Seeing ye Xiao break Tai Shao's wrist, the other people are even more scared to look pale. The beauty named Qin Nan is even more scared to look pale. My God, this man broke Tai Shao's wrist. He really doesn't want to live, doesn't he?

If the mayor of Jinghai City knew that his son had been broken his wrist, what would he look like?

"Let go of TAISHAO!" At this time, those childish brothers who came from Jiangsu and Zhejiang finally came back to their senses. If they did not save Tai Shao from this guy's hand, who knew what he would torture TAISHAO into, they rushed towards Ye Xiao one by one.

Seeing these people rushing towards him, ye Xiao's anger flashed in his eyes. After a long time of fighting, he squeezed a stream of blood in his body. He didn't care about life at all. However, he thought that this was Jinghai city. After all, it was a peaceful era. If he could not restrain his anger and act according to the rules of the underground world, he would certainly make a great stir Chaos.

Not waiting for those people to approach, has been a mention of Jiang Zitai, directly toward a few people hit.

"Putong..." In the face of Ye Xiao's throwing power, these childish brothers accidentally bump into Tai Shao's body and suddenly fall down.

"Let's go!" Ye Xiao didn't even look at these people. He took little Landis's hand and walked to the other side. It didn't really take much effort to deal with such a group of people. If these guys knew what they were interested in, if they didn't know, they still had to come. Ye Xiao didn't mind leaving a lifelong unforgettable memory for each of them.

Ebol looked at the man who had been beaten to the ground first, motioned him to leave. The man had already got up from the ground and showed gratitude to her. Then she went to the tall beauty and grabbed the tall beauty's hand.

Nan, let's go Look at his infatuated appearance, really let a person some heartache.

But that tall beauty actually broke away from his hand and directly yelled at him: "Zhang Xing, I said, we have broken up, please don't disturb me again in the future!"

After that, he rushed to TAISHAO who was still on the ground.

"TAISHAO, you Your hand is injured. Shall we go to the hospital first? " The look of caring and loving is just different from before.

Seeing such a scene, the man's eyes flashed a touch of pain. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and turned around and mixed into the crowd. He knew that Nannan broke up with him because of the identity of the other party and the identity of the mayor of Jinghai city.

Thinking of this childhood sweetheart, the girl who once said she wanted to marry her own just came to Jinghai city for a year, she became so powerful. Zhang Xing's heart ached like a knife. This is the reality, this is the society.

"Ah Yibao'er sighs softly. She also follows Ye Xiao into the crowd. She doesn't blame the girl named Nannan, because there are too many such girls in this society. So many friends around her, even many very close friends, are not all like this?

They are not so lucky as themselves, with a strong brother like Ye Xiao.

"Pa..." Not long after Yi bao'er left, Jiang Zitai, who stood up from the ground, slapped Qin Nan in the past.

"Bitch, how could I have been like this without you?" A hand was crushed into a fracture, but the strength of his left hand was not low, immediately left five clear fingerprints on Nannan's face.

"I'm sorry, TAISHAO. I didn't expect to meet him here. I broke up with him a long time ago. It's him who has been dogged and hard to fight. I can't help it either." Qin Nan covered half of his face and said wrongly.

"Well, I don't want another time!" Seeing Qin Nan's tall figure, which is comparable to the face of a star, Jiang Zitai tried to resist the impulse of kicking her. This woman hasn't played enough, so let her roll when she's done!

"TAISHAO, don't worry. There won't be another time. I promise." Qin Nan is most afraid of being driven away by Jiang Zitai. Now seeing that Jiang Zitai doesn't mean to run away from him, he immediately puts down his heart.

"Hum!" Jiang Zitai just snorted, a pair of gloomy eyes looked at the direction of Ye Xiao and others to leave.

"TAISHAO, what to do?" A man with thin hair came forward and asked in a low voice. With their understanding of Jiang Zitai, they had such a big loss that they could never give up.

"What? Of course, it's looking for someone. The boy has two boys. This time, we must find more people and do not want his life. Just waste his hands! " Jiang Zitai said coldly.

"TAISHAO, don't worry. I'll arrange for you to send him to the hospital first!" The man nodded, but he didn't forget to care about his injury.

Tai Shao nodded and left the Lantern Festival under the escort of several other princes. The man who left behind was gloomy. He looked at the direction of Ye Xiao's disappearance. He turned to one side and began to make a phone call. Obviously, he called someone. As the son of a big black gang in Jinling City, Jiangnan Province, even in Jinghai City, he could always call a group of people.After all, although tianyaomen controls Jinghai City, it is not the only Gang after all. There are many other small gangs in Jinghai city. Besides, tianyaomen mainly focuses on foreign forces and never pays attention to these small gangs. As long as the interests of tianyaomen are not touched and the rules set by brother Xiao are not violated, they can play as they like.

Where there is light, there is darkness. No matter how bright the society is, it always has a dark side.

The old chief executive couldn't put an end to all this, nor could ye Xiao.

Where there are lantern fairs, there are lantern riddles. This is a tradition handed down from ancient times in China. This Lantern Festival is no exception. After experiencing some things just now, ye Xiao and others did not affect their mood of enjoying the lantern. After watching the exquisite lighting, ye Xiao took Lantis to lantern riddle paradise. A group of parents took their children to guess where they were, Every time you guess a lantern riddle correctly, there will be a small reward. For the first time, little Landis showed an excited look and pulled Ye Xiao to run towards those lantern riddles.

Yi bao'er is not interested in these things, but when he saw Lantis so excited for the first time, he also followed him. But soon, ye Xiao and Yi bao'er regretted bringing Landis here.

This little guy is just a monster. Some simple lantern riddles can be solved with Du Niang's powerful function. However, facing a set of nine star Lianzhu fans, even those profound scholars can't answer all of them. However, after thinking for less than five minutes, the little guy thought about nine that could not find the answer on Du Niang The fans of the stars have guessed it.

This let a large group of people around the riddle were shocked. You know, the nine star Lianzhu fan is a set of complex riddles. There are nine questions in total, and one problem is more difficult than the other. It is not only the words, but also the geometry and functions. But little Landis only took five minutes to solve all the problems.

This is a child prodigy. No, it's a demon reappearance.

With the cute and handsome appearance of little Landis, I just don't know how many girls are scrambling to take pictures with him. Even reporters from Oriental satellite TV also appear here to interview him. Ye Xiao knows that his son is famous, even if he wants to keep a low profile.

He did not dare to expose his son too much, so he had to hold his son and run away, but before he ran to the parking lot, he was stopped by a group of gangsters

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