This is a group of madmen who have been completely brainwashed by religious belief. In their eyes, they have only the most ardent belief in the illusory God, and they are totally blind to the lives of their companions. Even the closest comrades in arms who cooperate together have no big difference in their eyes. If they live, they can work together to defend the dignity of the Holy See. If they die, then Just like cats and dogs on the street, no one will take a look at it.

Anyway, there are still many Paladins in the Holy See, and the number of guardian knights is even greater. When a paladin dies, there are a second and a third. They don't care about the life and death of their companions. As long as they can defeat the guy who defiles the virginity, of course, if you kill this evil guy carelessly, even the Pope can't kill him How about waiting for others?

This is the idea of this group of religious lunatics. Although they promised the Pope to leave Ye Xiao alive, they did not really take ye Xiao's life as one thing. For them, to thank the sacrilege is to blaspheme the gods, which should be punished.

No wonder even the old Saint Peter said that if you want to take Suzanne, you must defeat these proud paladins.

Or is the old Saint Peter's purpose to kill all these paladins?

And then arrange your own staff?

Ye Xiao doesn't know much about the Vatican, but he also knows something. The paladins of the holy see only obey the orders of the saints. Of course, this refers to the most pure saints, like Susanna now, but they can't command them. Their existence is to wait for the anger of God and wait for Susanna to be put on the scaffold.

It is their destiny to be buried with Susanna. Maybe even the Pope can't change this. For these stubborn paladins, the Pope really has no way to deal with them. If you want to cooperate with Ye Xiao and care about the overall situation of the Holy See, it is a matter of course to remove them.

Otherwise, if the Pope released Susanna without permission, the twelve paladins would not fight with the Pope?

So when the pope said that if he wanted to take Suzanne away, he had to defeat twelve paladins. However, what he said was very vague,

thinking about this, ye Xiaocai vaguely understood some things. Isn't the holy see really harmonious?

If so, the pope would not be really angry even if he killed all the twelve!

Maybe, he will appreciate himself in his heart, isn't he? Now the saints have made such big mistakes, and the order of paladins is in chaos. Under such circumstances, the twelve most powerful paladins are killed, and the paladins have no leader. The Pope can replace a group of people who are loyal to himself. This is the best chance to monopolize power.

All of a sudden, many questions Ye Xiao didn't understand before were thoroughly understood. The Pope gave himself the chance to fight with the twelve paladins. The real purpose was probably to remove the twelve with his own hands. No wonder he said that there would be casualties. He was worried that he would take the opportunity to harm himself. His feelings had long been expected that the paladins would give him the chance to fight against him and kill himself Let yourself not keep your hand, fight with all your strength.

Of course, the pope would not say these words. It's up to Ye Xiao to understand them.

With a decision in mind, ye Xiao's eyes are strangely cold. In this case, kill them all. Even if you know that it will save the Pope a lot of trouble, but in order to take Landis and Susanna away, ye Xiao doesn't care so much.

Even if the Vatican is really unified, so what? As long as the people around him are OK, what else is all else?

Anyway, the Holy See still has one of its biggest enemies, the dark Council, which can bring great trouble to the Holy See.

Shaking the blue machete in his hand, ye Xiao snorted to helben, a flame knight with a red sword in his hand: "if you want to die, come on!"

"Looking for death!" The flame Knight roared and rushed to Ye Xiao at full speed. Then a sword stabbed Ye Xiao's heart. The machete in Ye Xiao's hand shook and swung away the fire Knight's attack. Then the machete ran along the body of the sword towards the flame Knight's neck.

There was a crazy look in helben's eyes. He ignored Ye Xiao's knife. Seeing the expression of helben, a flame knight, suddenly flashed an ominous premonition in his heart. However, he had reached such a point that there was no room for him to withdraw his sword.

"Hiss!" The Sharp Machete directly cut through the neck of the flame knight, and the bright red blood flew out like an arrow. However, the fire red sword burst out completely, and a spike the size of a thumb ran out directly, so it didn't enter ye Xiao's heart.

At the critical moment, ye Xiao moved a little, otherwise the sharp thorn would penetrate his heart directly.

But even so, the thorn almost rubbed his heart, and the bright red blood flowed continuously. In a short time, the vest on his body had been dyed red with blood.

Seeing the fallen flame knight, even though ye Xiao knew that these people were a group of religious madmen, he still couldn't help but wonder that he was totally using his life for his life. If his body function didn't respond fast enough, the blow he had just made would have been enough to kill him."Ice Knight Brent..." At this time, another man with blue curly hair came out, with a cross Epee in his hand, and reported his name to Ye Xiao. He rushed up like this. He was also desperate to attack. Rao Shi, ye Xiao had been prepared, but he still killed him after paying three wounds.

Next came fifth, sixth The seventh Knight

When lying down the bodies of six paladins, ye Xiao's whole body was covered with scars. The two most serious wounds were a hole through the chest, one cut through the abdomen, and almost fell out of his intestines. The other passed through his left shoulder. If he moved another half inch to the right, ye Xiao's neck would be broken.

His body has already been dyed red with blood. There are his own and those paladins. The whole scene is completely quiet. No matter the guardian knights, or Suzanne and Landis, they all stand in silence. Susanna covers her mouth and doesn't let herself cry out. Her eyes are full of tears, she knows, The reason why Ye Xiao insists is that everything is for their mother and son.

However, there was a burning light in Landis's eyes. There was a deep hatred for paladins. If it wasn't for these paladins, their mother would not be captured, nor would he be captured here, and his father would not be scarred. However, in addition to the light of hatred, there was also a blazing worship. That was a male creature's worship of the strong from the bottom of his heart From a moment on, ye Xiao, his biological father, has become his idol

An idol who can spend his whole life chasing and surpassing. He has made a decision in his young heart that he must become a powerful man like his father in the future. Only in this way can he protect the people he wants to protect

Looking at Ye Xiao, whose whole body is covered with blood, little Landis's small hands tightly hold together, as if to cheer Ye Xiao

Seeing the only three paladins left, ye Xiaoquan's bloody face showed a ferocious smile, and the corner of his mouth was even more ironic: "the strongest paladin of the Holy See, it's just so..."

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