Ye Xiaolu stumbled back several steps, which made him steady. The red blood fell from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were surprisingly calm.

Although he has learned the "fighting God" skill, this move is not 100% transfer into the body of the power, even if the original "fighting God" can not achieve this, but also in those rush circumstances.

Although Ye Xiao transferred some of his strength to his left fist and bombarded kamanu, he also suffered at least 30% of the damage. The paladin and the most powerful twelve Paladins in the Holy See. This is not a general master. Their 30% power is not allowed to be left in Ye Xiao's body, and nothing can be done without it.

Add that punch of the heart nest later, it is the five viscera that blow ye Xiao seem to break down.

Ordinary people have been subjected to such a blow, absolutely immediately killed, but only Ye Xiao now body can bear.

I felt the injury in one body. Then I saw the ten paladins with ugly face, and ye Xiao's mouth, and a faint smile appeared. The array of twelve yuan was broken. Even though the ten paladins were also powerful, they were not invincible, and it was just a little expensive.

The remaining ten paladins looked at each other, and the startling color in their eyes quickly retreated. They all know that today they met a master who seemed reckless, but in fact had a very delicate mind. One saw that the array of twelve yuan was unreal and real, and the terrible existence of the ten binary array was broken in one stroke.

One with force beyond any of them, coupled with delicate mind, is most terrible is that such a man with both arts and martial arts has the courage to fight hard. This is the real terrible place.

"Numant, the knight of the earth..." At this time, a knight nearest Ye Xiao stepped forward, and a sudden burst of Qi. The strength of his body was torn apart directly, and a heavy breath burst out of his body.

Ye Xiao's eyebrows picked, what does this guy do? And choose from yourself?

The other nine Knights looked at Ye Xiao, and did not mean to do any more. It was really intended to let the land Knight numant and ye Xiao come to a single choice.

Wheel wars?

Ye Xiaoyi was stunned, but he soon understood that, not to say how proud these knights are, but that they know they will move the world greatly. This is the best way to deal with group attack, and it is impossible to prevent. In the case of the twelve yuan extremely large array being broken, their ability of joint attack has been weakened to the extreme. At this time, if the group attack is not really occupied So the advantage is easy to be beaten by Ye Xiao. Since that, why not beat him by the way of wheel combat.

Although Ye Xiao is strong, but now he has been severely hurt. They really don't believe that he can not be defeated by ten people.

Seeing the land Knight numant step forward, ye Xiao squints his eyes, and is it better to prepare for the attack of the other party, is it not wheel combat? Then knock you down one by one.

"The earth roars!" Numan, the land knight, roared, and his body was like a bull, and he rushed towards Ye Xiao. He stepped on the ground one step by step. The solid black stone floor was crushed. In a blink, he had come to Yexiao's heel, and then he hit Ye Xiao's heart.

It is such a simple straight fist. Facing this rapid fist, ye Xiao unexpectedly produced a delusion, like a huge mountain peak hit himself in the head, no matter how to avoid, it is difficult to avoid such a fist. However, under the circumstances, ye Xiao can only hold his fist with all his strength and the same punch meets him.

"Bang..." A loud bang, two people's fist hit together, three inch force burst suddenly, huge gas force shock the arms of both people are a numb, body at the same time back a step back, but just as soon as ye Xiaogang back, immediately a foot on the ground, lightning like blow out the second fist.

The action of the land Knight numant obviously needs to be slow and can only hold out his arms. Suddenly, a "Dong" sound comes. It seems to have hit the cow drum. If ye Xiao does not, he will attack like a storm and wind. He smashes out one punch after another. Each fist contains the whole body strength. Sometimes, it bursts out a little bit of strength, but sometimes it is hard to break out What surprised Ye Xiao happened. Facing his own stormy attacks, the earth knight was able to resist all of them. He didn't move very fast, but he waved his arms very fast. No matter how fast Ye Xiao was, he blocked it with arms.

And after so many punches, his arm was not injured, even his own fist was a little sour?

Ye Xiao did not know that the terrifying in the earth Knight's heart was bigger than ye Xiao. His name was the land knight. The characteristic is that the body is strong and the defensive force is the strongest of the twelve paladins. He can feel his flesh body. At this time, he feels numb with arms. If he resists it, it is only possible to be broken. However, he must persist and his purpose will be his goal It is to consume Ye Xiao's physical strength, and a large amount of Ye Xiao's physical strength.

