"Boss, do you know what the biggest mistake you made when you came to Europe?" See the face a little surprised leaf Xiao, Sarna smile.

"What?" Ye Xiaoyi Leng, what kind of mistake is this?

"The biggest mistake is that I didn't take me with me. Fortunately, I followed me, otherwise this mistake will be really big!"

"With you? The biggest mistake? " Ye Xiao is more Zhang Er can't feel this brain. What is this and what is it?

"Have you forgotten my identity?" Sharna has already come to Ye Xiao's, and her face is close to Ye Xiao's. the tip of her nose is almost close to that of Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao can even feel the breath in her mouth.

Identity? Muslin bullet? Ye Xiao suddenly remembered that sharna's identity was a gun god bullet. Before she followed her own, she had always been active in Europe. It can be said that Europe is her base camp.

However, when he thought of the opponent he was facing, he had a bitter smile on his face. In the underground world, the bullet might still have some face, but in the face of such a huge thing as the Holy See, could those people she knew really help?

Even if it can help, if the Vatican accounts after the event, it will not put them in danger.

"What? The boss doesn't believe me? " Seeing the expression on Ye Xiao's face, sharna suddenly stretched out her arm, and the owner of the building called Ye Xiao's neck and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Do you know who I'm aiming for this time?"


"Holy See..." Rao is Sarna knows that ye Xiao must have something important to do this time. But when she heard that his target was the Holy See, she still jumped down. The hands that held Ye Xiao's neck were immediately released, and her body involuntarily stepped back. Her gray eyes were wide open, and she looked at Ye Xiao incredulously: "boss, are you sure you are not here Are you kidding me

The Holy See, whether in the secular world or in the underground world, has a huge power. The kings and leaders of many small countries in Europe are faithful believers of the Holy See. In this world, no matter what kind of organizations or individuals are willing to provoke the powerful Holy See, except for the dark Parliament which has always existed but is absolutely invisible The existence of, this is simply looking for death.

However, ye Xiao is not a member of the dark Council or a madman. What does he want to do with the Holy See?

"I'm not kidding. I really want to save someone from the Vatican this time..." Ye Xiao nodded, and then briefly said the purpose of their own this time, straight listen to sharna gaped.

"Boss, you really Really... " Sharna's heart has been startled by a huge wave. Her boss has pushed her to such a state that even the holy woman of the Holy See was given to him, and she also gave birth to a child. His gun was so fierce that it directly poked the biggest hornet's nest.

It is no exaggeration to say that ye Xiao's present power, even if he really raped the daughter of the president of M, there is still room for discussion and settlement. It is nothing more than the exchange of some interests, but he has given up the holy daughter of the Holy See

If the madmen of the Vatican knew such a thing, even if ye Xiao's strength was strong, he would be trapped in endless pursuit. If the general people were in trouble, it would be too late to hide. It would be better for him not only to hide, but also to come to Europe alone, and to find the Holy See alone. That's amazing!

"Well, now I know why I don't want you to come. This is a dead deal. You'd better go back first?" Seeing Sarna's surprised expression, ye Xiao grinned bitterly and said.

"Go back? That won't do. "


Ye Xiao has no language at once. It's time for her to think about these things.

"Boss, in fact, don't worry about it. Over the years, your status is getting higher and higher, and your power is also growing. You may have forgotten a rule of the underground world!" Seeing ye Xiao's speechless appearance, salna's sexy red lips rose slightly toward Yang and continued to speak.

"Guidelines?" Ye Xiao was stunned.

"Yes, one of the criteria of the underground world is that the strong should be respected, and the other is the supremacy of interests. Any large organization may not be willing to provoke a holy see, but it does not mean that individuals can't. for people walking in the underground world, killing an ordinary person is killing, killing a cardinal is killing. As long as there are enough interests, you can let them go to the dark To kill the Pope, there must be someone who works hard. What is the last thing you lack, boss, is money. You can spend a lot of money to buy a large number of killers. One can't kill, two can't kill, ten can't kill a hundred. Even if you can't kill the pope in the end, it can cause great trouble to the Vatican, isn't it? What's more, if the killer is dead, he doesn't need to pay a lot of commission. He only needs to pay a minimum deposit. He spends the least money and causes the Holy See the greatest trouble. Why not do it? " Sarna said of course, and ye Xiao's forehead has begun a burst of sweat.

This girl, when she became so insidious, can even think of such a sinister plan, but I like it. At least for him now, it is the best way, and even can provide enough chips for his upcoming plan."You're right. It's a good plan!" Ye Xiao is not stingy praise way.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go

"To where?"

"Of course, I'm going to release the mission. Do you stay here and kill people and offer door-to-door service?" Salna rolled her eyes directly, her gray eyes twinkled and lovely.

Sarna pulled out of the room, found that a Wu is already a black dress waiting there, see ye Xiao come out, the face showed a pure smile, came forward to hold Ye Xiao's arm, a pair of good baby's appearance.

Ye Xiao shook her head, knowing that it was impossible to leave her, so she took the two girls out of the hotel, and then saw a black Mercedes Benz stopped at the door of the hotel.

"Kanu, he went to get the car!" Sharna explained that she had taken the lead in opening the front passenger's door and sitting on it. A bitter smile appeared in the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth, but she was moved. Although she didn't ask them to do anything, they had already paid too much for themselves.

After years of getting along with each other, the relationship between several people is not the relationship between employers and employees, but really like a family.

The sexy and enchanting Sarna is so, the honest and honest card Nu is so, the cold soul of indifference and reticence is also the same, as well as this new pure wizard, they have unconsciously left an indelible mark in their own lives.

The black Mercedes Benz was driving on the streets of Rome, and finally came to a bar named MSS. She put the car on the side of the road. Sharna kicked the door open and jumped out of the car first. Ye Xiao also got out of the car, followed by a witch who didn't understand a lot of things. As for Kanu, she got off the car and followed several people.

But it was at this time that three or four men in jeans came out of the corner and stopped in front of several people

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