As soon as he arrived in the jungle, ah Wu was like a fish back in the water. His body swayed and climbed up a big tree directly. Looking at his relaxed appearance, he looked like an ape. After a few flashes, he disappeared.

If ye Xiao and sharna had not been around her all the time, they didn't know that she would have disappeared so quickly. However, they immediately understood ah Wu's idea and looked at each other. They both ran in the opposite direction.

No matter who that person is, it's ok if he doesn't go into the jungle. Once he enters the jungle, he will die!

With two heavy submachine guns in both hands, klotzfia approached Ye Xiao's three men, but he did not immediately follow him. His task had been completed, but he did not want to go into the jungle to die. As a true confidant of bright, he clearly knew who was to be pursued. This was the famous Oriental Dragon in the underground world, and the blonde girl beside him, the gun But the law is extremely excellent, relying on the powerful firepower, can suppress them into the jungle, this is enough, naturally there are people to deal with them, he does not want to try his best, he must evacuate before the arrival of the hidden sniper.

Otherwise, once the sniper arrives, even if he is not sure to escape, he will force Ye Xiao and others into the jungle, and then other people will deal with them, in order to minimize the threat of the sniper.

Contented klozfeia turned and left, but as soon as he turned around, he saw a shadow of people coming to him. He did not know when the road lamp came from the back of the other party. He could not see the man's face clearly, but could only see that his purple short hair was so dazzling under the light.

Before he knew what was going on, a touch of purple knife had already flashed, and crotzfia felt a pain in his neck. Then he seemed to have some hot liquid gushing out. Finally, he completely lost consciousness. To his death, he did not see Chu's face, let alone how he did it.

"Holy See? mafia? Or dark Council? Hey, if you want to kill my brother, you can pay back with your life. Ye Xiao, you won't fight alone again! " What's the difference between killing an ant and killing an ant?

How can a man put an ant in his eyes when he kills an ant.

After ye Xiao and sharna separated, they didn't wait for the arrival of ah klotzfia. The whole jungle was quiet, and even ah Wu didn't know where to go? She frowned, but the sense of crisis from the depths of her soul made Ye Xiao dare not be careless. He knew that the people who really wanted their own lives had already appeared in the jungle.

"Whoosh..." Ye Xiao's body instinctively flashed to the side when a sound of breaking through the sky came. However, a touch of lacquer black knife awn even cut through the night sky. Facing such a quick attack, ye Xiao's body magically twisted downward to avoid the lacquer black knife awn. However, before he could stand firm, a long gun with black paint had pierced his heart.

In the face of this lightning like strike, Rao is Ye Xiao's strength, and at this time, he has no time to resist such a shot.

Especially on the basis of his body suffering heavy damage, even if the heart is wearing goggles, but if the gun pierced his heart, with his current physical condition, it is difficult to resist the strength of the gun.

Just when ye Xiaodu felt that it was hard to avoid, a figure jumped down from the tree like an ape. In an instant, it hit the owner of the spear. The huge force knocked the man to one side, and the gun head completely lost its accuracy.

Ye Xiao took advantage of this opportunity to step forward.

But a shadow after another quickly drilled out of the woods, blocking Ye Xiao's way.

After hitting the man, a Wu grabs the man's neck directly. However, the man is obviously an expert. In this hurry, he holds a Wu's grip with one hand, loosens the long gun in his hand, takes out a dagger from his backhand and stabs him in the abdomen. Ah Wu's speed is extremely fast. He turns over his body and retreats directly to Ye Xiao's side.

At this time, at least seven men in black had already appeared beside Ye Xiao, one with sword, one with gun, one with knife, one with stick, one with a pair of metal boxer with sharp spines, and two people's hands were hidden in the dark, and they didn't know what their weapons were.

Everyone's breath is not under the twelve strongest paladins. If ye Xiao was in his heyday, with the help of ah Wu, he was confident that he would wipe out all these people. But at this time, even if it was extremely difficult to deal with one person, let alone seven people?

The Vatican has just lost 12 paladins. They can't send such masters out again. For any organization, masters like these who enter the divine realm are strategic forces. Can the Holy See afford to lose so much? Are these all dark Council?

In order to kill yourself, the dark Council sent so many experts?

At the thought of this, ye Xiao's mouth appeared a bitter smile, they really look up to themselves."Boy, don't struggle, let me beat you to death, so as to avoid the pain of flesh and blood at least!" At this time, the man holding a huge stick said coldly. His face was full of arrogance. With the help of weak light, ye Xiao saw that there was a scar on his face that continued from his forehead to his lips. The scar evenly divided his face into two parts, and his nose was completely depressed. Obviously, he had suffered from extremely serious injuries.

Ye Xiao's mind suddenly flashed some information, some from the dragon people to understand the information.

"Bloody King Kong o'baroque?"

"Why? Didn't expect this kid to recognize me? Well, for the sake of knowing me, I'll give you a chance to commit suicide O'baroque's face showed a ferocious and arrogant smile.

"For more than ten years, o'baroque, it seems that your temper has not changed at all." At this time, a deep voice sounded from the woods. When he heard the voice, not to mention o'baroque, the faces of the other six people were all changed. Then they could not help but look in the direction of the voice. Suddenly, a man in a long gown came out step by step.

"Dragon Emperor?" O'baroque exclaimed directly. Obviously, he did not expect that the Dragon Emperor, known as the God of war in the East, would appear here?

Other people are also unbelievable. When they hear this sound, they are still in a fluke mood. But now seeing the Dragon Emperor himself come out directly, how can people not be shocked?

"Yes, it's me. I didn't chop you to death. It's a pity that you didn't die with that knife. You've disappeared for more than ten years. Originally, I thought you'd change your ways and stop doing many evil deeds. It's no wonder that you even want to jump out to die..." The Dragon Emperor said lightly, as if to say an unimportant thing, the eight Dark Knights, the strength is not under the strongest twelve paladins of o'baroque, in his mouth, as if the roadside cat and dog as useless.

"Dragon Emperor, don't be arrogant. It's better if you don't come today. Since you are here, do you think you can still leave alive?"

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