"Run away..." The first time, o'baroque made a decision, and then he turned around and ran to the rear without informing other people. Now even the most powerful hell knight is dead. Although he died under the despicable sneak attack, he is dead. No matter how fierce and arrogant he is in front of him, he becomes a cold corpse without hell knight He didn't think they could save Ye Xiao's life.

Ye Xiao was really badly hurt. From the fact that he was nearly killed just now, we can see that he is in extremely bad health. However, there is a dragon emperor here. In the eyes of o'baroque, the strength of long Di is definitely on top of Ye Xiao. What did ye Xiao call him just now? eldest brother?

No matter who he is, how many people in the world can let the Lord of TIANYAO call big brother Sheng?

What's more, the speed of his knife is so fast that the first knife forces the hell knight to retreat, and then the second knife directly breaks the hell Knight's throat. How fast is this knife?

Even if the hell knight is attacked by the Dragon Emperor and his blood is rolling, he is also a hell knight after all. He is a first-class strong man. He is still a knife in his hand. From the beginning to the end, the hell Knight even has no chance to draw his sword?

What strength is this? Even if the hell knight and his fair fight, estimated to be defeated?

A person whose strength is likely to be above the hell knight, plus a dragon emperor who can stabilize the hell knight. O'baroque doesn't think that he and others can get a bargain in the hands of such two powerful men. If we don't escape now, when will we wait? After fighting with them and being killed by them, even if they want to escape, they have no chance.

O'baroque escaped quickly, while the others escaped faster. These people were all notorious, and they all had a common feature, which was that they had suffered losses in the hands of the Dragon Emperor. Now when we see that the Dragon Emperor and the purple haired young man killed the hell Knight without any effort, where can they stay for a long time.

If you stay here now, you'll be dead.

The Dragon Emperor's mouth showed a sneering smile. These people are all gifted people. If they don't have high talent, they can't cultivate to such a level. However, they will never stop here. A man who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and a person who has no determination after breaking through, can never really step into the ranks of the top strong.

The hell Knight filock has such determination, has such a heart to die, so his strength is constantly improving. He has reached the point where he can threaten the existence of the Dragon Emperor. It's very difficult to clean up these people with his and Zimo's abilities. So he and Zimu happen to kill philock and win the biggest victory at the least cost. This is Dragon Emperor one It is advocated.

Now these people want to escape, where can we let them all escape? As soon as the figure flashed, the Dragon Emperor had come to the back of o'baroque, and he threw his hand at o'baroque. Other people could escape, but this guy had to die.

By virtue of what he had done, he should have been put to death.

O'baroque almost wanted to cry, didn't he provoke you? More than ten years ago, you didn't want to pursue yourself from thousands of miles. You didn't even seek revenge on you. You didn't even set foot in the East. Ten years later, I just went out to carry out a mission to kill a young boy. Do you want to come?

Well, come on. There are so many people who want to kill Ye Xiao. Can't you find anyone to deal with it? Why find yourself?

In the face of the slap of the Dragon Emperor, o'baroque could not escape. He could only stir up his muscles and bear the palm of the emperor.

"Pa..." The sound of a crisp sound, the Dragon Emperor's palm heavily patted on the back of o'baroque, o'baroque flew out on the spot like a shell, and the man was still in the air with a mouthful of blood gushing out, and finally fell heavily on the ground. However, o'baroque was not surprised to reflect. This was an opportunity, which was the opportunity for the emperor to send him to leave.

The body has just landed, the hind legs have been forced to kick, and will run into the forest, but suddenly hit a black figure.

When o'baroque looked up, he saw a figure covered in black robes. However, from his bottom-up perspective, he could just see the man's face. As soon as he saw the man's face, o'baroque was happy, but his smile had not yet bloomed on his face, and the man had already slapped his head.

O'baroque's eyes were wide open, even bigger than fillock's. how could he not think that this man would kill himself?

"All killed?" At this time, the voice of the Dragon Emperor came from behind.

"Keep one..." This is the voice of the man in black, and the last voice in the world that o'baroque heard.

A moment later, Zimo, Longdi, Sarna, including Lenghun and alogas, who had been together with Lenghun, all returned to their original places. Except one of the eight Dark Knights in the dark Council, all of them were killed, and one was killed by Sarna. That was also the dark knight who had never appeared, and a later arrived after escaping Rogas and Lenghun join hands to kill.The others all died in the hands of the Dragon Emperor and Zimo. Zimo's body was even cut open, and the injury was not serious.

Ye Xiao was surprised to see the direction that the black robed man left, but did not ask any more. He believed that the Dragon Emperor would not harm him, which was enough.

"Kanu, they don't know what's going on. Have you found them?" What ye Xiao is most worried about is the safety of Suzanne and others.

"Don't worry, they're all right, on the other side of the car!" Purple desert light mouth way.

Ye Xiao has been tight heart, this just relaxed.

"Well, general purple, you send Ye Xiao back to China first. I still have some things to deal with here. Don't leave Huaxia until I come back!" The Dragon Emperor said at this time.

Ye Xiao took a look at the Dragon Emperor and nodded. He was the patron saint of China. When he was not in China, the task of protecting China was naturally completed by himself.

At present, the dragon emperor turned around and left and quickly fell into the darkness. The Holy See and the dark Council were both calculating Ye Xiao and not pulling them into the water together. How could this be in the interests of China?

The Dragon Emperor is not a bullying character.

After the Dragon Emperor left, ye Xiao and his party, led by purple desert, came to another road. Here, a number of black Mercedes Benz cars had been parked. When ye Xiao came out of the forest, the door of one of the cars was opened directly, and then he saw the excited little Landis jump out.

"Dad..." Little Landis cheered and rushed into Ye Xiao's arms. He didn't expect to see his father so soon. He was worried for a long time just now!

"Ha ha, little Landis. Come on, this is uncle!" Seeing his son again, ye Xiao's face also showed a happy look. He held little Lantis in his arms and pointed to purple desert and said.

"Ha ha, I called just now. It's late. Let's go!" Purple desert smile touched the forehead of small Lantis, light says.

Although they have dealt a heavy blow to the experts sent by the dark Council, after all, this is the territory of the Holy See and the dark Council. What if the Holy See still has a successor? If there is another group of people, he really does not have the confidence to be able to retreat safely

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