O'baroque suppressed his shock and said coldly.

More than ten years ago, the thugs who were famous in the underground world, nicknamed "blood warrior", were cruel and lustful. When they heard that boiling soup with fetuses could improve a certain function of men, they actually killed 18 pregnant women with six Jia's in their arms. The cruel method finally aroused the public indignation of the powerful people in the whole underground world. At that time, the Dragon Emperor, who was not the leader of the dragon clan, heard such news even more Later, he traveled thousands of miles to Europe and joined forces with a group of powerful men to intercept and kill o'baroque. However, although this guy was cruel, he was extremely cunning and escaped one after another. On the way, he also killed several famous strong men at that time. Finally, the Dragon Emperor cut his face with a knife, and his nose was cut off by the Dragon Emperor.

However, he was finally let to escape, and this escape was more than ten years. Many people thought that he was dead or did not dare to come out again. However, they thought that he had joined the dark Council and became one of the eight Dark Knights.

More than ten years later, in order to attack and kill Ye Xiao, he appeared again.

"Hehe? You're a bunch of losers? Or philocco, known as hell knight? Philocco, you'd better come out. This group of rubbish can't raise my desire to fight! " Long Di gave a faint smile, his eyes were full of disdain, but his last words made people including o'baroque change their faces.

How does he know about hell knights? And even his real name? You know, even the seven of them only know the hell knight, but don't know his real name?

And they also know that the Pope sent this madman, so they have confidence to kill the Dragon Emperor. This is a super Tauren who escaped from the sky under the siege of the Holy See's experts. Even if they gather together, they can't be his opponent. It's not impossible for them to leave Ye Xiao and the Dragon Emperor with such a strong man and the strength of several of them Yes, but where did you think of it? The emperor of the Dragon had already known all this!

"It's said that the Oriental God of war has both literature and martial arts. It's really worthy of its reputation. But I'm curious. Who told you that?" At this time, there was another voice in the dark, and then a guy in a ragged cloth shirt with gray hair and messy appearance came out, looking more like a beggar, with a huge black lacquer sword on his back.

If it wasn't for the cold chill of the huge sword behind him, this man would be no different from the beggars on the street.

"Ha ha, I've never been in the habit of talking to the dead!" The Dragon Emperor gently shook his head. This time, the other side sent out the hell knight, which is almost the top secret of the dark Council. He can know this. Naturally, there are his old friends in the dark Council. How can he tell his old friends?

"Hum, arrogant, today I want to learn the Dragon Emperor's skill!" The hell knight, the former paladin philocco, snorted coldly.

"I'm not the one who's going to kill you today!" The emperor of the Dragon said faintly that his mood did not fluctuate at all.

"Who?" Filock was surprised. Did they have any other masters?

"I..." A faint voice came from behind fillock.

Philock looked back and saw a man with purple hair slowly coming out. Not only his hair was purple, but also his eyes were deep purple.

This is a young man, at least filock has never seen him, but from his body, there is a strong breath that makes filock feel palpitating. This is an existence that can definitely step into the ranks of the world's top strong. But why does such a person have no impression at all?

"Big brother?" Ye Xiao didn't expect that not only the Dragon Emperor came, but also the purple desert. Originally, he didn't want them to get involved, so he came alone. However, they couldn't hide all these things from them. They still came here. Thinking of this, a warm current flowed through Ye Xiao's heart.

"Ye Xiao, we are brothers. You should remember that no matter what kind of fighting, you will not be alone!" Purple desert is very serious to Ye Xiao said a word, but the voice has not fallen, his body has been rapid forward, almost blink of an eye, has come to filock's body, and then a touch of purple knife light up, full speed toward filock's neck.

"Mean..." Filock was shocked. He didn't think that this guy would start directly without saying a word, and the speed of the other party was so fast that he didn't have time to draw his sword. He had to retreat quickly. However, the figure of the Dragon Emperor appeared in front of him and clapped it without hesitation.

"Pa..." The powerful palm directly slapped on the back of filock's heart, and the terror burst out in an all-round way. Rao was super powerful, and his blood was boiling with this palm. The blood in his body rolled and a stream of blood gushed from his mouth. However, the blood had not yet landed, and a purple knife awn had already crossed his neck!

"Putong..." A sound, the hell Knight filock's body fell heavily on the ground, his hands covered his neck, as if to stop the outflow of blood, a pair of eyes opened big boss, a face unwilling to look at the Dragon Emperor and purple desert in front of him, murmured: "you You don't have ShamelessHe didn't expect that long Di just said that he would not fight. He was still attacking behind his back. Moreover, his speed was so fast that he was definitely not an opponent even if he was facing a confrontation. However, such a person with strength above himself still made a move even if he agreed not to do so. What's more, it was shameless?

"If shameless can kill people, I would rather carry on shameless to the end!" The Dragon Emperor is very coquettish to say.

"Poo Hoo..." Filock on the spot a mouthful of blood spurted out, completely lost his life, he was actually alive was angry to death.

The remaining seven black riding knights are totally stupid there. What's the matter? The most powerful filoc died like this? How could that be possible? He didn't even have time to draw his sword?

How could this happen?

"Dragon Emperor, how can you do such a sneak attack?" On the spot, o'baroque angrily scolded him. He was too mean, too obscene, and too shameless!

"There's an old saying in the East that war is always deceitful, and I am a soldier. The purpose of a soldier is to destroy the enemy at the least cost." The emperor of the Dragon shook his head carelessly, as if what he had done was of course the same.

"But But you Can you fight fair? " O'baroque was so angry that he could hardly speak.

"Fair war? Well, come on, I'll give you a fair fight, and I promise they won't do it. How about that? " The Dragon Emperor raised his eyebrows and took a step forward and said to o'baroque.

O'baroque was dumbfounded on the spot. More than ten years ago, he was not the opponent of the Dragon Emperor. More than a decade later, seeing that long Di had just attacked filoc, he knew that even if he had been prepared, filock could not completely avoid it, let alone himself? Let yourself fight him fairly, isn't it to seek death?

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