saint?" At this time, Shangguan Wudao said excitedly. He never thought that ye Xiao had an affair with the saint. If this is true, ye Xiao is dead. He is dead.

In this world, apart from the state machine, no organization or individual can fight against the huge Vatican, even many small countries can not.

Judging from ye Xiao's current strength, he is absolutely impossible to fight against the huge Vatican.

"70%, but this is not the key. As long as we send this picture to the Pope, I don't think it will do us any harm whether it is true or not." Said softly on a rainy day.

Everyone's eyes are bright. Yes, if the matter is true, then the Pope will certainly investigate everything about the child. At that time, he will definitely be able to find out Ye Xiao's head. Then it will definitely lead to a fight between the Holy See and tianyaomen. If the woman is not a saint, then there is no loss for them. Why not?

"OK, OK, that's settled. Mr. Luo, you have made great achievements this time. Once the Vatican and tianyaomen go to war, you can't help it..." Shangguan nodded repeatedly, his face was full of excitement, as if he had seen Ye Xiao was sent to the fire rack to be burned alive."This is what I should do!" Even in the face of Shangguan's praise, the rainy day is also slightly open, as if he had only done a trivial thing.

Then, the people discussed how to profit from the conflict between the Vatican and tianyaomen, and a dark meeting was held secretly.

Ye Xiao didn't know that in distant Europe, there were people who were calculating him. During this period, he stayed in Jinghai city almost all day. In addition to teasing two little guys, he accompanied situ Haoyue and huayuewu, especially huayuewu. He was full of debt. He always asked for him in the evening. He really wanted to have another child with Hua YUEWU.

Of course, in addition to that, he also had to teach a Wu Chinese. I don't know whether it's because he has Oriental blood in his body, or because he has a good feeling for ye Xiao, so he is very close to all the people in China. After coming to China, she really likes everything here. In a short period of half a month, she has learned some simple Chinese Words, to be able to carry out some simple dialogue, I have to say, this is absolutely a miracle.

Half a month after he returned to Jinghai City, just as he was preparing to hold a full moon wine for his two children, a shocking news came from the country of M. Baron Charles, the former head of Charles's family, was killed. After the handover ceremony was completed, the whole family of Charles was shocked.

Ye Xiao, who received this news, could only immediately put down the matter in front of him. He flew to m country at the first time, and old Charles was killed. With Elena's strength alone, it was really difficult to support the overall situation. He had to go to country m as soon as possible to help Elena.

Sharna, AWU, Kanu and Lenghun are also the first to follow Ye Xiao and leave Jinghai city. The affairs of Jinghai city are still managed by Li Siqing and Leng Shaoshang

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