Xiaoye came to Xiaojia and other people suddenly, but Xiaoye didn't feel surprised when he came here?

As for old K, when he saw Ye Xiao and others, his face had changed greatly. He was just an ordinary person. However, ye Xiao and others were not ordinary people, no matter what they were dressed up, or their temperament and appearance, they were not ordinary people. Such people could not come to such places. They stood in front of a group of children instinctively and looked at Ye Xiao and others with vigilance.

"Yes..." Arogas nodded. There was no need for him to hide.

Ye Xiao took a look at the old k who was full of vigilance, and then fell his eyes on the child in the arms of arogas, "is he sick?" For ordinary people like Lao K, even a hundred people can not pose any threat to him.

"Well, I have a fever, and I have no money for treatment. Now I will take him to see a doctor." Alogas nodded.

"I'll go with you..." Ye Xiao said lightly, but the whole person was stunned.

Kanu has already run to drive, and in a short time, the black Mercedes has driven to the gate of the orphanage.

"Salna, you and ah Wu stay. Let's go. In such a cold weather, when you hold him to the doctor, it's likely that everything will be late." Ye Xiao said faintly, already turned to walk toward the car.

Arogas then turned to old K and said, "help me to greet the next two ladies. They will not be malicious!" Although it was the first contact with Ye Xiao and others, his feeling told him that he was not a bad man, at least he would not do any harm to these orphans. Otherwise, with his strength, it would not be easy to destroy this place.

Old K could only nod his head blankly. He didn't understand that arrogas was just going out for a walk. He not only brought back rich food, but also brought several people like this.

Ye Xiao sat in the co driver's seat, while arrogas sat in the back with Xiao Lu in his arms. For the first time in such a luxury car, Xiao Lu's blue eyes flashed and full of curiosity. However, he seemed afraid of Ye Xiao's breath, or his body was too weak to touch it.

Carnou started the car and drove to the nearest big hospital. About half an hour later, the group of people sent Xiao Ruth to the hospital. Under the charm of money, although it was early in the morning, the staff of the hospital still gave him the best examination, and called in the most famous physician of the hospital in advance.

After a final shot and a few more pills, he signaled that little Ruth was all right.

But perhaps because of taking the medicine, little Ruth fell asleep.

Looking at the sleeping little Ruth, arogas sighed softly, then walked out of the ward and came to Ye Xiao.

"Why help me?" His voice was flat, and he could hear what was in his mind.

"I need your life..." Looking at alogas, ye Xiao also said lightly.

"Well?" Alogas was stunned?

"I'll help you arrange for those orphans, including the old man, to live the best life and get the best education. But you have to sell your life to me and work for me all your life!" Seeing the startled expression of arogas, ye Xiao said slowly.

His voice does not bring any emotion, but it brings arogas a huge shock, he even wants to give these orphans the best education? They have access to education? Even if he was not liked by the stranger, he would never have received any education. If he was lucky and didn't die, he could rely on his own hands to do some lowly occupation to support himself. If he was more lucky, he would meet a woman who was ugly and had no ability. If he was not lucky, he might die at any time In this chaotic world, there is no way to receive education, which is the eternal tragedy of these orphans.

Now, he said that he would provide education opportunities for those orphans, and it was the best education, but it was not only full of food. How could it not surprise arogas?

Even if he had 10 million yuan in his hand, in his consciousness, he just wanted to find a better house to take these orphans in and feed them. He never thought of sending them to receive education.

"Is that true?" Alogas looked at Ye Xiao with disbelief and educated a group of orphans. This is not a problem that money can solve. In a city like Rome, there are too many things involved.

"Really, but the place of education is not here, but Huaxia!" Ye Xiao nodded his head and said with certainty.

Huaxia? As soon as he heard these two words, there was a flash of light in arogas's eyes, which was often mentioned by his master. When he thought of the knife technique taught by the artist and the strength that the stranger had given him to change himself, arogas's eyes were full of yearning.

"Well, I promise you!" I don't know why, even if it was the first contact, arojas believed ye Xiao unconditionally. Maybe, he has reached the point where there is no way to go, and ye Xiao is his only hope."The flight to Cathay will be arranged for you Seeing that arrogas agreed to come down, ye Xiao patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and then said to Kanu.

Arogas was suddenly surprised how fast his reaction was. However, ye Xiao patted him on the shoulder, and he didn't react at all. Although Ye Xiao had no sense of vigilance against Ye Xiao, the instinct from cruel training still made instinctive response. Now he did not make it, or he didn't have time to do it, which can only explain one problem, ye Xiao's reality Strength, has far exceeded his strength.

"Yes, boss!" Kanu took a look at arogas, who was still in a daze, and turned and walked out. He had witnessed the strength of arogas. He was a master who stepped into the divine realm. Even if he was karnu himself, who had followed Ye Xiao for so many years, he was just a foot in the divine realm. In terms of combat effectiveness, he might not be as good as ah Wu.

Now, there is such a strong master around the boss. Kanu is happy for ye Xiao from the bottom of his heart. What is it for him to send those children on a flight to China in one day?

Even if they are not powerful in Europe, there is a kind of thing called money in this world. As long as there is money, what is such a small matter?

Three hours later, at the gate of the orphanage, a super large luxury bus stopped there. Then, a gray haired old man led several men in black to come down and came to Ye Xiao's side. He saw Ye Xiao standing at the door smoking a cigarette. The old man respectfully saluted Ye Xiao, who was obviously a superior figure in Roma Sir, are these the children you want me to send to China

Seeing such an old man, old K's eyes were almost staring out. When he saw the old man talking to Ye Xiao in such a respectful way, his teeth closed instinctively and almost bit his tongue off. Although he knew from alogas's mouth that he was going to send these children to China, he did not expect that it was Rome who came to pick them up in person The largest Chamber of Commerce President Roderick Rodney

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