"Pa..." Ye Xiao, who avoided the dangerous sword of the sun knight, clapped his hand on the ground, and his right leg was pushed with all his strength. His body ran out like a sharp arrow and ran out for several meters. However, the golden long gun on his chest seriously affected his speed, and he directly twisted the huge sword to chase him.

Ye Xiao grabbed the handle of the golden gun with his left hand, and then roared in his mouth. He pulled out the golden gun directly. A stream of blood spurted out of his chest. Then, without waiting for Kathy to get close, he threw the whole golden gun out of his hand.

"Whoosh!" The golden gun almost grasps the ear of casu Miao, which is also due to his skill. Otherwise, it may be pointed out that this gun has already killed him. However, he has just turned his head, and ye Xiao's figure has come to him, and then the whole person is like a hungry wolf on his body, and the huge force directly hits him On the ground, ye Xiao's blood is sprinkled all over his body.

Before he could understand how this was going on, ye Xiao's mouth had already heard a violent drink: "go to death!"

The moment the voice falls down, ye Xiao's head has hit the head of Cathay Miao severely.

"Bang!" At that time, ye Xiao's forehead hit the bridge of his nose. The hardness of the bone was not as strong as that of his forehead. All of a sudden, his nose bone was smashed. The huge pain made him dizzy. All the stars were shining in front of him. At this time, ye Xiao had waved his left fist, which still maintained his fighting power, and hit him with a hard blow Yang point.

"Poof..." At the sound of the sound, a spring of blood gushed out from the temple of Cassio. His eyes were protruding and wide open. Looking at such a scene in disbelief, he could not believe that he would be killed by this man who was full of scars.

His injuries are unbearable even for himself and others. But under such circumstances, he can still kill himself in such a rogue way. Is this still human?

This is simply a devil, and this is also the last thought in the mind of Matthew.

Looking at the body twitch a few times but not moving, ye Xiao stood up unsteadily. His forehead was bleeding, his left and right chest were bleeding, his abdomen was bleeding, his shoulder was still bleeding, and his whole body was like a bloody man. If his face was not covered with blood, his face would be pale at the moment.

However, he still stood up so shakily. It seemed that he might fall down at any time. But for some reason, many of the guards who were brainwashed at the scene had an illusion that there was an absolutely fierce Archaean fierce beast hidden in this scarred body.

Even if you know that you need another person, you can easily kill this man, but there are so many people on the scene that no one dares to step forward.

"Ye Xiao..." Seeing ye Xiao covered with blood, Suzanne screamed, and ran to Ye Xiao in such a hurry. Little Lantis was also full of adoration. She looked at Ye Xiao with blood all over her eyes. This is a pure man. This is her father and the hero often mentioned by her mother.

In a few steps, Suzanne has come to Ye Xiao's side, holding Ye Xiao covered with blood, her eyes full of worry.

"I'll be fine!" Ye Xiao grinned, and then with Susanna's help, she went down to her coat. Little Landis had already stretched out her little white hand and picked up the clothes for ye Xiao.

"Dad, here you are The childish voice of little Landis rings in Ye Xiao's ear.

Xiaoqiao took out the medicine to stop bleeding from his wound. Even if Xiaoqiao took out the medicine to stop bleeding from his wound, he would take out the medicine to stop bleeding from his wound, and then he would die.

At this time, the guard Knights suddenly got out of the way. Then they saw the pope in the red robe step by step under the guard of several men in black. They took a look at the bodies lying on the ground, and then saw Ye Xiao, who was covered with blood. The emperor's eyebrows slightly picked. It seemed that ye Xiao could really be the strongest The big twelve paladins defeated, even killed.

Silently, he drew a cross on his chest and whispered something like returning to God's arms. After three minutes, the Pope opened his eyes again and looked at Ye Xiao not far away.

"Are you going to take them, mother and son?" What happened here, including the details of Ye Xiao's stay in the God's prison, had already reached the Pope's ears, and he naturally understood what ye Xiao wanted to do.

"Not bad!" Ye Xiao nodded. He was ready for the Pope lion to open his mouth. As long as he could take the mother and daughter away, he would be willing to pay any price.

"Well, I promise you!" He did not entangle himself with the death of the paladin, but the Pope accepted it.

"Really?" This time, on the contrary, ye Xiao was surprised. According to his agreement with the Pope, as long as he defeated the twelve most powerful paladins, he could take Suzanne away. However, he did not expect that the pope would allow him to take little Landis?With a character like him, would he believe in himself?

"Of course, but you have to take this poison!" The Pope pointed to a crystal box in the hands of an old man in black. Inside the box was a golden pill.

"Poison?" Ye Xiao is very curious. What kind of poison is this?

"Although you have defeated the twelve paladins and can take Suzanne away according to our agreement, I can't trust you completely. The effect of this poison is three years. Within three years, if you can destroy the whole dark Council, then I will give you the antidote. If you can't destroy the dark Council, then I'm sorry, you will die of heartbreak!" The pope said lightly, without any emotion.

"Ye Xiao..."

"OK, I'll take it!" Susanna is about to persuade Ye Xiao not to take it, but ye Xiao has already accepted it.

The old man in black came over with the crystal box in his hand. He opened the crystal box and handed the golden pill to Ye Xiao. Ye Xiao didn't have any hesitation in his eyes, so he wanted to reach out for the pill. But Susannah on the other side rushed towards the pill like lightning. She could not let Ye Xiao Xiao takes this burial pill which only the Holy See has the antidote.

Ye Xiao's eyes are so keen that she can't understand Susanna's mind. She reaches out her left hand and grabs Susanna's arm. She is about to say something. A small white hand has already grasped the golden pill and put it directly into her small mouth.

"Landis can't share the worries and difficulties for his parents. As a matter of exchange, let little Landis undertake it!" After swallowing the golden pill, little Landis's mouth vomited such a sentence. While speaking, he chewed several times, and completely swallowed the pill into his stomach. It was like eating sugar.

Ye Xiao, Suzanne, including the Pope and others, are stupid at the same time

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