"Well, not bad. I went to sleep as soon as I got back to the orphanage." Ye Xiao nodded and went to the opposite side of situ Haoyue and sat down. A nanny had already delivered breakfast.

"And you? How is your recovery now? " Situ Haoyue gave birth to a pair of twins, although it has been more than two months, but this body has not been completely recovered.

"It's OK. Everything is fine except the body has not recovered yet." Situ Haoyue smiles and adds a love to her mother.

"Ha ha, now it's the most suitable, quite rich rhyme!" Ye Xiaoxiao looks at situ Haoyue. The reason why the heat is on at home is that she only wears a close fitting sweater, and her body that has given birth to a child is really more beautiful than before.

"Well, you mean I was very young before?" Ye Xiao just casually said, where to think of situ Haoyue is a vertical eyebrow, a light hum.

Ye Xiao realized that she had made a mistake. Any woman, whether she was a mother or not, valued her appearance very much.

"How come, my wife's is the most perfect in the world. I mean you don't diet because you lose weight. It's bad for your health!" Ye Xiao quickly opened his mouth and explained that it would be impossible without an explanation. Since situ Haoyue gave birth to a dragon and Phoenix fetus, her status at home has soared rapidly. Even Murong Mingyan is on her side.

"Don't worry, I have to feed two children. How can I feel wronged? By the way, do you really intend to let saint and little Landis live in the orphanage all the time?" Hearing Ye Xiao's words overflowing with concern, situ Haoyue let Ye Xiao go and talked about Lantis's topic again.

The villa covers a large area. In addition to the central villa they live in, there are more than ten other villas. Now Irene and yibao'er live in one, and stunnan and his wife occupy one. Almost all the others are empty. In her opinion, there is no need for people of Suzanne's status to stay in the orphanage.

Although Ye Xiao planned to build the orphanage, it was not as safe as here.

"Ha ha, she likes to stay with those children, so let her stay there. There won't be any problem with alogas there! Besides, if they do live in, how can they explain to your mother? " Ye Xiao smiles. He doesn't understand what situ Haoyue means. She doesn't want to be in a dilemma. She makes herself feel that Susannah has been wronged outside.

"Ah Situ Haoyue sighed softly. She could accept the other women around Ye Xiao. Even if she didn't, she couldn't. before her, ye Xiao had all kinds of concerns about other women, but her mother didn't think so. Although Zhang muyue couldn't make any waves, it was a very annoying thing to croak in his ears all day long.

This is the reason why women like Hua YUEWU are not willing to move into this manor.

"By the way, I'm going to go to Kyoto next week and go back with Bing Qian!" Ye Xiao thought of what she had promised Shao Bingqian last night.

"Well, go early and return early!" Situ Haoyue didn't say much. She just nodded gently. Naturally, she also knew the relationship between Shao Bingqian and ye Xiao. This was Ye Xiao's first woman. Even sometimes, situ Haoyue still thought, if it was not her own rebellion, maybe Ye Xiao's first time was her own?

After breakfast, he went upstairs and carried the two children downstairs. The sunshine in spring was particularly warm. Under the warm sunshine, situ Haoyue personally nursed the two children. As for ye Xiao, he had promised to help, but he kept teasing the two little guys. He was so angry that he raised his eyebrows As a father, how can she still be such a child? However, she knows that only in front of the closest people can ye Xiao show such a pure side.

One day passed quickly. During the day, in addition to teasing the two little guys, ye Xiao built a garden of flowers and plants, and played a game of chess with situ Nan. At night, ye Xiao planned to accompany situ Haoyue to a movie and do what husband and wife should do. However, Zimo's phone rang at dinner.

"Ye Xiao, are you free at night?" As soon as the phone was connected, the voice of purple desert came from the other end of the phone.

"No time!" Ye Xiao didn't want to think about it. He refused directly. This guy must have asked himself to accompany him to those parties. Now that he is the father of his children, he doesn't have so much time to continue to play around.

"If you don't have time, you can spare some time. My big brother is coming. He wants to see you." Purple desert is very serious to say, do not give ye Xiao a chance to refuse?

"Mayor Cai?" Ye Xiao is stunned. Naturally, Zimo's elder brother is Cai Ziheng, the natural son of his father Cai Mingxuan. Now Cai Ziheng, who is more than 30 years old, is already the mayor of Rongcheng, the capital city of Bashu province. This is a sub provincial city. Especially in recent years, Rongcheng has developed rapidly and has become the fourth largest city in China. In addition, there is a father of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee Cai Ziheng, who has been training alone outside, has finally come to the end of his hardship. With his ability, his identity and his background, as long as he does not make any big mistakes, it is easy to become a provincial and ministerial level cadre within five years."Well!" A positive answer came from the other end of purple desert.

"Well, where is the location?" Since Cai Ziheng came from afar, ye Xiao, as the host, naturally wants to do his best.

"Oriental Pearl Tower!" Purple desert reported the location.

"Good!" Ye Xiao didn't think much about it. He quickly ate the food in the bowl. After saying something to situ Haoyue, ye Xiao drove away alone. Now his body has almost recovered. In Jinghai City, he really doesn't worry about anyone who can hurt him. At about half past seven,

came to the Oriental Pearl Tower. As the gate of the Heaven Gate, the Oriental Pearl Tower was regarded as the industry under its name, and handed it to the guard who could get in and out of the Oriental Pearl Tower at any time. Yeh Hsiao drove the car into the car Park.

got out of the car and came to the largest spherical hall in the center of the Oriental Pearl Tower, according to the place of purple desert. As soon as she entered the hall, she saw that the hall was full of people, most of whom were women, and all of them were not over thirty years old.

Each of these women looks good, coupled with the level of today's make-up artist, at a glance, they are all beautiful women.

Nima's, what's this for? Beauty open?

In Ye Xiao's mind, such an idea suddenly appeared.

"Brother Xiao!" Before ye Xiao regained consciousness, he heard someone calling himself. He didn't have to look at him. He saw that he broke away from a large number of women and came to his side.

"What are you doing here?" Ye Xiao doesn't understand. Zimo asks Cai Ziheng. Why does ye yubai come here?

"It's the purple old man who called me here. Not only I'm here, but also Anan and Canglang's stuffy son of a-nan!" Ye yubai carelessly took out a box of special cigarettes that Zimo got from the military department and handed it to Ye Xiao by Sao Bi.

"Fooled!" But in an instant, ye Xiao knew that he had been cheated by Zimo. He didn't pick up ye yubai's cigarette. He turned around and left. This son of a bitch will settle accounts with him later.

However, just as he turned around, a huge thing hit him directly. Rao was so quick that he couldn't get out of the way for a moment. He was hit by a huge thing

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