The church is a place where the Holy See conveys the oracle to the world, or draws people's hearts. When two churches are attacked, it doesn't matter. After all, such things often happen. But if ten or 100 churches are attacked at the same time, what will happen? That will definitely enrage the high-level of the Vatican. With the death of some bishops and the casualties of some clergy members, what will the high-level officials of the Holy See think?

At the thought of the scene where countless thugs broke into the church for money and fought with the Vatican's people, Larkin felt a cold sweat. It was crazy. The plan was too crazy.

Does this person really want to cause a religious war in the world?

"What? Can't you issue such a reward here? If so, let's go! " See the cold sweat straight out of Larkin, ye Xiao cold hum a, take the lead from the sofa to stand up, will leave.

As soon as he heard Ye Xiao leaving, Larkin was relieved. Although such a task could bring them huge profits, he really did not dare to take it, especially the task of offering a reward of 10 billion Pope's head. It was very likely to offend the whole holy see. Larkin really did not dare to take such a big risk. Now that they give up, it is naturally the best.

"Boss, since he can't post tasks here, what's left of him?" By this time, Sarna had taken out the golden desert eagle and aimed it at Larkin's head.

Larkin's face suddenly changed when she saw that sharna dared to point the muzzle of the gun at her. This is her own territory. The so-called strong dragon does not oppress the local villains. Even if they are dissatisfied with themselves, they should not fight here. As long as they kill themselves, they can't go out.

"To kill one is to kill, or to kill ten or to kill. In this case, destroy this place!" Ye Xiao murmured a voice, and then turned to go outside, as if to destroy here is a trivial thing.

Larkin's face changed completely. He told himself that it was impossible for the four of them to destroy this place, but emotionally, he had to believe Ye Xiao's words. His words seemed to have a kind of magic to destroy this place? Why did he destroy this place?

"Guest, dear guest, have something to say, something to say..." Larkin is completely afraid. These guys seem to be a group of madmen, especially the golden desert eagle. How can they look so familiar?

"Have something to say? Larkin, if you don't meet for a few years, you're so timid? It's just to release a few tasks. I dare not. You are really disappointing Salna's voice became deep and chilling, and Larkin's face turned pale. If he saw the desert eagle, he might not have thought of anything, but when he heard the voice, he immediately thought of the devil like man.


The super hot guy who once destroyed an organization was a woman? Or a woman so beautiful and sexy?

Of course, what really surprised Larkin was that the God of gun, who had disappeared for several years, appeared again with a man. Judging from her appearance, she should be loyal to this man. Who is this man and has such charm?

"I send, can't I publish yet?" Larkin really can't afford to offend the existence of the gun God willing to work for it. For them, the people of the Vatican may also speak some truth and issue orders, which may only cause the Holy See's anger. But if they don't, Larkin has no doubt that this demon like woman will blow her head with a single shot, and depending on their skills, they can't be sure It's really possible to destroy this place completely.

"You see, isn't that right? How good is it to release it early, you can make money, and we can save our mind? " When Larkin was soft, a faint smile appeared on Sarna's face. Some people are mean. If you don't give him something hard, he won't give in.

There is a wry smile on Larkin's face. Now, he has no choice but to issue a few orders, not to fight against the Vatican. Even if the Vatican wants to vent the fire, he should look for them.

Fingers on the computer, began to crackle up, but for a while, ye Xiao released the reward has been published out, see that rolling news, sharna's face smile more brilliant.

"Pa..." He took out a gold card, patted it directly on Larkin's desk, and then said with a smile, "this is 100 million euro, which is a deposit!" After that, Sarna did not look at Larkin, whose face changed again. She turned and walked out.

Looking at the golden card and hearing the 100 million euro in it, Larkin's face suddenly turned green. It's enough for him to be carefree for decades. If

At the thought of fleeing with the 100 million euro, he immediately shivered all over his body. Although he didn't know what ye Xiao's identity was, he was able to let the gun god serve him, and he was so relieved to hand over 100 million euro to himself, which showed that the other party was not worried about his illegal flight. At the thought of the unfathomable man, Larkin resisted Live in the heart of that impulse, carefully picked up the gold card, Chuai into his arms.On this side, ye Xiaogang just walked to the hall just now, and found that the man did not leave. Seeing ye Xiao and his party coming out, they rushed to stop Ye Xiao's way.

"What? Do you have anything else to do? " Seeing this persistent man, ye Xiao's eyebrows rose slightly.

"Can you prepay me a part of the Commission and I'll kill the Pope..." The man seemed to muster up great courage and said directly.

When he heard that he was going to kill the Pope, the canu who followed Ye Xiao was startled. This guy really didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

Ye Xiao said with an unchanging expression: "you should know that you can't kill the Pope..."

"But there is no one in the world who can kill the Pope alone. I don't know why you want to kill the Pope, but you should need someone like me. Even if you can't kill the Pope alone, it can bring great trouble to the Holy See." The man is very persistent said.

"You need money so much?" Seeing this guy clearly knows that he is likely to die, but also to take the task, ye Xiao vaguely feels that there is a story behind him.

"Well, it's necessary!" The man nodded without concealment.

"How much?"

"10 million euro..." The man continued.

"Salna..." Ye Xiao didn't ask any more questions. She called out directly. Without saying anything, she took out another gold card and handed it to the man.

"There are ten million euros in it. You can take it." Ye Xiao finished this sentence, no longer look at the man, with Sarna and others straight out.

Seeing ye Xiao and others who really gave themselves 10 million yuan, a touch of surprise flashed on the man's face. He was just holding the mentality of trying, but now ye Xiao has really given it to him?

Why doesn't that surprise him?

"Don't worry. I'll come to you when I deal with my affairs." Looking at the back of Ye Xiao and others, the man cried out in his voice

Ye Xiao didn't mean to turn back at all, but asked a witch, "remember his smell?"

"Well..." Ah Wu nodded gently

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