As enchanting expected, ye Xiao didn't tell anyone about it, nor did he ask for help from the dragon people, because he clearly understood that if this event really happened to the dragon people, it would not be his own business, but the whole dragon people and even the whole nation.

This is his own private affair. He doesn't want to disturb the whole country because of his private affairs. At this critical time when China is rising, it is very likely to put billions of Chinese people in danger because of such small things as this, which ye Xiao can't do.

So he just hung up the phone silently and went back to his room. Instead of going to the bathroom to take a bath and go to bed, he went to the computer and sat down.

Open the e-mail and look at the familiar lists in the address book. Ye Xiao starts to write letters to everyone he wants to write.

He knew that enchanting was impossible to cheat himself. Susanna even risked such a big risk to give birth to a child for herself. No matter what her purpose was, it was her own flesh and blood. If she didn't know it, it would be fine. But now that she knew it and didn't act on it, what's the difference between it and animals? His personality determined that he had to go, No Whatever the Vatican wants to do, he has to go.

Even if it's really just death, he has to go.

But he is no longer a person, he is involved in too many things, if he really had an accident, what should the people around him do? He and situ Haoyue's children have just been born, and they are not even full moon. What kind of sorrow would it be if they lost their father at this time? He had no parents since he was a child. He didn't want his children to be the same as himself, so even if he knew that he must die, he could not die. He could not only not die, but also live well and tenaciously.

All kinds of scattered news filtered and analyzed in his mind. His brain was running rapidly, thinking about the truth behind the matter. He always felt that there was a big hand behind him to push all this forward. As long as he found the big hand or a trace, things didn't really turn around.

Blasphemy is undoubtedly the greatest sin in the Holy See's doctrines. However, ye Xiao believes that even if there are many crazy believers who are completely brainwashed in the Holy See, the person who can become the Pope is definitely not such a one track minded idiot. He should be an adult who knows how to choose.

Of course, this is only a guess of Ye Xiao, but he will never let go of any vitality and opportunity.

He couldn't watch Susannah and her daughter die, let alone die in vain.

His mind was running rapidly, thinking about all kinds of situations and writing down what he wanted to say to the people around him. Although he didn't want to die, there was no absolute vitality in the world. If he failed, he didn't want the people around him to fall into confusion. Now he couldn't tell them that he didn't want them to worry, even Bai Chou Fei and ye Xiao didn't Tell me that he has decided that he wants to solve this problem alone.

One night, in such a hurry in the past, looking at a farewell envelope, ye Xiao's eyes, flashed a touch of reluctant to give up, in his mind, unconsciously appeared the two children who had just born, thought of their crying, thought of their laughter, and thought of the Yan elder sister who had raised her since childhood, and thought of Irene, bao'er, Binglin, as well as All kinds of women I knew later.

There are also those brothers who can live and die together, the dead Wang Qi, Luo lingchi, Yang Zhanghu, Lin zhanhun and others, as well as Bai choufei, Xiaobai, Xiaonan, Xiaolang who are still alive and more wonderful.

Unconsciously, ye Xiao's face, emerged a happy smile, he has the best relatives, the best beauty, the best brother, life is so fast, what else can I ask for?

If it's January morning, the email will be sent automatically.

After turning off the computer, looking at the full ashtray, he emptied them into the garbage can and left a note for going out. After that, ye Xiao got up and moved his shin bone for a while, and then walked out alone.

Without disturbing anyone, ye Xiao went to the airport alone, bought an international flight to Italy and embarked on the journey to the Holy See.

On the plane, ye Xiao fell into a deep sleep. In one night, he had figured out a lot of problems, but also thought of all kinds of conjectures. Maybe, he really has such a chance of life.

When ye Xiao went to Italy alone, in a sanatorium affiliated to the national military headquarters in Kyoto, China, two slender men sat quietly under a big locust tree, with a huge chessboard in front of them. They even ignored the cold north wind and the falling snow, so they played go in the snowy weather 。

Next to them, no one was seen, but in their hands, both of them were holding a teacup. In such a cold weather, the cup still exuded a trace of heat.

After more than half an hour, the pieces of the two men were still in the range of killing each other, and it was impossible to see who had the advantage.At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps in the silent corridor. When they looked up at each other, they saw the enchantment in cheongsam and mink coat coming step by step. There was no smile on her face, but a solemn and worried look on her face.

"Can't we trace him any more?" Seeing the enchantment coming, the man sitting in the North took the lead in opening his mouth. His voice is calm and dignified. Who is not the Dragon Emperor?

"Well!" The enchantress nodded her head gently, and then went on to say, "I have sent someone to track down the mysterious group that the Holy See went to Africa. The most reliable news comes that they have returned to the Holy See and really brought back a child of two or three years old!"

Last night, just received the news, enchanting told the Dragon Emperor what she wanted her to convey. Although she is now the master of the dragon family, in her heart, the Dragon Emperor is still the real master of the dragon family.

"Is that child really the child of Ye Xiao?" The Dragon Emperor's brow slightly raised Yang, continues to open mouth to ask a way.

"Well, Qingcheng can't cheat us on this, you should understand her character!" Seductive nodded.

"Ah, this stinky boy, be merciful everywhere. There are so many confidants around him that he even tries to provoke the holy daughter of the Holy See. Isn't this for smoking?" The Dragon Emperor sighed directly. There was no choice between the words.

"When you were young, didn't you?" At this time, the Lingdi, sitting opposite him, rolled his eyes directly and hit the road mercilessly.

“……” The emperor of the dragon was speechless for a while. How could this guy always like to turn over old accounts.

"Lao Lin, what do you think of this? This child is the hope of China. Can we let him die in this way Ignore the Dragon Emperor that become some ugly face, the spirit emperor once again open a way.

"It's not that you don't understand the character of that boy. He must have gone alone. He may be on the way. Even if we want to discuss with him, it's hard to do. What can I do now?" The emperor turned his eyes and said helplessly.

"Or shall we visit the Vatican in secret?" Lingdi stopped for a moment and suddenly proposed.

"No way!" But the seductive and the emperor of the Dragon refused at the same time

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