On the tarmac outside the bloody castle, an ugly rainy day came to the front of his special plane, but he saw his own family


"What's going on?" Shangguan fell into the water and began to drink.

"Report marshal, there are some problems with the operating system and they are being repaired!" On rainy days, the family members of the army paid a

salute towards the rainy day, and said in a loud voice.

"When can it be fixed?" The brow of rainy day frowned, but did not want to go to other aspects.

"About another hour!"

As soon as he heard that it would take an hour, his brow frowned again on rainy days. Now he just wanted to leave the place he hated and return to his own territory as soon as possible.

"Let's go, take my cruise, spend a few days in London before returning to Africa!" At this time, waltz, who came out with the rainy day, saw the rainy day in a bad mood and said faintly.

On rainy days, he thought about it and nodded gently. At the moment, he took several of his own soldiers, and Waltz's bodyguard together, and got on the bus to the dock.

They don't know, in the place they can't see, a dark figure dials a phone, and then whispers to the phone, "it's raining, it's already on the train, everything goes according to plan!" After saying that, the man directly cut off the phone.

At this time, in the British Peninsula, near the wharf where Louis Waltz came back, there was a thick pine forest, but at this time the jungle was covered with snow, and no one would come here in this cold season and on this cold morning.

as like as two peas in the white jungle, the dragon is hiding behind a pile of white snow. The man in black robe is hiding behind a pile of white snow. But at this time he has taken off the black robe, exposing an oriental face, and a black hair, the same hairstyle as the rain falling day's hair, but his face is a westerner. His face, especially his blue eyes, but he held a mask in his hand, which looked like a rainy day.

"Well, they've set out, and they'll be here in about half an hour!" Put up the phone, the man said faintly.

"Have your men been arranged?" Looking at the man who is proficient in face changing, the Dragon Emperor said faintly.

"That's enough for God, Waltz The man, known as Garfield, nodded confidently.

Garfield, the former captain of the Royal Guard, later offended the British royal family because of his forthright personality. He was expelled from the Royal Guard. In order to support his only sister, he went to the best university in England for further study, entered the underground world, and became a bounty hunter. He quickly made a name on his own strength, but eight years ago, his sister did He was raped and killed by a younger generation of Louis family. He was angry and resolutely killed the murderer who persecuted his sister. He also suffered from the all-round pursuit of Louis waltz. He fled to the East and was finally rescued by the Dragon Emperor.

After Cathay recovered his wounds, he resolutely returned to England with the aim of killing Louis Waltz and avenging his revenge. However, no one in waltz could give him a chance to get revenge. But this time, the opportunity finally came. How could he let go of it.

"Garfield, I know you hate that old Waltz guy, but I don't understand. How do you know that?" See full of angry Garfield, the Dragon Emperor is very puzzled to say.

Before that, the dark Council sent hell knights and eight Dark Knights to attack Ye Xiao. He told himself that he was able to arrive at the first time. He rescued Ye Xiao and others with him, and brought wrong information to several giants of the dark Council.

But such news should be the top secret of the dark Council. How could a small Bounty Hunter know?

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you that, but please believe me, neither I nor the person behind me is malicious to you!" Garfield shook his head and said with guilt.

The Dragon Emperor saved his life at that time. He should be honest with the emperor, but he promised the man something, so he can't say it.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Everyone has his own secret!" Long Di shook his head, indicating that he didn't care, but his eyes were flashing. There was no doubt that the man behind Garfield must have a very high status in the dark Council, and he might even be one of the eight deacons. What is the purpose of his doing this? Split the dark Council? What's good for him?

Long Di didn't understand, but it doesn't mean he won't do it. As ye Xiao and the Pope have agreed, he already knows that ye Xiao is injured all over. Naturally, he should take this opportunity to help him to reduce his weakness. The power of the dark Council, the Holy See and the dark Council, are not easy to provoke. Why not weaken their power?

After waiting for about half an hour, an extremely luxurious cruise ship appeared on the sea. Garfield's eyes twinkled with hatred when he saw the huge ship. Waltz Louis, you finally appeared.

The cruise ship stopped at the dock smoothly, and a line of motorcade had already stopped on the wharf to welcome Louis waltz.The first is a black Mercedes Benz, the second is a lengthened Rolls Royce phantom. There are only 12 cars in the world, and only Waltz owns this one in Britain.

Waltz Louis and rainy day came down from the cruise ship side by side!

"In rainy days, you really didn't do it!" About to go downstream, Waltz could not help but ask.

"No..." On a rainy day, he naturally understood what Waltz was asking and nodded his head.

"Look at this..." Said Louis waltz, taking a picture from his pocket and handing it to a rainy day.

On a rainy day, I can't help but change my face. The background in the photo is just near the jungle where they attacked. A man covered in black robes walked out of the jungle and got on a black car. At the moment of getting on the car, the black robe fell down inadvertently, revealing a yellow face. The photographer caught this moment However, far away, but still can clearly see that this person is the rainy day.

"It's not me. I was in the cemetery at that time!" Seeing such a picture, he knew that if he didn't give Waltz an explanation on rainy days, he would really be sorry for the elder who trusted him so much.

As soon as he heard the word "cemetery" on rainy day, Waltz's look suddenly darkened, and he suddenly rang out. Today, the woman's memorial day, when he adopted rainy day, was the woman who had been taking care of him, and he had long regarded her as his own mother, occupying an unshakable position in his life. The heart will never be pulled out in the rain.

No wonder he didn't want to explain it at the meeting. That's why.

"Who do you think is most likely?" Waltz knew it was impossible to lie at this time when it rained, but he was curious who it was.

"There are only two possibilities. One is that there are traitors among the eight deacons, and the other is that the Shangguan is just a play made up and directed by the superior officials, and the purpose is naturally to get rid of you and me..." Rain in the eyes of a flash, very confident to say.

Waltz's face suddenly changed, but it was at this time that a harsh roar sounded in the night sky, and their faces changed again

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