In a region near Canada, the far north of country m is a secret base subordinate to the M army, an important stronghold of the dark moon alliance, and the place where the dark moon League held a secret meeting. At this time, enchanting people in a black cloak were standing on the floor at the top of the base, facing the north wind and holding a satellite phone, Looking at the far north.

On the phone, ye Xiao's inquiry voice is coming. Her eyebrows are tightly wrinkled together. She already knows that she can't hide from ye Xiao, but can you tell him? With his character, if he knew the truth of the matter, he would go to Europe at the first time, but it was the Holy See. It was a huge organization that had been passed on for thousands of years. There were so many experts in it that ye Xiao really rushed to die.

At this moment, enchanting and even a little angry, sarogas, why to tell her such news, she is a little bit hate herself, if it was not her own bad taste, how could such a thing happen?

Just myself and

Think of here, enchanting suddenly scared, she unexpectedly so nervous Ye Xiao's safety? He was nervous when he attacked Shangguan in the White House and fell overboard. Now he may go to Europe. He is so nervous. What's wrong with him?

Why are you so nervous?

"Qingcheng, you don't have to hide it from me. Tell me what's going on. If you really don't want to tell me, I'll go to Europe to find out." In enchanting shock his mind when the phone again came to the voice of Ye Xiao.

When she heard that ye Xiao wanted to go to Europe alone to inquire about the news, enchanting was even more shocked. The Pope did not know how to know about Suzanne. It was not her own business. Her children, even ye Xiao, who had relations with her, would become the targets of the Pope's attack. Even the Pope did not execute the holy daughter now, just to know from her mouth Who in the end defiled her virginity.

If ye Xiao went alone at this time, would he not have died without preparation?

Hesitated for a moment, enchanting or decided to Tell ye Xiao some of the information she knew.

In fact, it is very simple. The Pope did not know where he received a picture, a picture of Suzanne holding a child, and began to suspect that Susanna was no longer holy. He immediately asked the nuns of the Vatican to examine Susanna's body. The result showed that she was no longer holy, and had given birth to children. Such news was like a bolt from the blue, which directly shocked the core of the Vatican It's a big wave.

Holy daughter, this is the symbol of the whole Holy See, also a symbol of holiness and the highest respect for the gods. However, it is a great insult to the gods that the saints have children with other men, which is also the greatest sin in the Holy See.

For the first time, the people of the ruling house arrested Susanna, and sent a secret corps to Africa to bring back the child, who is already two or three years old. There is no doubt that the child is Ye Xiao's child, ye Xiao's child and Saint's child.

On hearing such news, ye Xiao's whole person was silly on the spot. She and Susannah had a child, and how old is the child? I didn't receive any news before. In fact, it was more than him. Even the Pope didn't receive any news. If it hadn't been for people who happened to see Susanna in Africa on rainy days, they might have concealed all the people.

In other words, his first child was born years ago?

Now, because of this, Suzanne has become a prisoner of the Vatican from a high-ranking saint. Not only she, but also the child who is only a few years old, may also be persecuted by the Vatican. Ye Xiao is very anxious to think of this possibility.

No matter what, no matter what, he must go to Europe. Even if he pays his own life, he can't let mother and son have anything wrong. This is the minimum persistence of a man to survive in the world.

"Qingcheng, thank you for telling me that!" On the other end of the phone, came Ye Xiao's deep voice.

"Ye Xiao, don't be impulsive. Listen to me and teach..." On hearing Ye Xiao's almost farewell words, enchanting and calm heart is also disordered. She tries to persuade Ye Xiao, but before the words are finished, the voice of Du Du comes from the end of the phone, and ye Xiao has already hung up the phone.

"This idiot, this idiot, why doesn't he listen to me? Even if he knows it now, in Europe, it's definitely death. The internal defense of the holy see is not comparable to that of the White House. Moreover, it's more difficult to enter the Vatican than the White House. It's the Holy Land in the minds of hundreds of millions of believers. I don't know how many crazy Vatican soldiers are guarding there. They are a group of brainwashed lunatics. " Enchanting anger almost jumped up, she has never been so angry because of who.

But thinking of Ye Xiao's idiots and ye Xiao's idiots, she suddenly felt that this was for granted. This is the guy she knew. If she knew this matter and was still indifferent, it would not be ye Xiao.

However, when he thought that ye Xiao would face the whole huge Vatican, enchanting and worried, he could not take too many people with him in the face of this almost fatal situation. He always liked to take all the risks on his own, and no matter how many people he would take unless he launched a war Having a little influence on the situation, he is most likely to go alone.If you go alone, it's not death, it's suicide.

Enchanting mind constantly flashed a variety of ideas, can block the idea of Ye Xiao, but think for a long time, she found that there is no way to stop Ye Xiao.

As for helping to rescue Susanna, this is undoubtedly a dream talk of a fool. Judging from the resources she has now, even if she does go, she will die completely, unless

At the thought of this, enchanting looked at the satellite phone in her hand and directly dropped it to the ground, smashed it to pieces. Then she took out a small communication device, pressed her fingers on it, adjusted it for a while, and finally took out a headset and put it on her ear.

"Qing Cheng?" A moment later, there was a charming and tender voice on the other end of the phone. There was some surprise in the voice. It seemed that enchanting would call her.

"Ye Xiao has gone to Europe!" Enchanting did not answer the woman's words, but said straight to the point.

"To Europe? The Holy See of Europe Surprised at the other end of the phone, he continued.

"Well..." Enchanting nodded.

"Qingcheng, tell me, what happened?" On the other end of the phone, there was also an anxious voice. Just now ye Xiao asked her something about the Holy See. At that time, she thought it was inappropriate. Now it seems that if something happened, is there any connection between the holy daughter of the Holy See and ye Xiao?

Enchanting has no more nonsense, and quickly said everything she knew and what she inferred that ye Xiao might have to do.

"Lingyan, please, help him. Now only you can save him!" The process of the matter said again, Luo Qingcheng actually issued a voice of entreaty, such a tone makes the phone that end of the seductive, the whole person is a Leng, in her memory, enchanting seems to have never asked for people, if not, she would not have left the dragon clan!

"OK, I'll tell the Dragon Emperor!" Seductive did not have any hesitation, one mouthful accepted

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