"Oh, young master, you are very lucky. How could you give one of these two beautiful girls to your brothers Said one of the men, who had shaved his head and tattooed an image of a key part of a man on the bald hill.

He uses Italian. Ye Xiao knows several languages, but he can't speak Italian. However, seeing the wanton look on the man's face, he knows that he must be saying something bad.

Without any more words, he took out a handful of desert eagles and put them into the man's mouth. Then he said viciously, "I'm sorry, I know what you're farting, but I'm sure if you dare to put one more word, I'll blow your head out!" He uses English and doesn't care whether the other party understands or not.

These gangsters are just ordinary gangsters. They came to see ye Xiao and his party as outsiders. They didn't really want to do anything to sharna and ah Wu, but they wanted to extort money from them.

In their opinion, ye Xiao and his party should all come to travel and play in the evening. In Rome, even the rich childe should be careful when they meet them. They usually pay directly to send them off. They have not done this once or twice, but how could they think that this time they met with iron plate, The other party is not a rich young master at all. He is just a murderer. The bodyguard has not moved yet. He even takes out a gun and inserts it into his partner's mouth.

Looking at the huge desert eagle, everyone is shaking, this is a group of goddamn gods!

"Go away..." Seeing the trembling bodies of these men, ye Xiao kicked the man in front of him in the abdomen. With great strength, he kicked the other party to fly. Finally, his knees fell to the ground and lay heavily on the ground. His teeth in his mouth were knocked off by the barrel of desert eagle, which looked terrible.

Seeing this Oriental man kick his companion's body to fly, the others are even more scared to death. They immediately step forward to help their companion, almost a rolling man ran. It is estimated that after such a lesson, they will not commit crimes again in a short time.

After cleaning up a few clowns, ye Xiao took the lead in entering this bar called MSS. Before she came, sharna had already said that one of the rules of the underground world is to respect the strong. For these thugs, the best way is to let them know your strength.

As soon as I stepped into the bar, a heat wave came, and the neon lights were flashing. I could see that the bar had at least 1000 square meters. Just after entering the bar, it was a large T-shaped stage. At this time, five hot blondes on the stage were dancing a moving pole dance.

In such a large bar, there are five such stages, which are divided into five areas in five directions, so that people in each area can enjoy the sexy and hot dancing.

Of course, in some corners, the hostess was smiling and drinking with the guests and playing games. In addition, with the hot music, the whole scene was extremely hot, as if to shake people's hearts out.

As soon as ye Xiao and his party came in, they were immediately noticed by several exposed blondes. They had intended to strike up a conversation, but when they saw Sarna and ah Wu who were following Ye Xiao, they could only stop thinking.

Sarna was wearing a black leather suit and trousers. Although she was not as exposed as they were wearing, her sexy figure and beautiful face still hit these women deeply.

And the Queen's demeanor between her behavior is beyond the reach of these hostesses.

In the face of salna, these hostesses feel a deep sense of inferiority, but the eyes of those men brighten up. Such a woman should be worshipped by thousands of people. But now, she has followed this Oriental man. I don't know how many men have died of envy. What's more, the son of a bitch has such a wonderful woman It's not enough. You still have a lovely and pure Lori?

This It's a bit of a blow to self-esteem.

However, no one is a fool. Those who know that they dare to go out with such two women and come to such an occasion are definitely not simple. As long as they are not drunken people, generally rational people will choose to be silent.

Who is willing to find work for themselves?

So although these people stare at sharna and ah Wu naked, no one bothers them all the time. Ye Xiao is too lazy to pay attention to these people's eyes. He can't be too overbearing to let others see?

Under the leadership of Sarna, the party came to the front of the most central bar.

Seeing the guests coming, the bartender who was mixing wine immediately raised his head, looked at Ye Xiao and others with a smile on his face, and then opened his mouth and said, "dear guests, what can I do for you? The kiss of a vampire? Blue love of life and death? Or Mengpo soup from the east? "

He spoke English, and for foreign guests, the bartenders here communicate directly in English.

"Mengpo soup? Do you still make this thing? " When he heard the name of Meng Po Tang, ye Xiao came to be interested and said with a smile."Haha, isn't Meng Po soup just to make people forget the past and this life? Drink my concoction of the best wine, still can let you forget all worries, so named Mengpo soup Would you like a drink, sir The bartender explained patiently for ye Xiao.

"Well, then give each of us a drink!" Ye Xiao nodded with a smile.

"OK..." The bartender's eyes narrowed into a line. First he took out four cups and put them on the bar. Then he took out five wine bottles. Then he began to play the unique skill. He saw several wine bottles rolling on his body, just like a monkey dancing on him. However, no drop of wine spilled out. Sometimes some wine spilled out, which was just sprinkled on the wine In the cup.

Seeing the bartender's marvelous mixing skills, ye Xiao's face also shows an admirable smile. Any profession, as long as it is perfect, is worthy of respect.

"Sir, you may have a taste of But the best way to drink this wine is to drink it dry... " Soon, the four cups of wine have been made. The bartender points to the first glass and says to Ye Xiao. He can see that this Oriental man is the head of the four.

Ye Xiao smiles slightly, picks up the glass and pours it into his mouth. Suddenly, he feels a mass of ice pouring into his mouth. The feeling is like swallowing a lot of ice, which makes people from the inside to the outside. However, such cold just appeared, that mouthful of wine also poured into his stomach. Suddenly, a heat current went up against the current, just like a whole burst of flame , continue to bear the ice and fire double days, where there is a mind to think about other, can really forget all the worries for a short time.

And with the rapid alternation of these two feelings, even with Ye Xiao's constitution, there are some dizzy impulses, enough to see the strength of the wine.

"Good wine!" Ye Xiao couldn't help admiring a sentence, and then "pa" took out a gold coin and patted it on the table.

Yes, this is a gold coin, made of pure gold, but the pattern on it is the gold coin of a hell three headed dog. Seeing such a gold coin, the bartender's eyes narrowed again

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