"If you don't leave with me, you are a deep sinner!" Seeing the light in Susannah's eyes and dying quickly, ye Xiao snorted coldly. He didn't know how much Susannah had changed in the past few years, and he didn't know whether there was still faith in her heart, and how much faith there was in the illusory God? But he knew that if Suzanne didn't want to leave with him, even if he destroyed the whole Vatican, he would not want to take Suzanne away. So the first step he had to do was to open the knot in Susanna's heart.

"Ah..." Susannah's face was stunned. What's the reason?

"I'm here to take you away. If you don't go, then I won't go. If I don't go, my subordinates will think that something happened to me. Then they will launch a crazy attack on the Holy See. At that time, those clergy members and ordinary people will be implicated. At that time, the death and injury must be very heavy, and I don't know how many evil spirits are produced. All these crimes will happen On your head? Or do you want to see the Vatican bleeding? " Seeing Susannah's startled appearance, ye Xiao continues to speak.

"Ah..." Suzanne's mouth has grown up. How can it be on her head?

But it seems that it is really such a thing, even if it is not their intention to do it, but it is also because of their own ah.

"This is not the biggest sin. If you don't leave with me, do you want our children to live in such a place all their lives? Do you want to live like a sinner before you grow up? Do you want him not to see the outside world all his life and become a form of walking flesh Seeing Susannah, although startled, did not seem to really move, ye Xiao took a deep breath and took out his own killer mace.

Whether Susannah has affection for him or not, it is enough to show that she is a woman full of maternal love. If there is no maternal love, how can she take such a big risk to secretly give birth to the child?

She is the holy daughter of the Holy See, a holy woman standing high above the throne, and a symbol of purity in the minds of countless believers. If a saint becomes the mother of a child, is it still a saint?

Once discovered, she lost not only her status, identity, but also her life.

Such a big risk, if there is no strong maternal power, who is willing to take it?

Therefore, ye Xiao concluded that even if Susannah had been a high-ranking saint, even if she had been brainwashed by the clergy of the Holy See, there was definitely a place in her heart that could not be trampled on by other things, that is, maternal love.

Sure enough, with Ye Xiao's words, Suzanne's face suddenly turned pale, and her eyes, which had no light, suddenly showed a trace of grace.

Yes, their children are only a little older, and they will be executed immediately. If they die, they will certainly not kill their children by means of the Vatican. They will only adopt him and brainwash him since childhood. They will live a life of walking corpses and meat as if they were children.

He has no childhood, no fun, no memory, no thinking. When he is older, he may be sent to receive cruel training. If he is lucky enough to survive, he may enter the guard Knights' order and live with killing all day long, but there is absolutely no happy life.

That's something Susanna absolutely doesn't want to see. She really doesn't want her child to be such a walking corpse.

"Susannah, leave here with me, with our children, and I will make you happy!" Seeing Susannah's indecisive eyes, ye Xiao said again.

He had thought of leaving the child here temporarily, but seeing Susanna in this situation, he had decided to take the mother and daughter out of the Holy See, no matter what the cost.

"But can I really get out of here?" Susannah looked at Ye Xiao with disbelief, but she didn't want her children to suffer here.

It can be said that she is still praying here every day. She prays here to hope that her children can have a future of their own without being forced or threatened.

"Well, I'll take you out of here if you want to!" Ye Xiao nodded forcefully, and her hands grasped Suzanne's arm and said firmly in her voice.

"I would like to..." Seeing ye Xiao's resolute face and the strong confidence in his eyes, Susannah nodded gently.

"Well, come with me and see our children!" Ye Xiao's heart a joy, a pull Suzanne's palm, go outside.

Just out of the door, I saw the guard knight standing at the door, looking at his two people in surprise.

But without waiting for him to open his mouth, ye Xiao's cold voice has already spread: "take me to see my child, this is what the Pope promised!"

The guard Knight opened his mouth and swallowed all the words to his mouth. He looked at Ye Xiao with dissatisfaction, but he still turned and walked in the other direction. There was the Pope's instruction, and he didn't say much.If you annoy this guy and ruin the Pope's plan, it's not worth the loss.

Led by the guardian knight, the three people went through the corridors and came to the back of the castle. From the beginning to the end, ye Xiao held Susanna's cold right hand tightly, and ye Xiao held it so tightly. Susanna's frozen heart began to wake up slowly, and her godless eyes gradually glowed with new divine colors.

I am not a person. I have a child. I can't let him suffer. No matter what the cost, I can't let him stay here. I can't.

Her heart, also heavily vowed.

Led by the guard knight, the three finally came to the door of a room. The guard Knight knocked on the door quietly. Soon, the door opened, and a middle-aged woman in nun's clothes appeared at the door.

"The Pope's instructions, let them go in and see the heresy!" The guard knight took out the Pope's token, shook it in front of the middle-aged woman, and said coldly.

The middle-aged woman quickly let go of the door, but her eyes were full of surprise when she looked at Ye Xiao and Susanna. Obviously, she didn't expect that this man should be so bold as to dare to hold the saint's hand here. However, the head of the guard Knight order, Mr. Alexander, didn't say anything, so he didn't see it.

As soon as the middle-aged woman got out of the way, ye Xiao and Susannah rushed in directly. Then they saw a little boy with black hair squatting at the window. They walked in and found that he was painting a picture.

The painting is very simple. There is a sun hanging in the sky. There is a grass under it. There is a river on the grass. There is a small house in front of the river. There are three people sitting in front of the small house. This is a happy family photo. On the right is a blonde woman. You can see Susanna's shadow. The blonde woman nestles in a black head In the arms of the man with hair, the little boy was sitting between them with a happy smile on his face. However, the man's face was blank. The little boy's oil pen was falling on this part. For a moment, he didn't know how to write.

Seeing everything here, I don't know why. Ye Xiao's eyes suddenly burst into tears

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