Seeing crazy resistance, but killing and not attacking, even deliberately revealed the flaw, the other side did not launch the attack of the land knight, ye Xiao quickly understood that the other side is relying on him to exhaust their strength.But if you don't beat him, the other paladins won't fight. How can you run to them?

No, it can't go on like this. We have to make a quick decision.

Ye Xiao, who is determined in his heart, suddenly turns around and sweeps his leg to numante's lower leg. However, he has to raise his leg to resist it in advance. However, in the face of Ye Xiao's huge strength, his right leg is shaken backward, but he has no time to experience the pain from his feet. Ye Xiao's body has already rotated for a circle, and then his second leg sweeps to his small one In the abdomen, numant had to reach out and protect his abdomen.

The sound of "pa", which contains Ye Xiao's full strength, directly shakes numant's two hands to numb. Then ye Xiao's body has already rotated for the third circle, and the third leg sweeps to noumante's heart like lightning.

Linked three legs, once a martial arts master in China, used to be a unique attack skill. However, ye Xiao's hands played the best of these three legs, which seemed to be three legs, but the speed of walking out of the legs was amazing. All the people saw were the shadows flashing.

Although his arms were numb for a while, he had to gather all his strength to resist the more fierce third leg. He knew that as long as he resisted the attack of this leg, ye Xiao's swift and violent attack would collapse.

So he concentrated all his strength on his arms.

"Bang..." Ye Xiao's right foot kicked hard on his arm. Numant only felt a mountain like force pounding on his arm and pushing it to his heart. However, he just bit his teeth to protect his heart and never gave him a chance to hurt himself.

However, just when he thought that he could resist Ye Xiao's foot, ye Xiao's supporting foot suddenly lifted up. Following the inertia of rotation, his body began to roll like a loach, and then his left foot, which was originally used as a support, was like a bent branch, instantly ejected out and directly kicked on numant's temple

"Bang..." With a sound, numant was kicked to the left by Ye Xiao, and a cloud of blood mist burst out of his temple. Finally, his body fell heavily on the ground, constantly twitching. Only this one foot has completely made him lose his fighting power. If not for his physical strength, could he have been killed on the spot?

But even so, he is not far away from death.

There was no anger on the faces of the other nine paladins, but other clergy of the Holy See rushed forward to carry numant away. He had to be treated immediately or he would die.

"Storm riders, rasves..." At this time, another Paladin stood up. He was a handsome man with long brown hair and blue eyes. If he could smile on his face, he would not know how many girls would scream.

I didn't say anything more. I just looked at rasvis, the Storm Rider. He doesn't care what kind of Knight you are? As long as you dare to come here, just hit the ground.

"Whoosh..." At the sound of the storm, the Storm Rider immediately moved. After this move, ye Xiao immediately understood why the knight was called the Storm Rider. The speed of this guy was as fast as that of the storm. In the blink of an eye, he had come to Ye Xiao's, and then a knife cut into Ye Xiao's neck.

Ye Xiao didn't put such a knife in his eyes. Even though he had consumed too much physical strength just now, he still held out his right hand and resisted a hand knife of Storm Rider rasvis. However, laswis did not mean to give up. His left hand had been explored like lightning and directly attacked Ye Xiao's heart.

Ye Xiaozheng was about to resist with his left hand. Suddenly, a blue light flashed through the Storm Rider's sleeve. Then a blue machete appeared in the storm Knight's hand and directly rowed to Ye Xiao's outstretched left claw.

Ye Xiao was shocked. These guys are too mean. How can we say that they are the most powerful twelve paladins of the Holy See? They are the incarnation of light, which represents the light, but how can they be darker than the dark?

First of all, twelve people went to a group fight, and then they fought in groups. This changed the policy. Let's have a car fight. But the car fight was not enough. It was such a despicable attack. Isn't it shameless?

Ye Xiao, who didn't want to kill a lot, was completely angry. All along, he kept his hand, but he didn't want to stimulate the Pope. If the knight numant was not too difficult, he would not have used such a killing move. However, he also restrained his strength, otherwise he would be killed directly even with the constitution of the knight of the earth.

