For such a request, the Pope has no reason to refuse. Anyway, Susanna and her son are both imprisoned in the Vatican, and he is not worried that ye Xiao can save them alone, unless he really brings a nuclear warhead, but in that case, it will not only destroy the Vatican, but also their lives.

Of course, the Pope's status is noble. Naturally, it is impossible for him to lead Ye Xiao to the God's prison. Instead, he calls in a team of elite guard knights and takes Ye Xiao to the direction of the prison.

As an important member of the Vatican who betrayed the holy see or blasphemed the gods, but didn't send the scaffold to the Holy See, the holy prison is located in the interior of St. Petersburg cathedral. It runs through several corridors with a depth of more than 100 meters. Finally, it comes to a huge castle. The castle rises from the ground with a wall of more than 20 meters, even if it is Yiye Xiao's skill, if he falls down from below without the help of foreign objects, will also lose half of his life. What's more, other people have set up countless holes at the top of the castle. If someone dares to break the prison here, those holes will stretch out powerful firearms without hesitation and tear the people who come here to pieces.

And around the castle, there are guards in armor patrolling, leaving no dead corner at all. It is no exaggeration to say that no one can save the criminals from the prison unless the army comes.

This is why the Pope dared to let Ye Xiao come here.

The gate of the castle was closed. Until ye Xiao and his party arrived, a small window was opened on the gate. Then, the leader of a guard Knight brought by Ye Xiao came forward, respectfully saluted the small window and handed over a token issued by the Pope himself.

In the window, he poked out an emotionless head, carefully checked the token, and then looked at Ye Xiao and others standing behind the guard knight. Then he saw that the guard Knight patrolling around did not have any abnormality, which opened the door.

"Just follow him in!" Although Ye Xiao is a person specially explained by the Pope, the guard knight who brought him still said in a cold voice that no one in the Holy See would like this man who has violated the chastity of the virgin.

Ye Xiao didn't care. He stepped directly into the gate of the castle. He looked leisurely and calm, without any fear. It seemed that what he went into was not the prison which made people afraid, but his own back garden. In the eyes of the guard knight who opened the door, he was surprised. Obviously, he didn't expect that the Oriental man should be so calm.

However, he didn't say anything more. He closed the gate of the castle again and led the way in front of him. He didn't mean to greet Ye Xiao.

Naturally, ye Xiao would not care about these completely brainwashed religious lunatics. He followed the men and walked through the corridors. Finally, he came to a room door made of black nanmu, which was surrounded by large black stones.

"Click..." A, the guard Knight opened the door of the room, and then said to Ye Xiao: "go in!" After that, he did not close the door, but turned around and left without worrying that ye Xiao would save the people inside.

Ye Xiao's eyebrows quickly jumped, and then he saw that there was only a black statue in the room less than eight square meters. Because of the light, he couldn't see the face of the statue. He just lit a dim candle under the statue. At this time, a woman in nun's clothes was kneeling in front of the statue, whispering something in her mouth, son Listen carefully, it seems to be praying for someone.

Even when she heard the sound of opening the door, the woman did not look back and was still doing what she was doing.

Hearing such a sound, ye Xiao can be sure that this woman is Susanna, who once had a beautiful encounter with herself in the northern ice field and gave birth to a son for herself.

But her voice is no longer as holy as it used to be, and there is only gentle motherly.

At the sight of this, ye Xiao's heart was filled with sour things, just like eating a whole piece of lemon.

"Susanna..." Unconsciously, ye Xiao breathed out such a name in his mouth, which was almost forgotten in his memory, but now it is hard to erase the name.

He and she should not have intertwined, but fate has closely linked them, a beautiful encounter, a wrong encounter, so that two should not have intertwined young people together.

If he was not ye Xiao, if she was not the holy daughter of the Holy See, even if they had a chance encounter in a prosperous city, there would be no more interweaving. In today's era of loss of faith, the frequency of one night stands is too high.

But their identity, their status, their character, decided that the wonderful night was more than just a memory.

In particular, the birth of a child, like a copper lock, two people completely tied together.

Responsibility or obligation, this is an inescapable fate!

Suddenly hearing such a voice, Susannah, who was still praying carefully for her child, suddenly trembled. Her closed eyes suddenly opened, and her face showed a voice of horror.This is the voice of the man, the voice of the powerful man who has been maneuvering in the underground world over the past few years, the voice of his own child's father, but isn't he in the east? How could he be here?

No way. How can it be?

Suzanne turned her head in horror, and then she saw a familiar and strange face, familiar because he was the father of her own child, strange, because even now, she had only met him in the northern ice field.

Such a face, such a proud figure, how can it really appear here?

Are you dreaming?

Susannah still can't believe that all this is true. She just looks at Ye Xiao and the man who should never appear here.

"No doubt, Susannah, it's me. I'm here to get you out of here!" Seeing Susanna's surprised expression, ye Xiao stepped forward and said in a deep voice. His words were full of self-confidence and strong self-confidence. It was a kind of self-confidence in the heaven and the world, as if nothing could stop him in the world.

Feeling Ye Xiao's strong self-confidence, Susannah finally determined that this is Ye Xiao, the man who met with him once, that is, he planted a fruit in his body, and he is the only one in the world with such arrogance and self-confidence.

"You shouldn't be here..." Although she doesn't know how ye Xiao came here, she still knows that she must have paid a huge price to set foot here. Maybe he has reached some agreements with the Pope, or he has made some compromises to the Pope.

How else could the Pope send an outsider here?

"There is no right or wrong, only to come or not. When I come, I will take you away!" Ye Xiao walks forward slowly and comes to Susannah with a solemn expression.

Hearing such a sentence, Susanna's body is slightly trembling, and then open her eyes, the pair of already godless eyes once again burst out a dazzling brilliance, but soon, the light quickly faded down, and her mouth also murmured: "Ye Xiao, I'm a sinner, I can't leave with you..."

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