"Your injury has not recovered completely. You can't leave Kyoto now!" Ling Di surprised to look at two people, and seduction is directly scolded way.

In the last White House war, although they all successfully broke through, Lingdi was severely damaged. Up to now, his body has not recovered. At this time, if he goes to Europe again, it is very likely that the injury will recur. With his current physical condition, he is not suitable for a long journey.

Hearing the siren full of love, the spirit emperor wryly laughed: "people are old and useless, but even if I can't go, I can't watch that boy die?"

"Every time that boy does things, it seems that he is going to die, but now he is still alive. On the contrary, those who want him to die are all dead. Do you think he will really die?" The Dragon Emperor interrupted directly.

"But this time it's the Holy See!" Lingdi emphasized.

"I know, but there is no hopeless situation in the world. No matter what the opponent is, no matter how urgent the situation is, there must be a chance of survival." The Dragon Emperor nodded, indicating that he knew the existence of the Holy See.

"Don't you just watch him go alone and do nothing!" Ling Di rolled his eyes. This guy is still talking about sarcasm.

"Of course not. The boy didn't inform us. Obviously, he didn't want to let the dragon people intervene because of his own affairs. Obviously, he also understood that if the dragon people were involved, it would not be a trivial matter. Under such circumstances, we can't fight vigorously, but we can't really watch this boy go to fight alone. You stay in Kyoto and I'll go to Europe in person Some of my old friends haven't seen each other for a long time. It's time to visit them! " The Dragon Emperor seems to have grasped everything.

"You alone?" The spirit emperor was a little worried. Although the Dragon Emperor was powerful, he had to face the holy see this time. Even if the Holy See could not find a rival to him, it could not hold up many people. You know, in addition to the twelve paladins on the surface, the Holy See also had a adjudication office, an armed group specialized in eradicating heretics. In addition, according to one of the dragon people, the Holy See also had a ruling house In some news channels, the Holy See still hides unknown experts. How can an organization that has been passed on for thousands of years have no details?

"Nonsense, even ye Xiao is going alone. Am I going to take the whole dragon clan with me? It's not the time to split up with the Vatican. If there are too many people, it's not good. I don't think the Vatican is willing to make a big fuss about it. Otherwise, how could it be arrested in secret? " The dragon emperor turned his white eyes directly. Did the spirit emperor hurt his brain last time?

"Then you must be careful!" The spirit Emperor didn't say anything more. The Dragon Emperor said it well. Now there is no need to break the skin with the Holy See. This is not in accordance with each other's interests, and the Holy See will not do such things that both sides are hurt. The Dragon Emperor went to express the Dragon people's determination to support Ye Xiao. Unless the Vatican intentionally wants to make a big deal of this matter, there should be a turning point.

"Well I'm sure I'll be careful, but you should also be careful... "

"Be careful what?"

"Watch out for your black dragon. I've already eaten your black dragon!" The Dragon Emperor pointed to the chessboard!

"you are shameless!" When the Qi emperor was upset, he didn't know what it was.

"Haha, it's called war without mercy!" The Dragon Emperor laughed, but he didn't feel embarrassed. After more than ten hours' flight, ye Xiao's plane stopped steadily at Rome International Airport at 10:00 p.m. local time. Ye Xiao also woke up from her sleep, adjusted her clothes, and walked out of the cabin along with the crowd. Because she came quietly alone and did not disturb other people, it was impossible for anyone to come to pick up the plane and take other passengers The guest walked through the corridor and out of the hall, but when he came out of the exit, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Opposite him, Sarna in a suit of leather is standing there with a smile on her face, and a Wu in sportswear is standing beside her. One of them is charming and the other is lovely and touching. However, when they see the tall and big Kanu, many people give up their thoughts.

"You Why are you here? " Seeing the two people who appeared at the Rome Airport, ye Xiao suspected that he was dreaming. He went out alone.

"Hey, boss, you're not kind. If you want to come to Europe, you don't take us with you. Fortunately, ah Wu is alert and alert, and we secretly follow you up!" Tall and beautiful, Sarna even chuckled at Ye Xiao, revealing two rows of white teeth. Ye Xiao has no language completely. How can he forget about ah Wu? The girl's perception is stronger than herself. She may be able to hide from others by quietly coming out, but it is really difficult for him to hide from her.

If I had known this, I should have knocked her out first.

"Who knows but you?" They have come, and ye Xiao naturally can't drive them back. Even if they want to do it themselves, they won't really go back. Ye Xiao is just worried that they have told other people that in that way, everyone will know, and the less people better know about this matter, the better."Don't worry, except for us, only Leng Hun knows about it. However, he didn't come with us. He said that it would be troublesome to find weapons in Europe. He would come directly by boat. It's estimated that it will only take a few days. Boss, what are you going to do? Shouldn't you be in a hurry these days?" Sexy full of salna, a delicate, that kind of temptation, it is difficult to resist.

"Well..." Ye Xiao nodded. He really would not act immediately. After all, there are still a few days to go before the year, and he still needs to make some preparations.

"That's good. Cold soul must be in time, boss. Where are we going now?" Sarna nodded.

"Hotel, find a place to live first." Ye Xiao thinks his head is a little big. Now that they are coming, how can they avoid them and go to the Holy See?

"Well..." Sarna nodded, and Kanu had already called a taxi. They got on the taxi and found a theme hotel with European characteristics.

It's a huge suite, which is also the request of sharna. She doesn't want Ye Xiao to leave them and run out alone. Seeing such a posture, ye Xiao knows that if she really wants to act alone this time, she is afraid it will be impossible.

But once you take them with you, it's a near death.

Night is coming. In the room where ye Xiao is, ye Xiao, who has withdrawn his coat, is standing at the window, looking at the ancient city that has existed since the middle ages. He is lost in thought. Europe, which is the place where he seldom steps, is also the place where the Holy see has the greatest influence. What should we do to ensure that everything is lost?

"Dong Dong Dong..." While ye Xiao was meditating, there was a knock at the door behind him. Ye xiaotou didn't return. He called in directly. At this time, he came to look for him and would knock on the door. There was only one, sharna.

If it's a witch, it's a direct intruder!

Soon, the door opens, and it's Sarna. To her surprise, ye Xiao doesn't wear sexy silk pajamas. Instead, she's wearing the day's suit. She looks like she's going out

Ye Xiao's eyebrows rose slightly

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