"Feige, that's the boy. He's the one who has broken the bones of TAISHAO's hand. TAISHAO means to save his life, but to waste his two hands!"

There were not many visitors, only about 20 people. However, each of them had a watermelon knife three feet long in his hand. The leader was a bald man in his thirties. He was wearing a leather suit and a gold necklace with a thumb thick on his neck. However, judging from the color, it should be gold-plated, with a skull tattooed on his head and cross flesh on his face, which is the kind of smile It can frighten a child.

And beside him, the man standing is just a person who stayed beside Jiang Zitai.

Seeing such a scene, ye Xiao didn't understand what was going on. Suddenly, there was a erasure in his eyes. He didn't want to cause trouble, but it doesn't mean that he will be bullied. This is his territory?

"Don't worry, TAISHAO's business is mine. Since TAISHAO has ordered him, he will never be better off!" Chen Fei patted his chest and assured him.

He is just a big man of a small Gang in Jinghai city. In today's Jinghai City, there is not a large-scale gangs. He has dozens of people in his hands. He has some business contacts with some gangs in Jinling City. Now he received a call from Zhang Yike and rushed over with his brothers.

It's not that he gives Zhang Yike face, but Tai Shao. This is the son of the mayor of Jinghai city. He has been bullied. If he can avenge him, he will be able to follow him in the future. With Tai Shao such a big tree to enjoy the cool, in addition to the existence of tianyaomen, he can not be provoked by other gangs Go sideways.

Originally thought it was some kind of powerful role, but now I see that it is actually a man, a woman and a child, such a guy even if he is a person can deal with.

"Hehe, it's all thanks to brother Fei! However, this boy has two sons. Feige should be more careful Zhang Yike smiles and looks at Ye Xiao with ferocity. He dares to offend TAISHAO in Jinghai City, that is to seek death.

At the thought of the young woman with giant x beside him, Zhang Yike's belly is also full of evil fire. After finishing this matter, he will send the girl to Tai Shao. After Tai Shao is satisfied, he and others can have a taste. Who doesn't want to have a taste of such a wonderful woman?

"Two sons? Hum, I'd like to see what kind of son he has. Brothers, let's get rid of this guy first Chen Fei disdains of cold hum a, big hand a wave, so launched the attack.

Suddenly, three or four men rushed to Ye Xiao with a watermelon knife in their hands. Ye Xiao's eyes were cold and gave Landis to yibao'er, who was about to give the group a lesson that will never be forgotten. Suddenly, a clear female voice sounded.

"Stop it!" With the sound of the sound, several thugs stopped their movements at the same time, one by one looked in the direction of the voice, and immediately saw a woman in police uniform coming over, followed by two young policemen behind her.

Seeing that it was the police, several gangsters' hands shook, and the watermelon knives fell down in their hands, and they turned to run away.

"Whoever runs away will be killed!" Seeing these gangsters want to escape, the policewoman snorted directly, then took out the pistol, and immediately those gangsters who still wanted to escape stopped.

Don't you just chop people with a knife? What's more, it's too serious to take out a pistol before the operation is carried out?

This kind of fight, before it causes any harm, is at most detained for a few days. There is no need to eat peanuts for this matter and die.

When Chen Fei, their eldest brother, saw the policewoman, his face turned pale.

If other policemen come, at least Chen Fei still dares to bargain. However, when she sees this female police officer, Chen Fei does not dare to move, for nothing else, because she is now the director of Jinghai Public Security Bureau, Shao Bingqian, which can be said to be the youngest female director of Jinghai City.

This is not where Chen Fei is afraid. What he is really afraid of is that several big brothers of tianyaomen have personally told the underground thugs in Jinghai city. Anyone who dares to be disrespectful to the new director will be killed by tianyaomen!

Chen Fei is just a big guy in a small Gang. He doesn't know the high-level relations, but he clearly remembers the warnings of tianyaomen.

In Jinghai City, even in the whole country of China, no Gang dares to ignore the warning issued by tianyaomen. At first, a small Gang continued to sell drugs in China despite the warning of tianyaomen. As a result, the gang evaporated overnight. From then on, any Gang treated the warning of tianyaomen as a sacred edict.

Now, how did the female director who was ordered by tianyaomen not to offend herself come here?

Chen Fei only feels that his luck seems to be back to the extreme.

Regardless of Zhang Yike cast eyes, Chen Fei almost nodded and ran up.

"Shao Bureau, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, we are just playing with this brother, just playing!" Chen Fei's bowing and bowing looks like a pug that wags its tail all the time. This makes Zhang Yike very sarcastic and black. It's his nature to be afraid of the police, but don't you have to be so flattering?"Play? So many knives to play with? Don't talk nonsense, torture me and take them all away Shao Bingqian snorted coldly, where he put Chen Fei's words in his eyes, and gave Chen Fei a move. The two policemen behind him immediately took out handcuffs and handcuffed Chen Fei.

However, when facing other people, the two policemen were embarrassed and said, "Shao Bureau, we don't have so many handcuffs. Do you want to let all the brothers nearby rush here?"

"It's just a few hooligans. Where do you need brothers to come? Find a rope, tie them all and take them back to the police station for interrogation slowly! " Shao Bingyan snorted.

Today is the Lantern Festival, but as the director of Jinghai Public Security Bureau, she can't go back to Kyoto to reunite with her family. In addition, she holds Lantern Festival here. In order to ensure the safety here, she brings a team of people to patrol. However, she can't believe that she saw a group of guys looking for ye Xiao's trouble.

At a glance, Shao Bingqian, who saw the killing intention in her eyes, immediately stopped these guys from committing suicide. Now it's the Chinese new year, and she doesn't want Ye Xiao's hands to be stained with blood.

Because of her words, there was a dramatic scene in the streets of Causeway Bay. A group of men dressed in gaudy clothes were tied by a long rope thick as a thumb. They were connected like grasshoppers. They were escorted by two policemen and headed for the nearest police station. Zhang Yike, who was in it, was even more depressed. When was the Chinese police like this Great? This group of tortoise grandsons has lost the face of members of the underworld. How powerful is TIANYAO gate? How dare you fight the national government? Even if your Chen Fei can't compare with the legendary master of TIANYAO, don't you have to be afraid to be like this? Isn't it just a policewoman? If she really ran straight away, she would dare not shoot? Now that I'm in the police station, I have to call TAISHAO quickly!

"Your child?" After seeing those guys off, Shao Bingqian came to Ye Xiao's side. Looking at Lantis, who has been standing by Ye Xiao's side, she asked in a low voice. The bitterness in the words was heard by even the three-year-old little Landis

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