Ye Xiao cried. Yes, she cried silently. This strong man who had been used to parting between life and death and had already tasted the sufferings of the world, was a strong man who killed people like hemp and wandered between life and death for countless times, so he cried again, silent and silent.

The little boy is his child. When he saw his back at the first sight, he knew that he was his own child. The call from the depths of his blood told him that this was his and Susannah's children. When he saw his young palm holding a paintbrush thicker than his thumb, he drew such a painting on such a painting board. It was very rough, but extremely rough Beautiful oil painting, he only felt his heart as if something had cracked, and then felt like a stream of lemon juice flowing into his heart, is his own pain?

How old is he? Three years old? Four years old? The day when Susannah and I met was more than four years ago, and this little boy was three years old at most. This is the age when ordinary children are just wise. However, for him, he has been able to draw dreams in his heart with a paintbrush.

Yes, this should be the biggest dream in his young mind.

Dream in a blue sky, the sun father-in-law smiling face hanging in the sky, a small room, small enough to accommodate only three people can, the house in front of a small river, the river is clear, when tired, you can nestle in the arms of your parents, sit by the river, watching the river fish play.

It is such a simple and pure dream. For him, it is so difficult for him to realize it. It is so difficult that he can only sketch it on paper with a paintbrush.

How cruel is this? How sad?

Ye Xiao once again vowed in his heart that he would take his mother and daughter away from here and give his children a blue sky, a blue sky of his own.

It seems to be aware that someone is approaching. The little boy slowly turns around and sees Susannah who is following Ye Xiao at a glance. Suddenly, he utters a exclamation: "Mom..." Exclaimed, the little boy had already thrown away his Sketchpad and paintbrush, and rushed directly at Susanna.

Susannah is also shivering, her eyes are also flashing crystal clear tears, she did not expect her child will draw such a painting alone, even if his painting is very rough, but in her heart, this is still the most beautiful oil painting.

Open arms, a little boy that she always wanted to hold tightly in her arms, and then silently cried out.

"Mom, why are you crying? Isn't Landis not being good and making mom angry? Don't cry, mother. Landis didn't do it well. Mother told Landis that Landis would do it obediently and never let her mother feel sad... " Feeling Susannah's convulsion, the little boy raised his head and saw the tears in Susannah's eyes. The little boy was flustered. He wiped Susannah's tears with his tender white hands and whispered.

Xiaoye's heart is so hard to understand, but it's hard to understand how the child's voice is so hard to hear? Know the pain?

"Silly child, you are very good, you are the most obedient child I have ever seen..." Suzanne's face was full of tears, and her white right hand gently stroked the little boy's cheek.

"Don't you cry, mom? Landis doesn't want her mother to be sad... " The little boy is still rising, and his hand is constantly wiping the tears on Suzanne's face.

"Well, mom doesn't cry, mom doesn't cry..." Susannah tried to hold back the tears and squeezed out two smiles on her face. Although the smile was squeezed out, the smile still had endless happiness.

At this moment, ye Xiao was deeply touched. He finally understood why Susannah's changes in recent years were so great, and even more easily agreed to leave the Holy See and leave the holy land where she has been nurtured for nearly 20 years. There is such a son who can't help but feel heartache. Who wants to make him a walking corpse who is completely brainwashed and has no thinking Walking meat?

"Mom, who is he?" When Susannah completely stopped crying, and when the tears on her face were wiped clean by the little boy's white hands, the little boy turned his head and looked at Ye Xiao and said.

At this time, ye Xiaocai saw his son for the first time.

boy is as like as two peas in eight. His nose and face are almost the same as him, but his eyes are brown and blue, and his eyes are slightly concave, which looks cute.

When he saw his eyes, he was full of curiosity, and there was no fear at all.

"I am him in your painting..." Without waiting for Susanna to speak, ye Xiao has picked up the oil painting on the ground, pointing to the man who has not yet painted his face.

"Dad?" The little boy was surprised to spit out a sentence? Brown and blue eyes are full of surprise.

"Yes, Landis, I'm your father!" Ye Xiao's voice choked, but he still tried to make himself appear calm.

"Then why don't you come to see me?" Landis didn't seem to believe it, and said directly.As soon as he heard the question of little Landis, ye Xiao's heart smashed by a big hammer seemed to have been trampled on. This is the simplest question. Why don't you come to see me? But he couldn't answer?

Why? Because you don't know? How can he say such a thing?

"Dad is coming to see you this time. He not only comes to see you, but also takes you out of here to see the blue sky, the white clouds, the sun, the grassland and the river. Would you like to see it?" Seeing the speechless Ye Xiao, Susannah suddenly opened her mouth.

Her voice was mellow and full of love.

"Is that true?" Little Landis's eyes lit up and stared at Susanna.

"Really, mother will never cheat you, and neither will father!" Ye Xiao's direct interface.

"What about mom?" Little Landis, though small, seemed to know something and asked such a question.

"Get out of here with us, of course!" Ye Xiao said with firm eyes.

At this time, no one can stop him from taking their mother and son, not even God.

"That's great, mom. We can watch the sunrise and sunset together in the future, but mom, he won't cheat people?" Little Landis danced excitedly, and finally stopped to ask again.

"No, your father is a man of his own will. He will never cheat, let alone little Landis." Susannah nodded hard. At this moment, she also decided that, no matter what, she would leave here with little Landis. This is all she has, and she can't lose it.

Hearing Susannah's words, little Landis walked slowly to Ye Xiao's, without any sense of being timid. A pair of brown and blue eyes were staring at Ye Xiao's eyes, and then slowly opened his mouth and said, "mom said you won't cheat, so you must take us out, OK? Dad... "

Hearing the last two words of little Landis, ye Xiao only felt the blood boiling all over his body, and the tears could not stop flowing down. Excited, he picked up little Lantis and said firmly with eyes full of emotion: "good, dad will take you out, my good son randis Ye!"

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