Spring Festival is another year. It is the most solemn festival for Chinese all over the world. However, this year's Spring Festival is more lively and solemn than the previous Spring Festival, because the National People's Congress was held in advance and a new national leader was born ahead of schedule.

Tian Zhengqi, who once served as the Secretary of the Jinghai municipal Party committee, was the first to become the president and No. 1 chief of the state in the capacity of vice premier. His former partner, ye Jiajia, who was also the former mayor of Jinghai City, successfully became the premier of China.

Jiang Haiping, former Minister of the Ministry of education and vice chairman of the National People's Congress, ranked second!

Cai Mingxuan, former Minister of public security and member of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), ranked fourth.

Li Lianzhong, former director of the Central Propaganda Department of spiritual civilization, is 56 years old and serves as the director of the central Spiritual Civilization Construction Committee.

Wang Chen, former Secretary of the Jiangnan provincial Party committee, has become the youngest member of the Standing Committee of this session. He is only 46 years old. He has already held the post of vice chairman. He is also a cadre promoted by the old leader!

Luo Minghai, former Secretary of the Lingnan provincial Party committee, was transferred to the Central Committee as a member of the Standing Committee and vice premier of the State Council. He is 48 years old.

Ouyang Zhenhong, former Secretary of Bashu provincial Party committee, was transferred to the Central Committee as a member of the Standing Committee and head of the organization department.

Lin zhengdai, former Secretary of the Guangdong provincial Party committee, was transferred to the Central Committee as a member of the Standing Committee and Minister of public security.

Jinghai faction accounts for half of the nine newly released giants. However, none of them comes from a big family. The problems that the old leaders have been trying to solve have been solved to a certain extent.

In addition to the Bai family, the influence of other families has been greatly weakened.

Even the Bai family didn't get the upper hand in this round of political game, and the military generals also came for a big rotation. Luo Xiaojun, the former commander-in-chief of the Northeast military region, was transferred to the central government and became the commander-in-chief of the Kyoto military region. He was the first military man to control the power of the central army. If he was not a little younger, he would have become the first person in the military He will be assigned a vice chairman of the CMC.

Tan Zixiong, former commander-in-chief of Jinghai city garrison, was transferred to Southeast China as commander-in-chief and general of southeast military region, while Gu Tianyun, former deputy commander of Jinghai garrison, was investigated and isolated because of corruption and bribery. His position was assumed by Zimo, commander of the former wild wolf field independent army, with the rank of major general. Zimo also became the youngest military officer in the peaceful era of China.

Although he was a deputy commander-in-chief, anyone knew that the military power of the Jinghai garrison was entirely in his hands. This can be seen from Hu Gu, the new commander-in-chief of the Jinghai military region.

Hu Gu, as his name suggests, is really an antique. He should have reached the age of early retirement when he was more than 60 years old this year. Moreover, he had been working in the staff headquarters before, but now he is suddenly transferred to the post of commander-in-chief in Jinghai city. Anyone can see that this is paving the way for purple desert.

Although the garrison in Jinghai city is not as strong as several old military regions, it is also a military area after all. This right is far from comparable to that of an independent field army. With the expansion of tianyaomen's strength in the golden triangle area, there is no danger in the southwest. The wild wolf field army has been incorporated into the Jinghai garrison, and the strength of Jinghai Garrison has reached To a surge.

As a young major general, he has become a real influence on the military power of China. In addition, his adoptive father Cai Mingxuan is the chairman of the CPPCC, and Ouyang Zhenhong, his father-in-law, is the Minister of public security. Zimo has become the first son of Huaxia.

Unfortunately, he has been married. Otherwise, he will become the target of many noble families. Even so, Zimo has received thousands of confessions every day.

It's a pity that there are a lot of communication tools now. Otherwise, if all of them become envelopes, it will probably fill a whole room.

"Cheap, cheap enough, extremely cheap, cheap to invincible!" Jinghai city somewhere villa, see purple desert that pair of bitter appearance, ye Xiao directly break curse way.

This son of a bitch, there are so many young ladies chasing him, he even ran to ask himself how to deal with it?

I grass, this is not intended to stimulate people?

My young master is also handsome and unrestrained. How come there are not so many people actively pursuing themselves? Thinking that when he just came to Jinghai City, he was looked down upon by others. Even his wife didn't look at him much, ye Xiao had an impulse to take a nail knife and tear Zimo apart.

Take a look at other people. They have just come to Jinghai city to work, and they have just appeared in the upper class social places of Jinghai city. Even ye Xiao, an outsider, is somewhat frightened. It is a naked desire.

Even in Jinghai City, there is a rumor that if you can go to the bed of purple desert, you are willing to die.

Nima's, these aristocratic daughters are not human when they are crazy. What's most hateful is that it's enough exciting. The bastard came to himself and said, "I'm so tired. Every day, so many women give him news, and the mobile phone number changes one after another, but someone always calls in and makes him miserable!"

Damn it. Is it miserable?"Evolution, bitches are armor!" Ye yubai, who is not far away, is eating snail meat with a toothpick.

It's shameless. You can forget these words to brother Xiao. How can you say that he still has a group of peerless beauties around him, and even the holy girls of the holy see are seduced by him. Although the quantity can't catch up, the quality is at least enough. But what about yourself? Well, ye yubai admits that he has played with many women these years, but what kind of women are they? With the wine girl, with the sleeping girl, or those little sister, and so on, which aristocratic family daughter has ever winked at him? Ye yubai, however, has always wanted to find a daughter of a family to marry and glorify his family? Now it's OK. Originally, I still hope that my present identity can hook up with one, but Zimo comes, OK, and runs away.

"Bitch..." Xiao Nan, even the reticent Ye Cang wolf, also swore at the same time. He had seen the shameless, but had not seen such shameless.

"Hello, Captain Ye Canglang, you are cursing and slandering the superior. Believe it or not, I will immediately remove your position!" Zimo is also depressed. As a man, even a man with a mature mind, he is suddenly liked by so many women, and his vanity is greatly satisfied. But the problem is that he is indeed married?

His father-in-law is the Minister of public security. He can't carry his wife and those women behind his back?

He did not expect to be known by his father-in-law and sent millions of armed police soldiers to pursue and kill him.

For so many years, he has been carrying out the battle. Apart from his wife, he seldom has contact with other heterosexual people. He has never met such a thing! When he came to Ye Xiao, he really wanted to gain some experience in how to deal with it. How could he think that once he said it, he would be despised by the public, and other people would forget it. You ye Canglang is also a soldier of mine, and he even slandered himself in this way. It's a shame

"I'm sorry, sir, you're not a slut, you're a cheap God..."

Hearing Ye Cang wolf's apology, Zimo was about to boast and praise a few words, but suddenly heard his last words, and suddenly his face turned to pig liver color

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