There was no need to think or hesitate. The body that ran forward suddenly jumped forward like a hungry tiger. Almost at the moment when he took off, a bullet almost wiped his foot. If he continued to run forward at the speed just now, this bullet would be enough to penetrate his head.

Bai Chou Fei startled out of a cold sweat, how he did not think of, the other side sent out so many experts do not say, still hidden in the dark such a world-class sniper.

Yes, this is definitely the most terrifying sniper Bai choufei has ever seen. Even if he is a cold soul, he will not bring such a pressure to him. It feels like a shadowless fly hovering in the sky, and he is just a poor little white rabbit.

The body has no time to get up, Apollo's body has come to his own, so a palm to his heart.

Bai Chou Fei rolled and avoided this palm. Apollo, the sun god, had just slapped a piece of rock under him. The rock was smashed by this palm.

Bai choufei is in a state of panic. Is the old man's palm skill too strong?

However, it was obviously not the time to think about this. His body rolled several times in succession and finally stood up on a terrain. However, at first, the giant man with a hammer had already rushed to his body. He still twisted the hammer in his hand and swept towards Bai Chou Fei.

Bai Chou Fei didn't dare to touch such a hammer. He retreated backward, and then a golden gun head stabbed at his waist and rib from the inclined plane. Bai Chou Fei's steps flickered and avoided such a shot again and again. However, Apollos did not know when he would appear behind him again, so he slapped him on the chest.

Bai Chou Fei suddenly felt as if he had been hit by a truck. His body flew backward at full speed, and his mouth was a gush of blood.

Before he landed, another judge in the clothes of a road official came to him and hit him in the waist. His body, which had been flying straight, turned again and landed heavily on the ground.

Once again, he burst out a stream of blood, which had seriously injured him.

Six adjudicators quickly surrounded, even Apollo also quickly surrounded. After seeing rose who had fallen on the ground and never got up again, everyone knew that rose was killed by him, or in front of so many people.

It was just a guy who broke his arm. Under the siege of so many experts, he actually killed one person. Not only that, if aorus didn't make a timely move, he might have really escaped. This is a naked slap in the face for all the people present.

Everyone's heart is full of anger, and he would like to fly Bai Chou into pieces. Even if he did, it would be difficult to understand the hatred of everyone.

In the crowd again surrounded Bai choufei, just as Apollo was preparing to give Bai choufei the final blow, a crisp gunshot suddenly rang out from the mountain forest.

People's faces changed. Now they have controlled Bai choufei. What does aorus do when he shoots? Is it that the rescuer of Bai choufei has come?

Then, people can see he Shiya, who was nestling next to Kevin like a little woman, suddenly pushes Kevin. A sniper bullet almost brushes Kevin's cheek and brings out the second blood mark on his handsome face.

Even he Shiya's body was shaken back by the thrust, avoiding the terrible blow.

"Aorus, are you crazy?" Kevin almost roared. For a moment, he took the shooter as aorus.

"He's not aorus, aorus, kill that guy..." Apollo made a judgment in an instant. Although aorus is a little nervous, he can't aim the gun at Kevin. The most important thing is that the sound of the gun just now is completely different from that of aorus.

With the words of Apollo, there was a Shua sound in the jungle, and everyone knew that aorus, known as the God of sniper, had begun to move.

To snipe at the core of their team in front of the sniper God is a naked face. If you don't find out the sniper, aorus's wisdom will be completely destroyed.

However, after such a blow, everyone's attention fell on he Shiya. Even Kevin himself looked at him incredulously. If the push just happened, then the push was definitely intentional.

How could he have never thought that this woman who was under her own pressure and roared heartily would be such a master. If she hadn't saved her life twice, he would have

Of course, Kevin doesn't think he will die, but there will always be some unnecessary troubles. Many things will not be revealed easily until the last moment. What shocked him is that he Shiya is also an expert who can avoid such snipers.

This skill, in addition to Apollo on the scene, it is estimated that other people can not achieve it?No one noticed that a beautiful image was rapidly shuttling through the jungle

Seeing people's eyes focused on him, he Shiya showed a helpless look on his face, and even more apologetically looked at Kevin: "sorry, there are some things I didn't tell you, but this does not hinder my sincerity, you Be careful... " He Shiya wants to say that you say it? But her pupils shrank and she exclaimed.

Kevin was shocked. Without any hesitation, his body instinctively rushed forward. Then a sharp sword light crossed his back, breaking his clothes and revealing a long bloodstain

Kevin was angry. He didn't think that he was attacked by two bullets and then by such a long sword. If it wasn't for he Shiya Forget it

Will be desperate to jump, Apollo's figure has quickly swept over, this moment, no one saw his movement, as if he had been here.

With a wave of one sleeve, Apollo directly slapped the woman who stabbed Kevin. It was Maple Matsushima

In the face of Apollo's overwhelming slap, maple Matsushima's figure quickly retreats. She doesn't think that she is the old guy's opponent, and Bai choufei takes advantage of this opportunity to jump to his feet, avoiding a chief judge and fleeing in another direction.

"If you want to go, where is it so easy?" Since he has exposed his own strength, he Shiya is also straightforward. Seeing that the nearest Matsushima Maple wants to escape, he takes a step and intercepts him in front of him.

Two masters, one before and one after blocking all the retreat of Matsushima maple.

At this critical juncture, a glare of direct light, even in broad daylight, but this light is also so dazzling.

Then, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, a blue Maserati rushes to the place where he Shiya stands in front of maple son of Matsushima.

Rao is he Shiya's unfathomable skill. He Shiya instinctively dodges to the side in the face of the speeding car. However, maple Matsushima has already taken advantage of this opportunity to make a leap and plunge into the jungle in an instant. As for the blue Maserati, it makes a beautiful 180 degree turn in front of her, and heads straight to Bai choufei

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