Once a big family is really united, it will be an extremely terrible family. For the Charles family, it is definitely an opportunity, a chance to really rise above the other two families. Veron has removed the position of the head of the family, but he will never miss such an opportunity.

At the thought of this, Veron glanced at Ye Xiao, and ye Xiao nodded slightly, indicating that she understood what she meant. The only thing in line with her own interests was that the Charles family was the dominant family. Now, the three families occupy almost half of the resources of M country. At least more than 30% of the people in the army and politics are from the three families, In addition, their huge economic strength is enough to affect the direction of the whole country M. if the Charles family can merge the other two families, how large will the power of the Charles family be?

At that time, combined with Bai choufei's power, ye Xiao could completely control the direction of the whole country, not just influence.

Thinking of this, his mouth also emerged a brilliant smile.

At the end of the meeting, all the people who came to force the palace were removed from their hands by Veron, while those who followed him were put into important positions. Of course, Veron left a lot of empty places for Elena to insert her own confidants, and even left some places for ye Xiao. However, ye Xiao introduced Liu Yukang into the Charles family Some industries do not have all their own staff. To put it bluntly, there are not many economic talents in his hands.

In the next few days, those who were removed from their posts on that day all had accidents. Some had a fire at home, some had gas explosion, some had a car accident, some had a heart attack, and some died directly in a woman's belly. In short, all kinds of death modes appeared, but after the identification of the police station, they all died in accidents.

This made the rest of the people chill one by one, but a few of them were about to be sent to the clan area without any accident. However, when they went to the clan area, they met a group of pirates. The whole ship was destroyed, and no one survived. Such news was introduced one by one to the senior members of the Charles family who witnessed the incident In my ears, the awe of Ye Xiao and Veron became stronger.

They do not dare to have evil thoughts any more. Even those who have some ideas will crush their evil thoughts to pieces.

An old fox, together with a tiger in the forest, is simply a terrible combination. To fight against such a combination is to seek death. In this case, why not work quietly in their hands and create greater glory with them?

In this way, they will only get more, as long as a smart person, will know what to choose.

The turbulence in the Charles family was quickly subsided. Elena was still the head of the Charles family, and her two brothers had all gone to hell. The Arthur family master who got the news was almost angry and vomited blood. He took such a big risk to send out the Chevrolet group. Originally, she wanted to be on the Charles family after the success He tore off a piece of meat, and now it's good. Not only did he not tear off a piece of meat, but even the Chevy group was involved. Arthur's family lost a lot.

However, the bad news did not end. With Liu Yukang entering the management team of the Charles family, with the huge financial support of the Charles family and the financial resources of tianyaomen, he began to launch a fierce economic attack on the Arthur family. There was a strong image that he would not stop destroying the Arthur family.

With the financial resources of Arthur family, it is really difficult to resist this storm.

While everything in M country is going according to the plan, ye Xiao received a very strange message.

The text message was sent from Europe, and it contained only one message, the holy lady of the Holy See, to be divided by fire on December 31.

When ye Xiao dials out according to this number, it is already unable to get through. Ye Xiao frowns slightly and quickly finds out the seductive. She asks her to find out who the owner of the number is, and by the way, check the situation of the holy woman of the Holy See. Half an hour later, a message comes from the enchanting side. That number is only the number of a taxi driver, and there is no other special situation before, However, the holy daughter of the Holy See was secretly arrested by the Vatican ruling. It is difficult to find out what happened by the Dragon intelligence network. After all, the Holy See's sphere of influence in the East is not large, and the dragon people's spies in the Vatican are not many. It can be said that the two organizations have always been under the situation that the water does not invade the river.

It's good to be able to find out the news.

The Holy Virgin of the Holy See was secretly arrested by the verdict? Unless it is the order issued by the Pope himself, it is absolutely impossible for the verdict to arrest the virgin. After all, the saint is surrounded by powerful paladins.

The fact that the Pope can personally order the arrest of the virgin indicates that the virgin must have committed a felony. But in a flash, ye Xiao thought about the enchanting night in the northern ice field. Apart from such major events as losing virginity, what else should the Pope personally order? At the thought of this, ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled!

As for who sent his message, it is no longer important at present. Even if ye Xiaoming knew that this was a trap, he would have to jump down from his head.Maybe it's stupid, but when a man is alive, some things have to be done.

The friendship between him and the saint was not good. It was nothing more than a beautiful encounter. But if it was because of that beautiful encounter that the saint fell into an irreparable situation, how could he go to rescue the saint.

Even if that encounter and he did not have much to do with him, but a man's husband, did, is done, if not even this commitment, still a man?

There is no way to get news from enchanting. Ye Xiao calls enchanting. Now enchanting is also a senior member of the dark moon alliance. Although the dark moon alliance is almost disintegrated, there is an original holy knight around her. Maybe she can know something. Moreover, the beautiful encounter between herself and Saint Susanna can be regarded as enchanting's creation Yes.

Is ready to call enchanting, the phone ring rings, fixed eyes a look, unexpectedly is enchanting to call, two people actually have such a heart? Don't know why, ye Xiao's heart unexpectedly flashed such an idea.

"Ye Xiao, where are you now?" As soon as the phone was connected, there was an anxious voice on the other end of the line.

"I'm in M country!" Ye Xiao is a little surprised. Why does she sound nervous?

"Oh, then it's ok..." Hearing the news that ye Xiao is still in M country, enchanting at the other end of the phone is obviously relieved. What seems to be worrying about?

"Qingcheng, have you heard of the secret arrest of Saint Susanna by the judgment of the Vatican?" Ye Xiao eyebrows a pick, faintly thought of what, directly opened his mouth to ask.

"Ah? Arrested? How could it be? " Luo Qingcheng on the other end of the phone was stunned at first, but quickly replied and made a tone of surprise.

If other people have such a reaction, ye Xiao is not surprised at all, but the other party is enchanting. Even if the sky falls, she will not frown. The reason why she makes such exaggerated tone is that she has already known the news, and may only know more.

"Qingcheng, tell me what happened..."

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