"That's how it's decided. First, let Brett do it. If you can't kill Ye Xiao, please let the Dark Knight attack you, let the Madman of cametheus crush the battle. Finally, hadirez, let your men stand behind to prevent possible attacks from the Holy See!" Shangguan Wudao patted the table and made the final decision. All the people present nodded and agreed to such a decision.

This short meeting ended like this, Shangguan Wudao took the lead to go out, and Tianna had already followed him. Looking at her spring look, everyone knew what to do. Hadrix and Brett followed. They were all the Shangguan unruly. Hausmann and others walked in the middle, on rainy days and Waltz road Yi is walking in the last, two people even go up to the same car.

It is well known that the rainy day is the people of Louis waltz, and no one will be surprised.

"How do you propose to let that madman do it?" After getting on the car, he immediately asked waltz on rainy days. He proposed that the Dark Knight Order should take action to weaken the high-end combat power loyal to Shangguan.

Although he was in charge of the dark inquisition, he did not have many high-end strategies in his hands. Otherwise, Wu Bo could not be held in his head. The dark knight, who is also loyal to the dark Pope, is a super master promoted by Shangguan when he fell into the water, but now all of them are loyal to Shangguan.

The hell Knight camius is one of the strongest fighting forces on the waltz side. Others think that the hell Knight camiseus was pursued by the Vatican because he persecuted the female Cardinal of the Vatican. Finally, he went to the dark Council in despair. Only when it rained that camius himself was the man of Waltz Louis and was arranged by Waltz Louis The nail in the Vatican was later discovered by the cardinal, which directly killed people.

He made a sign of rape before killing. The nuns persecuted later were just to cover up the murder. Because of these things, cametheus became a madman, a thug and a lecher in the eyes of the Holy See and the dark Council.

Later, Waltz openly accepted cametheus and made him a super thug of the dark Council. He became the most special existence of the dark Council immediately because of his powerful and unscrupulous work.

This is also a trump card in the hands of Louis waltz. I really don't understand how Waltz showed his cards so early in rainy days?

If the Vatican found out the existence of hellish knights, it is estimated that even if they don't, they will do so. In case something goes wrong with cametheus, won't Waltz lose the biggest card in his hand?

"Don't worry, cametheus may not be the strongest in the world, but he is the best in escaping. Otherwise, how could he escape from the hands of those old monsters? Even if the Vatican really had an ambush, he would have escaped. And the purpose of my doing this is to really preserve our strength. You let the Shangguan have no way, and the boy sent out the dark knight If we don't have a master on our side, he will agree? " Waltz smiles and takes out a bottle of late century red wine from the wine cabinet and slowly opens it.

After hearing Waltz's explanation, his frown on rainy days was slightly extended, and then he took out two cups from the wine cabinet and leaned on the seat of the car comfortably. It seems that Waltz had his own plan for a long time.

"Well, if only the saint was there. With the support of the saint, where could he get the position of the Pope Seeing the silent rainy day, Waltz sighed softly, but Waltz's eyebrows picked gently. Unconsciously, the gorgeous woman with brown eyes appeared in her mind, the woman who had only seen one side.

As if in the devil and goddess between the transformation of the terrible woman, his heart, even slightly trembling

All the people are thinking about the possible attack and killing of the Holy See. They don't take the injured Ye Xiao as one thing. It seems to them that ye Xiao is already a dead man.

However, ye Xiao walked out of the St. Petersburg cathedral with Susanna's help. Just as she walked out, a long Mercedes Benz car stopped in front of the gate. Then, a suit of carnou had already jumped out of the car, ignoring the eyes of the Holy See's Guardian knights, and went straight to Ye Xiao's side.

"How are you, boss?" Kanu's face was full of worry. He didn't expect Ye Xiao to be seriously injured. However, seeing Susanna and a little boy who looked like him seven points, he knew that the boss had done a good job.

"I'm ok. Tell Sarna they'll leave here, leave Europe and return to China!" Ye Xiao is not a fool. Naturally, he understands why the Pope made an agreement with himself in front of so many people. It is estimated that the people in the dark Council have already known the news of their serious injuries?

"Good!" Seeing the dignified look on Ye Xiao's face, Kanu didn't say much nonsense. He opened the door himself and waited for ye Xiao to sit in the back seat. He immediately started the car and got in touch with sharna who was hiding nearby.

As for ye Xiao, after getting on the bus, she immediately pulled out the medicine box. Susanna had already taken over the medicine box and began to bandage Ye Xiao. His injuries were too serious. Even if she sprayed with Medusa's powder, she might be infected if she did not.Seeing the bloody wound on Ye Xiao's body, little Landis did not have any fear, and his eyes were bright. When Susanna wrapped up the wound for ye Xiao, his tender voice rang out again: "Eighteen wounds, five of which are almost fatal. Father and mother are right. You are indeed a hero and a hard man !”

Hearing his son's praise, ye Xiao's mouth appeared a faint smile, touched his head with his hand, and said with a smile: "my little Landis is also a little hero who stands up to heaven and earth!"

"That's a must, and whose son doesn't read a book!" Little Landis triumphantly raised his head, very mature said, straight let Ye Xiao and Suzanne a Leng, and then directly burst into laughter, this little guy, really only three years old?

After laughing, ye Xiao took out a vest and put it on. This vest was not the one just before, but a vest full of throwing knives. It was for the sake of going to the Vatican for negotiation, so he didn't carry any weapons on his body. However, no one knew what would happen next. Naturally, he had made preparations earlier. As for his soft armor, he gave it to him Sarna gave it to the woman who had been accompanying him. In Ye Xiao's opinion, she needed the soft armor more than herself.

A group of people quickly ran to the International Airport nearest to the Vatican. According to Ye Xiao, they returned to China overnight. But just as the car was about to drive onto the airport highway, a Bugatti ran out from the left side at a lightning speed and hit the extended Benz door heavily. The huge impact force directly hit the Mercedes Benz into the road The side fence is stuck

But the Bugatti Viagra rolled over the top of the Mercedes Benz and fell heavily into the ditch on the side of the road

Then, with a crack, the door of Bugatti Veolia, which was slightly deformed, bounced open, and a beautiful leg in exquisite high-heeled shoes stepped out

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