With this harsh sound, the rainy day and Waltz saw several shells scurrying out of the woods.

"Be careful..." In the rainy day, he was shocked and rushed to waltz Louis directly. He threw him on the ground, and then a shell exploded in the place less than 10 meters away from them. The terrible explosive force directly blew up several bodyguards around him. One of them was cut off by a huge shrapnel, and his head was hit with a blood hole the size of a fist, which killed him instantly.

However, this is only a prelude. With the first artillery fire, countless rockets and shells shot out of the forest. It seems that there is at least one battalion, such an armed force, used to deal with Waltz and others. It is simply a massacre.

This is a secret wharf of the waltz family. In order to maintain the concealment of the wharf, Louis Waltz took his most trusted confidants to the island every time he went to the island, and the number was not too large. Besides, they didn't expect that someone would get so many firecrackers to launch such a fierce attack.

Relying on the pistols in their hands, how to resist such violent shells, a figure stood up from the forest. In addition to the Rockets, they were heavy machine guns. These machine guns were buried in the snow before, so they were not found at all.

Countless fire tongues continue to spray, countless bullets dada fly out, only a few breathing time, Waltz's bodyguard has lost most of the time, and waltz is under the protection of a rainy day, hiding behind a car, but the firepower of the other side is so fierce that they can't escape.

"Shangguan has no way. It must be that guy. He has been trying to get rid of us. It must be him!" Louis Waltz hated his teeth itching. He said two possibilities when it rained just now. He met such a strong attack just after he finished. It's not necessary to think that all these were arranged by the superior officials.

In the British Peninsula, apart from the dark Council, no dark force can obtain such powerful firearms. Moreover, if there is a traitor, how can the traitor launch such an attack on himself and others? Killing two of them doesn't hurt the dark Council much.

On the contrary, it can make Shangguan have no way to unite all forces of the dark Council.

Therefore, now it is not speculation, it is simply that Shangguan has no way to plot all this.

”We all underestimated him... " His face on rainy days was also extremely ugly. Obviously, he did not expect that the superior officer was so quick and cruel that he could not help. It seems that everything he had just done in the castle was for everyone to see.

At this time, some bodyguards were killed, and powerful guns even overturned several cars. Even the Rolls Royce of Waltz Louis was also hit with countless holes. Thanks to the special modification of the car, even if the rocket bombs fell on it, it was difficult to break through its defense.

However, all the bodyguards beside the car have been killed, and the two Waltz are at least 30 meters away from the car. Moreover, the 30 meters are completely open area. If you want to rush past, you will only become the target of each other.

Besides, even if you get on the bus, you may not be able to escape. Since the other party has planned such a killing, it is impossible for them to leave easily. No one knows what lies ahead. Now the only place to escape is the sea area behind.

"Rain, you don't care about me, you go first, revenge for me!" When he saw that several of his subordinates were killed in the rain, Waltz said decisively.

"No, how can I leave you alone?" He shook his head and refused in rainy days. How could he leave him alone?

As he spoke, he backed away from the waltz.

"You have to leave me alone. My leg is injured. Even if I jump into the sea, I will die. In rainy days, if there is only one person, you will certainly be able to escape. You must escape and avenge me. Otherwise, we will all die, and the whole dark Council will be completely controlled by Shangguan. We will not be able to let him succeed!" Waltz, holding the handlebar in one hand, was not willing to go.

It was only on rainy days that he found that his calf had been shot by a bullet and was bleeding continuously.


"Nothing, but you must go at once. If you don't, I'll die in front of you right away." What else would you like to persuade on a rainy day? Waltz snorted angrily. Between his words, he took out a dagger and put it on his neck.

Seeing the sharp dagger, seeing the resolute color on Waltz's face, I don't know why, an emotion that hasn't appeared for a long time emerges in his heart on a rainy day, and tears gradually appear in his eyes.

"Take care Hard to spit out these two words, the body of a rainy day suddenly kick, the body like a cheetah general run out, almost a few flash, has come to the dock, and then jump, so jump into the sea.

At this time, even the cruise ship of Louis Waltz was also bombarded by gunfire. The whole cruise ship had started to fire. The sailors, cooks, service personnel and so on jumped into the sea one by one. On rainy days, they mixed in the group of people. However, a man in camouflage clothes and a mask appeared in the woods. They were armed with submachine guns or airplanes Guns, or pistols, were fired at those who jumped into the water, and the boss's order was not to leave any alive.Seeing these people shooting crazily and sinking into the water on rainy days, he has already affirmed that this is really the hands of the superior officials, otherwise, no matter who they are, there is no reason to attack these ordinary cooks. He is worried that these people will leak things here.

At this time, Waltz sat on the ground with a complex expression, ignoring the deafening sound of gunfire around him. His old eyes looked at the sky and looked at the gray sky.

Are you going to die? I didn't expect that I would spend my whole life and make countless calculations. Now that I'm in such a powerful position, I'm still going to die. Is this my destiny?

The former dark Pope once said that everyone has his own life, and people's efforts are constantly changing their lives. However, they can change the life of poverty into the life of wealth, and change the life of twists and turns more smoothly. However, it is difficult to change the life from death to life, and anyone will die.

And I finally came to this step.

At this time, a group of people came out of the woods. These people were all wearing masks. Only the one who took the lead did not wear a mask. He walked towards himself. I don't know why. Waltz saw the hatred in his fiery eyes. This is a man full of hatred for himself? How could that be possible?

Soon, the group had arrived, and Waltz Louis, with the help of the firelight, could see clearly what he was like. When he saw that face, his face turned pale.

"Garfield? Is it you? " All of a sudden, he felt that he and the rainy day seemed to have miscalculated. All this was not what Shangguan had done.

"Yes, it's me, waltz, you can't imagine that you have today..." Garfield sneered, then pulled out a huge desert eagle and pulled the trigger on Waltz's forehead

"Bang..." With a loud noise, a blood mist burst out of Louis Waltz's forehead, but his eyes were wide open, and he could not close his eyes to death

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