With the sound of this voice, we can see that the door of the conference hall has been pushed open directly, and then ye Xiao, dressed in black, comes in step by step

"You What are you doing in here? This is where you can come in? " Seeing ye Xiao coming in so grandiose, Elena's second brother, Leo David Charles, snorted coldly with disdain in his eyes.

This guy, who do you really think he is? A little boy with stronger personal strength dares to break into the family meeting of the Charles family. What does this regard as the Charles family?

Ye Xiao didn't take Leo's words in his eyes, so he went straight to Leo's body. He stared at him with a pair of black lacquered eyes. He almost stuck the tip of his nose to Leo's nose. Then he said fiercely, "young master, I'm just coming in. What can you do to me..."

"You..." Leo looked at Ye Xiao in a daze. He didn't expect that the Oriental man would be so arrogant. He broke into the conference hall of the Charles family, and now he dare to speak to himself so arrogantly. Didn't he know that the old man, Bellon, was dead?

However, what surprised Leo even more was that when he wanted to drink and scold something, ye Xiao even hit his abdomen with a fist. What a terrible force Ye Xiao had, and this punch was even more powerful. A very strong force of gas directly rushed into his abdomen. Leo, whose body had been hollowed out by a woman, could not resist such a blow.

All of a sudden, the original white face was purplish red, the body was involuntarily bent up, the eyes were staring out, and a bitter water was spewing out from the mouth.

When Xiaoye comes in, he looks at all the people who are crazy? Even if he's Elena's boyfriend, even if Veron appreciates him, he shouldn't do it to Leo.

Although Leo admitted that he was not born son of Veron at first, he managed some forces of his own over the years, and his status in the Charles family was still at the elder level. Under such circumstances, how dare he be a civilian? Does he think Elena can really protect him?

"Bold, what are you doing? Somebody, catch the madman!" Seeing ye Xiao's disagreement was that he hit Leo's belly with a fist, olan's heart was speechless, but his face showed a look of sadness and indignation. How to say that Leo was his own brother, and his brother was beaten, if he still made a look of schadenfreude, wouldn't it be handled by others?

"Don't shout. I've beaten all the people outside. No one can come in!" In the face of olan's words, ye Xiao snorted coldly. Then he saw that the card slave over two meters tall appeared at the door with a huge iron bar in his hand, holding the only gate.

At his side, ah Wu, dressed in a strong suit, came in. Her eyes were full of excitement, as if she were excited to fight with Ye Xiao. As for Sarna, she was holding a golden desert eagle and leaning against the door frame. The desert eagle rolled in her hands, and she was completely an acrobat In the face of such a desert eagle, the faces of all the people present were slightly changed.

"Elena, what are you doing?" Seeing ye Xiao's people holding the door of the conference hall with one hand, and now there are no bodyguards coming, people's faces are changing dramatically. Can't Elena want to kill all those who disobey her?

Among them, Elina's nominal aunt, Molina, has already whispered.

Elena also looked at Ye Xiao blankly. She didn't understand what ye Xiao was going to do. How did she suddenly bring people in? However, out of absolute trust in Ye Xiao, she just kept silent.

"Do you think we can control the whole family? I tell you, if something goes wrong with us, the whole Charles family will be in decline Seeing that Elena ignored herself directly, Molina was filled with anger. Did she really think she was the head of the Charles family? Without Veron's support, she's nothing.

"Yes, Elena, even if you kill us, it's impossible for you to control the Charles family, the leader of the Charles family, you don't need such rubbish as you..." At this time, at the family meeting, Jill, who had always been against Veron, said.

"Waste?" As soon as ye Xiao heard these two words, he immediately stopped for a moment. He took back the eyes that had been put on Molina and fell on Jill's body. There was no emotion in his black eyes, and his whole person was walking towards Jill step by step.

Seeing ye Xiao walking towards her step by step, Jill's face changed slightly again, and her body retreated towards the back involuntarily. I don't know why. When ye Xiao came, he felt that he was not a man, but a beast, an ancient fierce beast from the flood land.

"What do you say?" Ye Xiao snorted coldly. Then he slapped him hard and took it out. All of a sudden, they heard "pa...." Jill's body was whipped to one side and fell heavily on the ground. His mouth was open and a big mouthful of blood gushed out. He also carried a mouth of gold teeth. Half of his face was swollen quickly, with five clear fingerprints on it."According to the family rules of the Charles family, they are disrespectful to their owners. However, the following crimes can be written into the family rules of the Charles family, such as dismissing their posts, or even directly dismissing them? It's not a big deal for me to slap him instead of the owner? " Glancing at Jill who fell on the ground, ye Xiao snorted coldly.

All of them were speechless. Even if they had something to say, they didn't dare to say anything more. Anyway, Elena is now the head of the Charles family. Jill even called her a waste. This is really disrespectful to the master. It seems that ye Xiao slapped him in the palm, which is really nothing?

Of course, the reason why people are really silent is because of Ye Xiao's powerful force. When there is no way to call the bodyguards in, all the people present are the most vulnerable chicks, who are willing to be slaughtered.

But in their hearts is a burst of doubt, in the end, how many people did ye Xiao bring? You've solved all the bodyguards out there?

Is this the headquarters of the Charles family?

And why haven't they received any news before? Did Elena arrange something secretly?

"Ye Xiao, what do you want to do Facing Ye Xiao, who is unreasonable and easy to beat people, Rao is resourceful and resourceful, such as Molina. At this time, there is no way out. However, considering her identity as a woman, Molina still yells.

"What? I'd like to ask what you're doing here? Do you really think that Elena will be bullied by you without the old man? I'll tell you, as long as I'm here, none of you can bully Elena Cold eyes swept over the audience, ye Xiao snorted coldly.

"What are you?" Many people's minds at the same time such ideas, but at this time, no one dares to say, but just now ye Xiao beat a punch, beat all the bitterness out of Leo recovered a little, heavy cold hum.

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