There are rich and poor people in every city. Even the richest city is no exception. Rome, as the capital of Italy and an ancient city with a history of thousands of years, is hard to avoid. Even behind the prosperity of Rome, their slums are even poorer.

This is a slum in the east of Rome. It is already in the suburb of Rome. Under the planning of the Roman government, this generation should have built a large shopping mall. However, due to various reasons, it has not been started for a long time. As a result, it has become a gathering place for some vagabonds, poor people and refugees.

The residents who originally lived here have already moved out. These vacant buildings have become shelters for those refugees. Almost a dozen refugees are crowded in a tiny hut. These are dangerous houses that should be demolished. If the roof is broken, even the walls are corroded, and it is possible to collapse at any time For refugees, it's good to have a place to live.

In this slum area, there is a most special house. This house is a huge three-story building. Under the building is a small courtyard with a hundred square meters. Compared with those old buildings around, although this one is also very old, it is relatively strong. Unless it is in a storm, it will not collapse in a short time Elephant, but on the wall of the building, some Italian has been sketched, which seems to have been torn down.

This is an orphanage, an orphanage that was originally located here. With the vigorous demolition of the municipal government, the residents here have been paid a lot of money, and the orphanage has also gained a fortune. However, the director of the orphanage fled with this sum of money, leaving more than 20 orphans from three to 16 years old here, And then there's old K, who has been working in the orphanage for 40 years.

At this time, it was early in the morning, the golden sun was shining down on the deserted orphanage. The poplar tree in the yard, which had lost all its leaves, was whistling by the cold wind. It seemed that there were signs of being broken by the cold wind at any time.

Lao K sits in the dilapidated hall, which is the place for children to play and sleep at night after entering the cold winter. Because there is no financial source, the whole building can't be heated. It can only gather the children together to generate temperature, so that the cold winter will not be so cold.

Old K has been sitting in front of the door all night, looking at the rising sun, and then looking at the sleeping children behind, he sighed softly.

He is a single man, no family, no children. He has long regarded this place as his own home, and even more regard these orphans as his own children. But now, they have not had enough food for two days, and the youngest Ruth, who has a high fever, has no money to cure his illness. If he goes on like this, he will die.

At the thought of the lovely little Ruth, old K sighed heavily. He hated the original director of the orphanage. He was still a human being?

At this time, a figure in the sun shining down Lao Chang, appeared in front of Lao K, see such a shadow, old K's eyes lit up, it is he, he is back.

Did he really find something to eat?

Under the sun, a figure less than 1.7 meters walked into the courtyard step by step. He carried a weapon wrapped in white cloth on his back. In one hand, he twisted a box of huge milk, and the other hand twisted a bag of clinker. The bag should contain delicious food, because from a long distance, old K has already smelled the smell of food.

"Alogas, have you found anything to eat?" When the man walked in, old K stood up excitedly and pushed open the door that could be broken at any time.

"Well..." Alogas nodded with a smile and handed the plastic bag up. "This is pizza. Let the kids get up. They're almost hungry."

The smile on his face is very pure, which is quite different from the swordsman who killed dozens of people in a row not long ago.

In fact, there is no need for old K to call. When they smell the food, the children wake up one by one. When they see arogas, they all scream with excitement: "brother arrow..."


"Brother arrow, will you bring us something delicious?"

"Not only delicious, but also delicious! There will be a good place to live in the future. Come on, Komi, cut the pizza first. Don't worry. Eat it one mouthful at a time. The milk is hot and hot. Don't drink cold food when it's cold... " Alogas is like a kind big brother, smiling and greeting the children in the room, but also carefully told these children not to gobble.

According to the words of argas, they are excited to see a lot of things in the hands of argas.

After handing over his things to several older children, arogas came to the youngest child, who had already woken up. He was only three or four years old. However, due to long-term malnutrition, he was relatively small. When he saw arogas, his lips moved gently: "brother aro..."The voice was very weak, and it seemed that he might lose his breath at any time.

"Don't be afraid, little Ruth. My brother has brought money back today. My brother will take you to see a doctor. You will be OK. You will be fine!" Said arrogas, who had reached out and lifted up little Ruth, and wrapped him in several layers.

"Well, little Ruth is not afraid. He wants to play with everyone..." It seemed that he was infected by the smile of arogas, and two blushes appeared on little Ruth's face.

"Well, when you are well, will you play with us? Shall we go to see a doctor first

"Well!" Little Ruth nodded softly.

Alogas held little Ruth in his arms, but old K had no idea where he had found some rags and wrapped them on him to make him as warm as possible. The wind was strong outside and the weather was very cold. He could not stand any harm any more.

"Is there enough money, alogas After all this, old K asked arogas, you know, it's expensive to see a doctor.

"Don't worry, uncle K. It's enough not only for the treatment, but also for their future living expenses. I'll take Xiao Ruth to see a doctor first, and then I'll talk to you in detail when I come back!" Arogas nodded, took little Ruth, and went out to the door, but as soon as he came out of the room, he was completely stunned because of the four figures who had followed him here.

"That's why you need money badly?" Looking at the little Ruth in arogas's arms, ye Xiao's voice was a little choked, while salna, Kanu, and even a witch who didn't know much about anything, there were tears flashing in their eyes

They never thought that this cold-blooded swordsman who killed a chicken had such a tender side in his heart. He would not hesitate to accept the mission of assassinating the Pope, and would not hesitate to kill himself. It was for such a group of orphans? And with his skill, up to now, he has not done those things such as robbing ordinary people. Should such a person say that he is stupid? Or is he innocent?

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