"Ye Xiao, you have a good son. I don't think you want your son to die three years later." After a long time, the Pope came back to his senses, said such a word, and then turned and left.

Those men in black all followed him and left quickly. As for those guarding knights, they automatically made way for ye Xiao and others. They knew that the pope had agreed to let these criminals leave temporarily.

Ye Xiao looked at the back of the Pope's departure, and then looked at the indifference of little Landis, but did not know what it was like? This little guy, why is he such a monster? What kind of education has he received in the past three years? Would make him so sensible?

As for Suzanne on the side, her eyes were already full of tears.

"Let's go!" Little Landis has already taken the golden pill. It's too late to say anything. He can only wipe out the dark Council in three years, so that he can exchange the antidote of the funeral pill from the Pope. When the pope said this in front of so many people, he would not regret it?

As he said this, he was about to pick up little Landis, but he shook his head obstinately: "Dad is injured, Landis can walk by himself!"

It is a pure childish saying, but it always makes people cry.

Nodding, holding little Lantis in one hand, with Susanna's help, she walked towards the outside step by step. Since then, no one can separate their family, even the legendary gods.

St. Petersburg cathedral is the only prayer room where the Pope prays. St. Peter III, who has been dressed in prayer clothes, gently pushes open the wooden door and comes in. Then he closes the door himself. There is no one behind him.

"You're releasing the tiger to the mountain!" Before the pope had time to pray, a voice filled with the smell of death had sounded, and then he saw a man covered in black robes coming out of the shadow.

"Do you think highly of him if you let him go back to the mountain?" The Pope did not look at the man, but directly came to the statue of God in front of, devoutly knelt down.

"How many people can be found in this world if an existence can independently kill 12 of the strongest paladins? Isn't such a person called "let the tiger return to the mountain?" The man in black snorted coldly, but he came to the Pope's side and knelt down devoutly.

"Even if you know it's a tiger? Is it possible to kill him here The Pope sighed heavily. He could not understand Ye Xiao's terror. If such a person could not be used by me, the best way was to wipe it out. However, ye Xiao's identity determined that the Pope could not do something to him, at least not in St. Petersburg cathedral.

Once Ye Xiao really dies in St. Petersburg Cathedral, the Holy See will be in constant trouble.

"Are you ready?" The man in black was extremely sensitive and immediately heard a difference in the Pope's voice.

"The little boy was captured by us secretly. As a result, ye Xiao knew that since there were his people in the Vatican, there were also people from the dark Council. The news that ye Xiao was seriously injured and left safely from the Holy See should have reached the ears of those guys?" The Pope sighed softly, and the man in black lit up his whole eyes when he heard this.

Gao, Gao, the old man, seems to be on the verge of death. He is so skilled in calculation that he not only lets Ye Xiao get rid of the twelve paladins who disobey him, but also calculates Ye Xiao.

No matter whether ye Xiao will really attack the dark Council after he goes out, it means that if the dark Council knows that ye Xiao has left the Holy See safely and is seriously injured, it will send someone to attack and kill Ye Xiao.

How to say, ye Xiao killed their last dark Pope, not

If ye Xiao is killed, he will surely launch the most violent attack on the dark Council in the mind of those crazy people in tianyaomen, and then the Holy See can take advantage of the profits.

Thinking of this time, it is likely that the dark council planned everything behind its back to make the Vatican fight tianyaomen, but in the end, he was easily rebelled by the Pope. The man in black was full of admiration, and he was worthy of being the wisest old man in the Holy See. Such means are really terrible.

He even calculated all the spies who were lurking in the Vatican.

All as the Pope expected, ye Xiao's figure has just walked out of the gate of St. Petersburg Cathedral, and the fact that he left the Holy See alive has spread to the British peninsula.

At this time, in the blood paradise, the secret room of a stronghold of the dark Council, the Shangguan was sitting in his own position, facing him on a rainy day in black. Waltz, hadirez, Tianna and other high-level dark Council were all here.

Everyone's face is not very good-looking.

Obviously, they didn't expect Ye Xiao to break into the Holy See alone. The most surprising thing is that St. Peter III actually released the saint. How could he agree with Ye Xiao to take Suzanne away?The loss of virginity is the greatest sin, but it is a felony of blasphemy. Such a felony is to let go?

Is the Pope's brain broken by the door?

Shangguan Wudao almost had the impulse to clap the table and shout.

"It seems that the pope also saw that we were playing tricks behind our back. This is the first time that the Pope released the virgin and buried a hole for us It's a big hole that we can't refuse to jump in... " See the atmosphere of the scene some silence, sitting in Shangguan no road opposite the rain day first said.

"What pit?" People's eyes fell on the rainy day, they were shocked by such things, and did not really want to go to other places for a while.

"It's very simple. The Pope asked Ye Xiao to take the burial pill in front of so many people, but he was eaten by the boy's son. With Ye Xiao's character, it is absolutely impossible for his son to be poisoned to death. No matter whether he is willing or not, from now on, he will be the enemy of our dark Council, and to the point of tearing his face, there is no room for easing up What kind of thing could the Pope have done with Ye Xiao in private? Why in front of so many people? Is this not to tell us that tianyaomen is the enemy of the dark Council from now on? Now ye Xiao has killed the twelve paladins, and he has also suffered a great deal of damage. This is the best chance to kill Ye Xiao. The Pope has buried such a pit for us, killing Ye Xiao and thoroughly angering tianyaomen's pit! " See everyone's eyes fall on their own body, rain day slowly come.

Everyone's eyes flashed. This is indeed the best opportunity to kill Ye Xiao. What's more, rainy days have already made it clear that no matter whether they kill Ye Xiao or not, the dark Council and tianyaomen can no longer cooperate with each other. In such a case, it is natural to try our best to kill Ye Xiao, the Lord of TIANYAO.

In any case, a tianyaomen with spiritual leaders are much stronger than those without a leader.

So even if they knew it would make tianyaomen angry, they had to do it. This is a hole that St. Peter III buried for them.

"Well, who shall we send this time?" Shangguan's innocent eyes brightened. He wanted to kill tianyaomen first and then deal with the Holy See. Now, isn't the opportunity?

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