"That's right, John. It's just to clean up this mess first..." A childe who had a good relationship with John also directly yelled. Although he didn't understand why John's group of people wanted to trouble the Oriental man, the boy robbed Miss Rowling's heart when he came. This has completely angered this group of Childe brothers. Ye Xiao's strength they have seen, in the case of bodyguards not following, they will not go foolishly And ye Xiao to a long duel, but now John this group of thugs to deal with him, that naturally the best.

"What mut said is right, John. Today you can clean up this mess. The childe will give you 100000 euro. Please go to Mrs. Kim and have a good time..."

"Young master, I'll give you 200000..."

"The young master gave us 300000..." With the first man's opening, the present childe brother seemed to be filled with chicken blood, and he even yelled one by one.

Hearing the prices quoted by these gentlemen, John was stunned. What kind of big crime did this Oriental boy commit? Not only Lord bright wanted his life, but also these childe brothers had deep hatred with him?

However, hearing the price quoted by the childe, John's mouth appeared a ferocious smile, I really did not expect, come out to kill a person, there is such an unexpected joy.

However, Rowling's brows were tightly wrinkled, and she was full of disgust for those childish boys. These greedy people knew that they would gloat, and they would speak. There was a piercing sound of guns in the night sky again. Then she saw John's head shattering, just like a light bulb, bursting directly and spraying blood mist all over the sky The atmosphere of the scene was suddenly silent.

In particular, a group of people in the violent motorcade were staring at the slowly falling John? What's going on? What happened to Crick's son of a bitch? How did he kill the big brother?

However, these people have not yet fully recovered. There is a roaring sound of motors. Then they see a black Mercedes Benz rushing forward at full speed, directly bumping a motorcycle in front of them and flying up. The huge force is that those members of the violent motorcade are bumping around, and some of them can't Dodge and are directly hit or driven The wheel was pressed, and the intestines and other things were squeezed out.

"Shua..." The sound of a beautiful drift, the black Mercedes Benz directly stopped at Ye Xiao's side, and then the door quickly opened.

"Boss, get in the car..." Sharna snorted in the driver's seat, and ye Xiao had already got into the car. As soon as sharna released the brake and stepped on the accelerator, the Mercedes Benz rushed out again like lightning, just following the route that had just hit in.

Everyone at the scene is stupid. Where did this girl come from? How wonderful the driving skills are? The way is so barbaric. Only the members of the violent motorcade always hit others. However, she ran into them indiscriminately. At least more than a dozen people were killed and some others were injured.

It wasn't until the Mercedes Benz rushed out again that the violent motorcade regained consciousness.

"Quick, they killed the boss, don't let them run away, chase..." At present, those remaining members do not care about their injured companions, and they step on their chariots one by one and chase after the Mercedes Benz at full speed.

Dare to pick scraps in the territory of the violent motorcade is to seek death. These one track minded guys have secretly vowed in their hearts that they must let the people in the car regret why they live in this world.

However, the first motorcycle just ran out, the night sky again sounded a burst of gunfire, and then the fuel tank of the first motorcycle was directly ignited, and the whole explosion exploded into a group of flames, which directly blew the member out and landed heavily on the back of the car and knocked it over together. The chest of the member was blurred, and the person he hit was not good By.

For a moment, the motorcade was in chaos again, but the nightmare was not over. The roaring sniper shots were constantly heard in the night sky, and motorcycles were detonated one after another. No matter how fast they were, no matter how powerful they were, these thugs were like lambs bound with limbs Kill.

Blood stained the streets, originally a simple car accident, but triggered a series of homicide events, those lucky to witness all of these childe brothers are dumbfounded, what is the matter?

"Yanni, when we go back, we must find out who the man is?" Rowling took back her eyes. She knew that tonight, inadvertently, she met a wonderful person. Otherwise, how could she have such a powerful man?

The members of the violent motorcade had already been fooled by the ubiquitous gunfire. Just now, they thought that the fierce breath of chasing Ye Xiao had already disappeared. They all hid in the dark and did not dare to show up again. The gunfire stopped at this time.

Under the leadership of Rowling, several sports cars started quickly and ran in the opposite direction. What happened here is too fantastic and will certainly attract a large number of police and reporters. But what does this have to do with Rowling? She had only one thought in her mind now, knowing who the Oriental man was?As for via, he got into his car and left quietly. He didn't want to find out that things had something to do with him after the police arrived.

In the Mercedes Benz, salna made a sharp turn and went straight to the airport expressway. However, after driving for less than 10 km, she stopped at the side of the road, because the extended Mercedes driven by Karno actually stopped on the side of the road.

Seeing the car God with bullet marks on the window glass when the door is opened, ye Xiao jumps violently in his heart, kicks the door open and runs up.

Sarna, the co pilot of a Wu also jumped down at the same time, followed Ye Xiao behind.

He ran to the front of the extended Mercedes Benz. He fixed his eyes and found that there was no figure or bloodstain in the carriage. Ye Xiao's tight heart was slightly relaxed. However, thinking that Landis and others might be caught by the other party, he felt that there was a mountain pressing on his heart.

At this time, a dazzling light from the rear, a huge truck even full speed toward them.

"Be careful..." Ye Xiao yelled, and he had already climbed over and jumped toward the side of the highway. Sharna and ah Wu almost jumped out at full speed when he opened his mouth.

"Bang..." The huge truck directly hit the back of salna's Mercedes Benz. The huge force drove the car forward and slammed into the back of the extended Benz. Then the huge force made the whole body fly. Finally, it landed on the roof of the lengthened car. The front and rear of the body were smashed. If ye Xiao and others were not the first to do so, the whole body of the car flew up Jump out, absolutely will be crushed.

However, this did not end. The truck door was kicked open in an instant. Then a man wearing sunglasses, leather clothes and holding two submachine guns jumped out of the driver's seat and pulled the trigger at Ye Xiao and others. The black submachine gun gave out an angry roar, which shocked the whole sky. In the face of the submachine gun that constantly ejected fire snakes, sharna even pulled it out There was no time for the gun. The bodies of the three people were running towards the jungle on the roadside at full speed

But the man with sunglasses was laughing wildly. He was holding a submachine gun and chasing after him step by step

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