"If I told you she was thirty-nine, would you believe it?" Seeing Liu Yu's eyes, Shangguan Wudao was very enigmatic with a smile. He even felt a little proud in his smile. He was really proud to be able to surprise Liu Yu, a guy who climbed out of the pile of women.

"What? Thirty nine? " Rao is Liu Yu has already made preparations in mind, but when hearing this answer, she still can't help being surprised. She is 39 years old, which is already the age of twilight for women. Many women have become old-fashioned by this time. Even if some of them are well maintained, they will certainly be able to see some traces of years, but there is no such thing on this woman A little trace of time, this is too incredible?

"Well, this is the effect of the above products. Tianna has always used this kind of skin care products. This is a product made of special medicinal materials produced in South America. On the whole earth, it is only found in Peru, South America, and its production is extremely scarce. Such finished products have just been developed and have not yet been put on the market. Do you still think that there are such products Can't you make a comeback? " Seeing Liu Yu's surprised expression, Shangguan Wudao's complacent color became thicker.

"But how can I have such a good business opportunity After a brief surprise, Liu Yu quickly calmed down, and then looked up at Shangguan Wudao. He didn't think Shangguan Wudao was really so kind.

"Ha ha, it's very simple. We have common enemies. Of course, if you don't think ye Xiao is your enemy, then let me say nothing!" Shangguan had no way to smile implicitly.

Liu Yu didn't speak immediately. He just kept staring at Shangguan Wudao and his twinkling eyes. He wanted to see what he was thinking. But soon, Liu Yu was surprised to find that he could not see through the young man.

"What do you want me to do Liu Yu knows that there is no free lunch in the end of the day. Although he and Shangguan Wudao share the same enemy, ye Xiao, it does not mean that Shangguan Wudao will help him selflessly.

"Very simple, although this set of products has become a finished product, but after all, the quantity is scarce, and it is impossible to become a popular market. So I need you to use these things to attract more people. You should understand that for women, the biggest natural enemy is not the third child, not the second wife, but the years!" Shangguan has no way to say directly.

Liu Yu a Leng, and then quickly understand come over, good move beauty trick.

The scarcity of this product determines its use. Even if Shangguan didn't say anything, Liu Yu had fully understood his plan. To make it clear, it was to take this product as a breakthrough to open up a cosmetics market. Of course, no matter how much can be opened, but the most important purpose is to use these rare things to get close to those senior officials' wives, anything A woman can't resist the temptation of staying young forever. Taking this product as a breakthrough point and cooperating with other things, she can get in touch with a large number of officials. In China, a system country, without the support of government officials, no matter what you do, you can't do anything.

In their present status, giving gifts directly, or contacting those officials directly, people may not give him face, but if they start from their wives and wives, everything will be much easier.

Coercion and inducement are not the simplest words for Shangguan Wudao. It is not impossible to form their own influence in China as long as they are well grasped.

"Good! I promise to do it, but I need some start-up money and a reasonable excuse! " Liu Yu thought about it for a moment, and he accepted it.

Although he has been broken down and even more bankrupt, if he suddenly makes a comeback, no one can guarantee whether ye Xiao is under surveillance. If ye Xiao's suspicion is aroused, it is not good. If there is a set of reasonable reasons, then everything will be easy to explain. He is only doing legitimate business now. Can't Ye Xiao kill himself completely ?

"Of course, I've already prepared these for you..." Shangguan Wudao squinted and laughed. With Liu Yu's help, he saved a lot of time.

Half an hour later, the black Mercedes left the dilapidated villa group. In the car, Tianna still curled up in Shangguan's arms like a kitten.

"Big or little, relying on that thing can really win over a group of senior officials?" On the bus, although she already knew the plan, Tina still asked curiously.

"I don't know!" Originally, Tianna thought that Shangguan Wudao must have a plan in mind. However, she shook her head directly when she thought that Shangguan Wudao had no way.

"Ah? hear nothing of? Since he was not sure, why did he promise him? With such a large sum of money, we can even invite some killers to find Ye Xiao's trouble! " Tianna is very puzzled to ask, for these intriguing things, she really is not very clear.

"Ha ha, have you forgotten the biggest shortcoming of this cleanser?" Shangguan has no way, light smile.

what is the meaning of "big and small"? As soon as Tianna's eyes brightened, she had been using this cleanser. Naturally, she understood that this seemingly harmless maintenance product actually had a huge defect, but this defect would not appear at all under normal circumstances, but if it was mixed with another ingredient, it would be a deadly poison."Yes, I intend to find another person to launch that perfume. Liu Yu, though a romantic person, is actually an affectionate species. Because of his obsession with that woman, with such a good thing, it is impossible not to send a past to the woman. For women, good things will always be shared with people close to it. There are so many women around Ye Xiao, if it is true. How could they not use it when they discovered the efficacy of skin cleanser? We can't cause trouble to him by external force, so let the trouble happen to him? I really hope that when all the women around him are poisoned, what kind of mood will he have? " At the thought of this, Shangguan Wudao was so proud to laugh.

woman is the biggest dependence of a man when he is weak. But many times, it is a man's greatest weakness. As long as ye Xiao's side of the group of women uses pure skin lotion and that perfume that has not yet been named.

Hehe, although it has been a long time, Shangguan can't afford to wait. He has been waiting for such a long time. Does he still care about such a little time?

also believed that Liu Yu would give her that stuff in her hands. What he should consider now is how to make the perfume that will soon become the perfume that everyone else love.

As for how many people will die because of such a thing, what does it have to do with him?

As time goes by, with the rising sun and a new day has come, ye Xiao wakes up from her sleep, puts on her clothes and finishes washing. She goes to the next room and looks at her sons and daughters. She finds that the two little guys are sleeping soundly, and they don't disturb them. Instead, they go straight downstairs.

Murong Mingyan, situ couple, are not here, only situ Haoyue is having breakfast alone!

"How about it? Did little Landis have a good time last night As for ye Xiao's sudden birth of a son, it's impossible for situ Haoyue to say that he doesn't care at all. However, anyone who sees the clever appearance of little Landis is hard to have any disgust for him!

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