At New York International Airport, a flight directly from Jinghai city landed steadily on the tarmac. A man dressed in ordinary black and wearing huge sunglasses mingled in the crowd, walked out of the apron, came to the parking lot, glanced at the parking lot, and finally came straight to an ordinary Cadillac, opened the door and walked in directly.

This man is Ye Xiao. In order not to be noticed, he came out alone, while sharna took ah Wu to take other vehicles to leave. As for karu and Lenghun, there are other ways.

"How is it going?" Sitting in the co driver's seat, ye Xiao took off his sunglasses and said to the man driving.

"Three days ago, Veron returned from the golf course. The motorcade encountered a terrorist attack when passing by the maple leaf forest. All the people in the motorcade were killed. The vehicle in which Bellon was located was blown up and rolled over. The body fell into the sea under the cliff. So far, no body has been found!" He said, it's not like driving at all.

"What about the Charles family?" Ye Xiao raised her eyebrows and didn't say much. She couldn't see any sadness on her face, as if the dead Veron had nothing to do with him.

"It's supposed to be a family meeting in New York's black dragon building. You'll know when you go." The driver said faintly, and then started Cadillac towards the direction of downtown New York City. For more than an hour, the black Cadillac stopped at the gate of the black dragon building.

Ye Xiao got out of the car, and then the black Cadillac went straight away. Looking up at the huge skyscraper with hundreds of meters high, ye Xiao lifted her legs and walked inside.

At this time, in a huge conference hall on the top floor of the skyscraper, Elena Charles, the contemporary family of the Charles family, the two brothers of the family, Oran David Charles and Leo David Charles, were all present, including other important figures of the Charles family.

Elena was sitting in the position of the owner of the house, her eyes were red and she was obviously crying very sad. Even her eyes were still covered with tears. Veron had been dead for three days. The three days were as long as three centuries for her.

She never thought that her father would have an accident when she just took the seat of the head of the house. Elena understood that her father had left the strongest bodyguard around her to herself since she took the position of housekeeper. Otherwise, how could he have been attacked so easily.

However, what really makes Elena feel helpless is that her father's body has not been found. Instead, these relatives in the family do not want to track down the murderer and find his father's body. On the contrary, they constantly find various problems that need her to deal with. These are the most important items in the family business, including some things about the "Chevrolet" group.

At the thought of her father's tragic death, Elena was not in the mood to deal with these things, but she had to deal with them. This is her father's expectation for her. Even if her heart is sad and sad, she must face it firmly.

Veron left her a lot of hands, but without this backbone, those hands couldn't do anything. Now, her two brothers, including other members of the family, gathered here three days after her father's death, before finding his father's body.

"Homeowner, you have given a definite time when the cooperation project with binis group will start. Now it has been postponed for seven days. If we don't start the project, binis group will pull out the funds. In addition to paying a large loss, we will lose our reputation in the cosmetics industry. This is a huge deal for our owners It's a big loss. "

"Yes, the owner, as well as the contract of comeyan company, should have been signed three days ago, but it has not been implemented yet. They also have some opinions..."

For a moment, all kinds of things, big and small, all piled up in front of Elena. Seeing the dense information, and thinking of her dead father, Elena really felt a sense of collapse.

How can they do this? Isn't it time to look for their father first? Even if the father really suffered something unexpected, he should hold a memorial service for his father first. It is too much to ask about such a thing at this time?

Even those cooperative groups should understand.

Elena didn't know what to say, so she just kept silent.

"Master, you can say a word. Although big brother has an accident, the normal business of the Charles family needs to continue to operate. Can't we stop doing it?"

Another man said sour, as if he was so loyal to the family.

"Elena, if you can't deal with family affairs because of your sad big brother, you might as well let your elder brother olan deal with it. Oran, as the elder brother, you also need to help your sister at this time. Don't you see her lips are so blue? She should have a good rest now... " Jill, who had repeatedly raised doubts at the meeting, said this.

"Elena, uncle Jill said it's true that my father died. This is the loss of all the Charles family. Because of this, we should be more strong. Only when we deal with the family affairs can we spare no effort to find the murderer of our father. You should cheer up now. If you are really tired, let me help you with these documents?" At this time, Oran also followed the opening road."Well, the elder brother is right. Although my father died, we still have to do what we should do. Can we not be decadent, so that even if the father is in heaven, he will not rest. Although there are a lot of family affairs, brother and I can help you!" Leo also said casually, seemingly very sad, but anyone can see a smile in his eyes.

The old fox of Veron is dead at last. What can I do without the support of the old fox?

"How can you do this? My father has just been killed. Now the most important thing is to find his body. Do you want your father to die Elena was originally bent. Now she heard that her two brothers were not in a sad mood. Instead, she always wanted to seize power from her own hands. Rao was not bad tempered, and she was also angry at this time.

"Elena, you can't say that. We are all very sad when our cousin is killed. But what's the use of grief? We have already sent someone to look for the place where he fell, but there has been no news. At this time, we should turn our grief into strength and deal with family affairs. We must not give other forces an opportunity to take advantage of it. Otherwise, your father's painstaking efforts will destroy it. " Mollina, sitting not far from Elena, also said.

"Well, Elena is still too young to be the head of the family. If she hadn't been highly recommended by her hometown, how could she have been able to sit in this position? Now it's better. She died in her hometown. In such a state, how to control the whole Charles family? I suggest that the first and second young masters should help Elena Take over the family. I think even if the elder brother is in heaven, he will never blame him.

"Well, I think it's reasonable. Elena, you're tired too. Hand in the owner's token for the time being. Let's go to the show and have a rest first?"

"Rest? What qualifications do you have for her to rest? " At this moment, a cold voice came slowly from the door

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