But now, they even hide such a machete, in such a way sneak attack on themselves, is this still a paladin? It's almost like a despicable assassin.

Ye Xiao, furious in his heart, took back his left hand like lightning, and his body quickly retreated back. However, the speed of the other party was also fast, and it was so sudden that Rao ran away very fast. A long cut was made in his chest. Two pieces of white meat went up and down, and the bright red blood penetrated out.

But before he regained his consciousness, the Storm Rider had stepped forward, and the machete was even more inclined upward and rowed to his neck.Ye Xiao retreats and kicks hard, and his body directly leans back, which avoids the Storm Rider's knife, and his right leg has been kicked to the Storm Rider's crotch.

The speed of the Storm Rider is also extremely fast. His body leans to the left to avoid a foot of Ye Xiao, and then he has to make a stroke to Ye Xiao's heart. Ye Xiao slaps his palm on the ground, and his body continuously rolls to the other side, avoiding the storm Knight's knife.

"Mean..." He stood firm again and took a look at the wound in his heart. Ye Xiao angrily scolded.

"Your Majesty's order is to save your life, but it has not said that you cannot use weapons!" In the face of Ye Xiao's drinking and scolding, the Storm Rider snorted directly, and his body rushed over again. The Storm Rider's biggest characteristic is speed, incomparable speed.

Seeing that the other side showed weapons, Suzanne's face turned pale. Obviously, she did not expect that the twelve most powerful paladins who had guarded her would be so shameless. In order not to let Ye Xiao take away her, she even left all her dignity.

This kind of group fighting and shameless use of weapons have been done.

As if feeling Susannah's nervousness, little Landis gently shook Susanna's arm, and then the immature voice sounded: "Mom, don't worry, dad will beat these bastards!"

His brown and blue eyes twinkled with hate. Obviously, in his little memory, there was a scene of these paladins bullying Susanna.

"Well!" Hearing little Landis's firm tone, Suzanne seemed to have taken a reassurance and nodded her head.

It was at this time that the shadow of Storm Rider rasvis came to Ye Xiao's side again, and then the blue machete rowed to Ye Xiao's chest with an extremely tricky track.

Seeing that the other party's move was fatal, ye Xiao, who was already furious, snorted coldly on the spot: "since you want to die, don't blame me!" As he spoke, he reached out his right hand like lightning.

He's going to do it? Does he want to meet the swords of storm riders with his bare hands? Does he really think he's a tough guy?

Many people looked at the two people in the field in surprise. It seemed that it was difficult to understand what ye Xiao had done. However, when he saw Ye Xiao stretching out his right hand, there was a flash of sarcasm in his eyes. The sharpness of this knife is not what ordinary people can imagine. Even ordinary daggers are likely to be cut off by one knife, let alone one Anyone here?

On his face, even gradually appeared a sarcastic smile, but the smile did not fully bloom, it was completely solidified on his face, only because the knife he was trying to chop out seemed to be stuck, and it was difficult to inch in. Looking down, he found that ye Xiao only stretched out two fingers, so the two fingers clamped his own blade? How could that be possible?

In the storm Knight rasvis's startled eyes, ye Xiao kicked out a foot like lightning, with a faster speed than the storm knight, and a foot kicked in the storm Knight's abdomen. The huge force kicked the storm Knight even spit out the bitter water, and the curved knife in his hand could no longer hold it. The whole fell down and was manipulated by Ye Xiao 。

Then people saw a knife flash, a good head rose to the sky, and a stream of blood gushed out. It looked spectacular

The atmosphere of the whole venue solidified in an instant, and all the people opened their eyes and looked at it all in a daze

"Putong..." A sound, storm Knight rasvis headless body heavily knelt down on the ground, fell down, and his neck is still spraying blood.

"If any of you want to die, just come up!" A knife killed the storm knight, ye Xiao has no scruples, is not killing? He wants to see what the Pope will do to kill all the people here?

"Helburn, the flame Knight..." Seeing the storm riders in the pool of blood, the expressions of the remaining eight paladins did not change at all, as if they had died of a chicken, and a man in red decoration of fire stepped forward and said coldly.

Ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled. He suddenly realized that these paladins had been brainwashed

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