Leave a face of stunned Ye Xiao, purple desert turned around and left!

"Ye Xiao, you saw it just now. The chief has spoken. I must treat you well tonight, or I will be punished. I don't know what you need?" Wait until purple desert left, Tan Xiaoxiao playful toward the leaf Xiao blink an eye, open mouth to say.

"Well, let me have a look at the night view of Jinghai city." Ye Xiao thought about it for a while, and said that he wanted to know why Tan Xiaoxiao would appear here.

"Well!" Tan Xiaoxiao gently nodded.

at present, the two people left the hall in the complex eyes of everyone. As the real owner of the Oriental Pearl Tower, ye Xiao naturally had the right to enter any room of the Oriental Pearl Tower. He came directly to the tallest floor of the Oriental Pearl Tower with a smile from tan. He asked for a luxurious room with half arc shaped French windows, which was not the most popular place in Jinghai. The interior decoration is also extremely luxurious.

According to tan Xiaoxiao's request, the room is not too large, of course, but not too large. On the left side of the door is a mahogany sofa with mahogany tea table in front of it, and on the right is a bathroom with a surfing bathtub. In the middle of the room, there is a huge round soft bed. No matter lying or sitting on the bed, you can pass through the half curved French window See the beautiful night scene of Jinghai city.

Just entered the door, ye Xiaozheng wanted to ask Tan Xiaoxiao what to say, but just locked the door back, a soft body had already rushed into his arms.

"Oh Ye Xiao screams in his heart. NIMA's, Laozi is forced to kiss.

But this feeling is really cool!

What questions, what curiosity to hell, was stimulated to Ye Xiao's backhand embrace Tan Xiaoxiao's head, launched a crazy counterattack.

"The chief said that no matter what you want, I will meet them all. Do you really want that kind of requirement?" Tan Xiaoxiao looks at Ye Xiao like a smile. His pure eyes are full of cunning light.

"Nonsense..." Ye Xiao directly turned up his white eyes, and his own flame was completely provoked by you. Now you still ask me if I really want that kind of request. Isn't it deliberately funny?

"But not today..." Tan Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed a touch of embarrassment!

"No? Why? " Ye Xiao was stunned.

"I Here comes my one... " Tan Xiaoxiao said shyly!

"Ah..." Ye Xiao is totally stupid. Dear sister Xiaoxiao, the game is not such a game. Where can we light the fire of others? Let's say that we can't put out the fire today? It's not funny. It's torture.

"Cluck, I'm teasing you, fool!" Seeing ye Xiao's stunned face, Tan Xiaoxiao suddenly burst out laughing.

Ye Xiao was suddenly angry, this little girl, unexpectedly also learned to tease people!

"Why don't you smile today? I'll take care of it."

"Ye Xiao, you villain, my clothes!

"Hum, who makes you dare to tease me?"

"But this is the only suit I have." By Ye Xiao's successful surprise attack, Tan Xiaoxiao is coquettish and angry.

"It doesn't matter. I don't need to wear it when I'm with you!"

At this moment, he is not only a werewolf, but also a wolf God

Tan Xiaoxiao loves this man very much in his heart. How can he really refuse him? It's just a symbolic revolt.

In the bathroom, ye Xiao asked how she appeared here, but also became the subordinate of purple desert.

Tan Xiaoxiao told him that when Tan Zixiong was still in Jinghai city before, Tan Xiaoxiao had already transferred to the Logistics Department of Jinghai city garrison. When Tan Zixiong was transferred to the southeast, she chose to stay here. As for why she stayed here, ye Xiaoxin knew that she was in the city.

They found two sets of pajamas from the wardrobe and put them on. Tan Xiaoxiao made tea for ye Xiao, but ye Xiao had a cigarette in her mouth. She came to the window and opened the curtain. Looking at the bright Jinghai city outside, she sighed softly. How time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it has been so many years since the original young girl has become an independent female officer. When ye Xiao sighs, a black figure appears in Ye Xiao's field of vision. Seeing the black figure below, ye Xiao's eyebrows tightly knit together.

"What's the matter?" Tan Xiaoxiao comes over with a cup of tea. Seeing ye Xiao's trance, she whispers

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